 | Windows Registry Guide 2002 e.p. har modtaget 10 point for dette tip Fra : e.p.  | Vist : 544 gange
 Dato : 09-07-02 22:30 |
Vil man gerne rode lidt i registreringsdatabasen, men man ikke kan/tør så er der her en guide......
The Windows Registry Guide is a Windows help file that reveals all the best tips, tricks, and tweaks for the Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000 Registries. The Registry is a database used to store settings and options for the 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. It contains information and settings for all of the PC's hardware, software, users, and preferences. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the Registry. Version 3.4 includes hundreds of new tricks and tweaks for Windows, including additional support for the Windows Me operating system. This version also includes a complete registry tutorial for beginners and links to relevant resources on the Internet.
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Fra : summer  |
 Dato : 10-07-02 09:08 |
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Fra : McOle  |
 Dato : 10-07-02 12:25 |
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Fra : jfc6 |
 Dato : 10-07-02 22:57 |
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Fra : Kim_Birch |
 Dato : 10-07-02 16:04 |
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