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StudioLine Photo Basic 3.5.4
Manse9933 har modtaget 10 point for dette tip
Fra : Manse9933
Vist : 1008 gange

Dato : 05-09-06 06:44


StudioLine Photo Basic 3.5.4

Cons: HOWEVER!! I am VERY DISAPOINTED, with Download.com, for being dishonest and NOT evaluating this download completely!! IT IS NOT A ((((FREE)))) DOWNLOAD, AT ALL!! Oh, it IS, "free ((TO)) download, for sure, BUT ONLY for 29 days AFTER you jam up your machine with it!! THEN, you must PAY to keep it, once you're roped into liking it!! COME ON, DOWNLOAD.COM, DO YOUR HOMEWORK, FIRST!!

Cons: This looks like a good program, but for those of you who are security conscious it may be interesting for you to know that this program automatically changes the firewall policy on the computer it's installed onto. It gives itself access to certain ports for TCP & UDP communications. It probably does this in order to provide services from its website but to do this behind your back is an exceptional intrusion and an incredible security risk. If you want to block this activity from ever compromising your system, go to the below keys and delete them; I did and the program works


Fra : Manse9933

Dato : 05-09-06 06:50

Pros: Contrary to what several "reviewers" have said, the program actually IS free. When it asks you to activate, simply enter your email address and the publisher emails a free, non-expiring activation code.


Fra : troldenesdhb

Dato : 05-09-06 07:41



Fra : ziggy99

Dato : 05-09-06 08:05

Det ER IKKE gratis, men shareware i en begrænset periode...herefter er skidtet ikke til at afinstallere igen



Fra : iah

Dato : 05-09-06 08:18

Not good enough...


Fra : slander

Dato : 05-09-06 08:19


Fra : natmaden

Dato : 05-09-06 09:39

It's a jungle out there

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