 | Rogan Josh (oversættelse) Fra : netper  | Vist : 739 gange 200 point Dato : 08-02-03 17:43 |
Endnu en opskrift som jeg gerne vil have oversat
ingredients for 6 servings:
2 ea 1" cubes of ginger chopped
8 ea cloves of garlic
1 1/2 c beef broth
10 tb vegetable oil
2 lb lamb or beef stew meat
10 ea whole black cardamoms
2 ea bay leaves
6 ea whole cloves
10 ea whole peppercorns
1 ea 1" stick cinnamon
1 ts ground coriander
2 ts ground black cumin
4 ts red paprika
1/2 ts cayenne pepper
1 1/4 ts salt
6 tb plain yogurt
1/4 ts garam masala
1 x black pepper
Preparation: Put the ginger, garlic, and 4 tablespoons water in blender. Blend well until you have a smooth paste. Heat the oil in a wok to medium high heat. Brown the meat cubes in several batches and set to one side. Put the cardamom, bay leaves, cloves, peppercorns, and cinnamon into the same hot oil. Stir once and wait until the cloves swell and the bay leaves begin to take on color. Now put in the onions. Stir and fry for about 5 minutes or until the onions turn a medium brown color. Put in the ginger garlic paste and stir for 30 seconds. Add the fried meat cubes and juices. Stir for 30 seconds. Now put in 1/6 of the yoghurt. Stir and fry for 30 seconds or until the yoghurt is well blended. Add the remaining yoghurt, a tablespoon at a time, in the same way. Stir and fry for another 3-4 minutes. Now add the rest of the broth (a little more for beef than lamb). Bring the contents of the pot to a boil, scraping in all browned spices on the sides and bottom of the pot. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer for about an hour if lamb and two if beef. Every 10 minutes or so, give the meat a good stir. When the meat is tender, take off the lid, turn the heat up to medium and boil away some of the liquid. You should end up with a tender meat in a thick, reddish brown sauce. All the fat that collects in the pot may be spooned off the top. Sprinkle the garam masala and black pepper over the meat before you serve and mix them in.
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 | Kommentar Fra : netper  |
Dato : 08-02-03 19:14 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : Rellom  |
Dato : 09-02-03 04:41 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : netper  |
Dato : 12-02-03 23:14 |
Jeg vil nu gerne have oversat denne opskrift også *SS*
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 | Accepteret svar Fra : Lequack  |  Modtaget 200 point Dato : 12-02-03 23:44 |
2 stk. ingefær á 2,5 cm.
8 fed hvidløg
375 ml oksekødsbouillon
10 spsk. vegetabilsk olie
1 kg. lammekød eller oksekød i terninger
10 hele , sorte kardemommefrø
2 stk. laurbærblade
6 hele nelliker
10 stk hele peberkorn
1 stang kanel
1 tsk koriander
2 tsk kommen
4 tsk paprika
1/2 tsk cayenne
1 1/4 tsk salt
6 spsk. youghurt neutral
1/4 tsk garam masala
Ingefær, hvidløg + 4 spsk vand blendes godt. Varm olie i en wok og brun kødet i portioner. Kødet tages op, og krydderierne steges i olien. Tilsæt løg. Steg & rør til løg tager farve. Bland ingefær/hvidløgsblandingen i og steg 1/2 min. rør kød og noget af boullionen i. Bland 1/6 youghurt i og rør godt. Rør resten af youghurten i en skefuld ad gangen og rør imens. Retsen af bouillon i (mere ved oksekød end ved lam). Bringes i kog mens brunede krydderier skrabes af siden og bunden. Låg på, lav varme, og simre i en time for lam og 2 for oksekød. Rør hvert 10. min. Når kødet er mørt: fjern låg og kog sovsen ind. Fjern evt. fedt med en ske. Drys garam masala og peber over og bland. Og æd
Hvad man ikke gør, på en dødssyg onsdag aften....
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : netper  |
Dato : 12-02-03 23:46 |
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