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Ozzy og Kelly changes
Vist : 641 gange
100 point
Dato : 25-12-07 02:25


Skulle der være en af jer der lå inde med teksten til sangen Changes:


På forhånd tak

Rigtigt god jul


Fra : Jonassen

Dato : 25-12-07 05:01

I feel unhappy, I am so sad
I've lost the best friend, that I ever had.
She was my womam, I love her so.
But it's too late now, I've let her go.

I'm going through changes.
I'm going through changes.

We shared the years, we shared each day.
we love together, we found the way.
You know the world, it's an evil place.
My baby is grow now, she found her way.

I'm going through changes.
I'm going through changes.

It took so long, to realize.
And I can still hear his last goodbyes.
Now all my days, are filled with tears.
Wish I could go back, and change these years.

I'm going through changes.
I'm going through changes.

Accepteret svar
Fra : Jonassen

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 25-12-07 05:03


I feel unhappy
I am so sad
I lost the best friend
That I've ever had

She is my baby
I love her so
But it's to late now
I've let her go

We're going through changes (ohh - [chorus])
We're going through changes (ahh - [chorus])

We've shared the years
We've shared each day
I love you daddy
But I found my way

You know the world
Is an evil place
My baby is grown now
She's found her way

(ohh ahh - [Chorus])
We're going through changes (ohh - [chorus])
We're going through changes (ohh - [chorus])
(ahh - [Chorus])

It took so long
To realise
And i can still hear
His last goodbye

Now all my days
I'm filled with fears
Wish i could go back
And change the years

We're going through changes
We're going through changes (changes - [Chorus])
We're going through... Changes


Godkendelse af svar

Dato : 25-12-07 16:05

Tak for svaret Jonassen.

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