Mbus: is a half duplex, 2 way serial bus (uses one line to phone) This is the most commonly used Data cable
This cable is used for unlocking, updatin FAID, logos/ringtones etc. When u buy a datacable it's proberbly an
m-bus cable. (goes trough the serial cobba)
Flasher cable: uses paralell comunication and are used for upgrading SW, and
Reading/writing edited ver. to phone. (Goes truogh the paralell cobba chip)
Fbus: uses full duplex seriel comunication with a RX and TX line. When using programs with synchronized
comunication, this eliminates the need for start stop and parity bits. This is the fastest of the two datacable types.
(goes trough the serial cobba)
Dongles - Some programs need a dongle to launch.. A dongle key, is a hardware key,
and are put between the LPT port and the Datacable. These are used instead of software keys
because they are more difficult to hack.
Eg. you will need a proper dongle to run Wintesla and winddl
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