Efter at have kørt programmet, skrev Kingston tilbage, at det ikke var nok.
Så de bad mig tage billede af RAM'en der allerede sidder der, samt et billede af de ramslots der er på bundkortet.
Det gjorde jeg, så endelig i dag fik jeg dette svar.
Thank you for your email and pictures.
Based on the information about your motherboard you provided our R&D department suggests the following memory:
Please note that this part number has not been tested directly with your motherboard and therefore we are unable to guarantee 100% compatibility. However, it is compatible
with the specifications of your system. Please check the maximum of memory you can install on the user manual or manufacturer support.
Should you have further queries do not hesitate to contact us again.
Hmm, det garanterer jo ikke noget.
Håber der er nogen der kan bruge svaret til noget.