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Installation fejler IE7
Fra : Webtytte
Vist : 716 gange
20 point
Dato : 22-12-07 10:12


Jeg er lost, IE7 vil ikke installere på min Windows XP SP2 (som er 100% lovlig). De første 3 gange jeg forsøgt fik jeg ingen fejlbesked - installationen gik igennem og maskinen bad mig genstarte. Efter genstart var det stadig 6.0 der var aktiv - og ingen fejlbeskeder eller noget. Autoupdate blev ved med at sige at IE7 updaten var tilgængelig - og hver gang jeg hentede den og installerede den gjorde den det samme.
Jeg gik så ind på microsoft's hjemmeside og downloadede IE7 installationsfilen. Nu har jeg så prøvet at installere det ved hjælp af den og får en fejlbesked inden den er færdig med at installere:

Internet Explorer 7 kunne ikke installeres. Du skal genstarte systemet for at bekræfte, at eventuelle ændringer af systemet er fjernet.

Når du har genstartet, skal du klikke på genvejen "Internet Explorer Troubleshooting" på skrivebordet for at få flere oplysninger.

Jeg har fulgt linket (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917925/da) og forsøgt de forskellige ting, men uden held.

Jeg har afinstalleret Spybot, slået min ZoneAlarm firewall fra og deaktiveret AVG antivirus - samme fejl. Jeg tror det er noget rettighedsmæssigt i registreringsdatabasen, men jeg er ikke erfaren nok til at kunne lokalisere det. Jeg poster derfor min "ie7.log" i håb om at der er nogle kloge hoveder her, der kan hjælpe mig. Jeg har desværre kun 20 point at give af, da jeg lige har registreret mig.


0.828: ================================================================================
0.828: 2007/12/21 15:46:35.437 (local)
0.828: e:\c70debbd342ae3d8a214bc5b107affa5\update\update.exe (version
0.906: Failed To Enable SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE
0.906: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.906: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
1.781: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.562: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.375: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
3.859: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
4.390: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
4.390: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
4.390: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
4.390: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
4.390: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
4.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
4.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
4.734: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
4.828: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
4.859: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
4.859: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
4.890: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
4.890: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
4.890: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
4.890: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
4.890: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
5.031: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
5.047: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
5.047: Installationen af Internet Explorer 7 blev ikke fuldført.
5.047: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5
0.484: ================================================================================
0.500: 2007/12/21 20:04:00.343 (local)
0.500: e:\d9a9ce14b32ff1feaff3\update\update.exe (version
0.531: Failed To Enable SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE
0.531: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.547: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.828: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
0.828: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.828: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.828: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.828: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
1.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.844: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.422: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.688: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.969: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
2.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
3.063: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
3.188: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
3.313: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
3.375: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
3.391: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
3.391: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
3.438: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
3.438: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
3.438: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
3.438: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
3.484: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
3.563: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
3.609: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
3.625: Installationen af Internet Explorer 7 blev ikke fuldført.
3.625: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5
0.360: ================================================================================
0.360: 2007/12/21 20:16:07.203 (local)
0.360: e:\75c36b27268d1565220044ffeaea\update\update.exe (version
0.391: Failed To Enable SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE
0.407: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.407: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
0.688: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.688: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.688: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.688: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
0.907: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.938: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.219: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.485: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
2.485: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.485: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.485: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.485: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
2.563: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.719: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.766: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
2.782: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
2.782: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
2.813: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.813: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
2.813: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
2.813: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
2.829: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
2.922: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
2.938: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
2.938: Installationen af Internet Explorer 7 blev ikke fuldført.
2.938: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5
0.313: ================================================================================
0.328: 2007/12/21 20:33:16.453 (local)
0.328: e:\45d24affab83b3df900e079c8312\update\update.exe (version
0.344: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.360: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
0.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
0.860: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.344: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.875: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.157: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.438: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
2.516: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.672: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.735: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
2.782: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.782: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
2.782: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
2.782: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
2.797: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
2.875: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
2.907: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
2.907: Internet Explorer 7 installation did not complete.
2.907: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5
0.344: ================================================================================
0.360: 2007/12/21 22:14:23.531 (local)
0.360: e:\d1c7ccb0f16fa0f3398e\update\update.exe (version
0.375: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.375: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
0.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
0.891: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.906: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.188: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.438: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
2.438: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.438: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
2.531: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.641: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.688: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.735: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
2.766: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.766: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
2.766: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
2.766: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
2.781: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
2.875: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
2.891: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
2.922: Internet Explorer 7 installation did not complete.
2.922: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5
0.328: ================================================================================
0.328: 2007/12/21 22:45:42.890 (local)
0.328: e:\7ca5d1b92cc64a517cf4b745ba\update\update.exe (version
0.344: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS
0.359: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
0.640: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.640: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
0.640: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.640: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
0.859: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
1.328: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
1.890: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.172: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.422: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.hta
2.437: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.437: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.prf
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\DefaultIcon
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open\Command
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell\Open
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile\Shell
2.515: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\htafile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\news
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\DefaultIcon
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open\command
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell\Open
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile\shell
2.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\prffile
2.656: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.719: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
2.734: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
2.734: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\news
2.750: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
2.750: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR: 0x80070534
2.750: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
2.781: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
2.859: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
2.890: Konfigurationsdatabasenøglen kunne ikke skrives.
2.890: Internet Explorer 7 installation did not complete.
2.890: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5


Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 22-12-07 10:13

Ups, jeg fik vidst kopieret logs ind fra alle mine installationsforsøg - sorry!


Fra : Fijala

Dato : 22-12-07 10:17

Det ser ud til at den fejler i reg.databasen. Så du må sikkert igeng med en lille oprydning for at komme videre.

hent evt dette program der kan rydde op i registreringsdatabasen. Læs lidt om det i hjælpe filen så du forstår symbolerne og hvad der er sikkert at fjerne.


Fra : Teil

Dato : 22-12-07 10:30
Fra : berpox

Dato : 22-12-07 10:33

Første gang....
0.906: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
1.453: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
... osv.

Sidste gang...
0.359: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
0.625: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
... osv.

Har du flere brugerprofiler på din maskiner? Og hvilke rettigheder har de?
Er det XP home eller XP Pro ?

Det ser ud til, som du selv var inde på, at du ikke har tilstrækkelige administrative rettigheder...


Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 22-12-07 14:15

Til Fijala:
- Jeg prøver at rydde op. Skriver lige om det hjalp.

Til Teil:
- Det link har jeg været på og fundet nogle artikler, men intet af det hjalp

Til Berpox:
- Jeg har kun 1 bruger - mig selv, og jeg har Administrator-, debugger- og fjernskrivebord rettigheder.
- Windows Xp Pro

Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 22-12-07 15:06

Til Fijala:

Har nu prøvet Regcleaner. Den crasher når den starter med at skanne "Sound and application events section", og hvis jeg slår den fra så fryser den bare ved de andre sektioner. Den eneste der kan skannes er Active X...

Det lugter vidst lidt som om jeg kunne trænge til en gen-installering af min PC :(

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 23-12-07 08:00

Prøv evt. at køre denne fil: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/IEFIX.htm


Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 30-12-07 20:13

Til Molokyle:

Jeg kørte IEFIX men det hjalp ikke. :(

Jeg prøver at reparere windows med min xp CD og ser om det hjælper. Alternativt - kan man mon afinstallere IE6 og installere IE7 efterfølgende?

Accepteret svar
Fra : molokyle

Modtaget 10 point
Dato : 31-12-07 05:26

Ja, så skal du blot have downloadet installationsfilerne til IE7 først. Efter afinstallation af IE6 bør du rense din registreringsdatabase som tidligere foreslået ..FØR du installere IE7.



Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 15-01-08 00:27

Jeg afinstallerede IE6, rettede regedit tilladelser igen og så virkede det.

Tak for hjælpen.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Webtytte

Dato : 15-01-08 00:28

Tak for hjælpen, Molokyle.

Jeg fandt delvist løsningen selv, men du får point fordi du hjalp mig flest gange :)


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