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Titel på sang!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
Fra : cocacolasang
Vist : 639 gange
130 point
Dato : 09-10-03 20:07

Nogen der v titlen på sangen: If god had a name, what would it be....?!?!?! Svar Please...

Fra : emesen

Dato : 09-10-03 20:12
Accepteret svar
Fra : Boozer

Modtaget 140 point
Dato : 09-10-03 20:14

Her har du den så.
Title: One Of Us
Artist: Joan Osborne

If God had a Name,
what would it be and
would You call it to His face
if You were faced
with Him in all His Glory,
what would you ask
if You had just One Question...

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus, trying to make His
way Home...

If God had a Face,
what would it look like and
would You want to See
if seeing meant that
You would have to Believe
in things like
Heaven and in Jesus and the Saints
and allthe Prophets and...

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus,
trying to make His way Home...

Tryin' to make his way Home
Back up to Heaven all alone...
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome...

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus,
trying to make His way Home...
just tryin to make his way home...
Just like a holy rolling stone...

MVH Boozer

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : cocacolasang

Dato : 09-10-03 20:22

Tak for svaret Boozer.

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