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Beskrivelse af 12dailypro
sniperdk har modtaget -25 point for dette tip
Fra : sniperdk
Vist : 1245 gange

Dato : 14-01-06 01:10

For all of you skeptics, I found this post at the HYIP101 forum and thought it was worth pasting here. Also, I'd be happy to help anyone that hasn't already joined and I'll send you an Excel spreadsheet that interactively shows how much you can make. There is a way to optimize your earnings and minimize your risk. I'll happily help you through the process. Here's the post:


Dear OIC Members,
It is with great pleasure that we introduce the first OIC-verified program: 12Daily Pro.

Most everyone is familiar with the details of the 12Daily Pro Program, so I will not repeat them here. Here are some fast facts about the program:

Name: 12 Daily Pro
Parent Company: LifeClicks, LLC
Admin Name: Charis Johnson
Physical Location: On File (verified)
Program Inception: May 13, 2005
Program membership (10/27/05): approx. 85,000 members
Program growth rate (10/27/05): 1.17%, or approx. 1000 members per day.
Certifications: NetIBA (verified)
Anti-DDOS Protection: Prolexic Clean Pipe (verified)
Payment Processors: E-gold, Stormpay

Due Diligence:
Level 1 DD (preliminary evaluation; electronic): completed
Level 2 DD (financial and identity): completion pending

Description of Verification
Over several months of semi-regular correspondence by e-mail and then e-mail and phone, have conducted program DD discussion with principal program Admin, Charis Johnson. In addition to the DD noted and documentation collected elsewhere on this site, a substantial body of information that is not publicly viewable has been compiled during research of 12 Daily Pro. Here are some of the more significant pieces of information:

1) LifeClicks, LLC (parent company) independently verified as legitimate LLC in the state of North Carolina.
[see DD thread for images/visit: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/co...itemId=7820076# ]

Kevin Wessell: Organizer
Brent Hubbard: Registered Agent

For comprehensive information North Carolina Limited Liability Corporations, especially regarding corporate legal accountability and payment of taxes: please refer to Ch. 57C of NC's General Statutes: http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/Stat...l?Chapter=0057C

Look here under "Guidelines to Incorporating" for general info. on LLCs:

Physical office location of Lifeclicks, LLC? Yes - verified
Office phone numbers (landline) for Lifeclicks, LLC? Yes - verifed
Number of employees of LifeClicks: 5 full-time (not including consultants)

2) Identity of Admin/Principals of program:
Admin: name verified (legal surname is different - that of spouse)
Spouse/Co-Admin: full name, occupation/workplace: verified
E-mail exchange with Admin and Co-Admin: yes
Telephone meeting with Admin and Co-Admin: yes
Personal Residence of Admin: verified
Personal phone number of Admin (landline): verified
Background/Professional references for Admin: partially completed - in process

3) Some comments on their financials

Means of income/revenue?
LifeClicks has several means of income: incoming funds from new and returns members is but one (as stated in their terms).
Several other highly significant means of income exist, including, but not limited to investments. No forex trading is performed. LifeClicks in general, and 12DP in particular, is not a ponzi. Further details cannot be disclosed, by request of Admin.

Is the program sustainable without new memberships?
Yes, the program is structured such that the present rate of return can be maintained without new memberships. Though obvious, it is worth mentioning here that a program cannot exist without an existing membership. The present number of members is far above the minimum necessary for program survival.

Does LifeClicks pay taxes?
Yes, LifeClicks, LLC must pay taxes, and yes this involves the manager/members of LifeClicks, including Charis Johnson. Refer to the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) Ch.57C for details.

4) The Future of 12Daily Pro?
12Daily Pro will be maintained by LifeClicks on an ongoing basis. The program itself is NOT the primary revenue generator for LifeClicks, though through the programs reputation and notoriety, Lifeclicks has prospered. LifeClicks has very exciting and ambitious plans for the rest of 2005, and 2006 (and beyond), in which 12 Daily Pro figures highly.

This is a brief synopsis of the information gathered and DD conducted on 12Daily Pro. Any questions may be directed to oic-admin@safe-mail.net.

OIC/SYF Administration


Fra : sniperdk

Dato : 14-01-06 01:19

ja det kan være en mening...
Men systemet er LOVLIGT, og det er ganske vist !


Fra : vil.du

Dato : 14-01-06 01:35

fatter IKKE du bliver ved med dit pyramideshit!!


Fra : frueyde

Dato : 14-01-06 01:30


Fra : sniperdk

Dato : 14-01-06 01:12

Fra : Vonna

Dato : 14-01-06 01:26


Fra : netper

Dato : 14-01-06 01:21


Fra : iah

Dato : 14-01-06 01:16

:-|| Det er stadig noget forbistret skrammel med det pyramidespil uanset hvor mange der skriver tips om det

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