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Top 10 brugere
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Queen Elizabeth's Foundation
Fra : Teil
Vist : 646 gange
50 point
Dato : 18-06-08 18:37

Queen Elizabeth vil tilbyde kandu brugerne hjælp med økonomien.


From: Queen Elizabeth's Foundation
Woodlands Road Leatherhead
Court Leatherheadd Surrey
KT22 0BN.
Tel: +44 703 196 5163, +44 70457 23894

Dear Beneficiary,

Congratulations once again on behalf of the Donations Board. We do
believe that your winnings will be put into good use for community,
educational and business development. On Behalf of the Screening
Committee of Donations Board, I wish to formally announce to you
that you have successfully passed the Email Screening and Verification
Matching Test conducted for all online winners in your Category.
Hence you are therefore cleared, your cheque has been issued and you
can now claim your donation.

This is to notify you that you have been chosen By the Board of trustees
of the above International charity organization branch in the England as
one of the final recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation for your own personal,
education and business development Association Of Queen Elizabeth's
Foundations. in conjunction with the Queen Elizabeth's Foundations is
giving out a yearly donation of Five Hundred Thousand Pound Sterling
as specific Donations/Grants to 50 lucky international recipients worldwide
in different categories for their educational pursuit, health care, personal
Business development and uplift of their environments.

These funds are freely given to you to use for your business educational
and personal development and at least 30% to be used by you to develop
a part of your environment, as this is a yearly program Please kindly note
that you are not the only beneficiary in your country this year, and your
country is not the only country that is benefiting from this donation, as
beneficiaries have been chosen from countries from all continents The
idea of this donation is that within ten years from now, there will be
notable richness amongest many unusual people around the world. All
necessary documents that will facilitate the issueing of your ATM CARD
in your Name has been processed.

The documents have been securely sealed and packed for security
reasons which makes it impossible for anyone to view it until its been
delivered to you.

Note: that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which
makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it has
been remitted to you.
This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act
as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd July 1996 by the constitutional
assembly.This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of

For your ATM CARD to be remitted to you, be advised to contact Mr.
Mr. George Marthins with the details below and request him to start the
processing of your ATM CARD, to enable you withdraw your grant funds
at any of the ATM cashpoint in your locality.

Bank Name---------------- Scotia Bank Plc
Contact Person------------- Mr. George Marthins
Tel----------- +44 703 190 7492
E-mail----------- wire.transfer@scotiabankplc.com

Make sure you contact Scotia Bank with the above contact details and also
send them your details as stated below;


Best Regards,
Mr. James A. Hector
Tel: +44 703 196 5163, +44 70457 23894

Woodlands Road Leatherhead
Court Leatherheadd Surrey
KT22 0BN..

Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People is a registered charity
No 251051. Registered as a company limited by guarantee in London No
892013. Registered at Leatherhead

Accepteret svar
Fra : refi

Modtaget 60 point
Dato : 18-06-08 19:14

Nu har Kandu da snart nok til at starte sit eget postvæsen.....

HVAD skal vi med det lo..

Få dig et ordentligt spamfilter - så ser du dem ikke....

Fra : achton

Dato : 18-06-08 19:17

Nej refi.
Jeg samler på dem.
Besvarer de fleste og en interessant brevveksling begynder
med mange flinke mennesker.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Teil

Dato : 18-06-08 19:28

Tak for svaret refi. Du kommer i dronningens sorte bog.

Fra : refi

Dato : 18-06-08 19:30

Jeg vil hellere i Maos "røde"

Fra : refi

Dato : 18-06-08 19:31


Cactus spamfilter er SUPER....

Fra : Teil

Dato : 18-06-08 19:34

Cactus spamfilter er SUPER.

Tak, et oplagt tip, brug det.
Men tilværelsen bliver lidt kedeligere.

Fra : refi

Dato : 18-06-08 19:52

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