"Gizmoduck" <gizmoand@nospamworldonline.dk> wrote in message
> kan du så også svare på hvad der menes med denne del af sangen:
> so i called up the captain(?)
> please bring me my wine
> he said "we haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
Der er nogle forskellige fortolkninger på nettet. Jeg ved ikke, hvor
troværdige, de er, men der er en, der passer til dette:
The man thinks he has found something that can help him escape. But, he
stops to reconsider his intentions, thinking that "this could be heaven or
this could be hell." He isn't sure if what he's doing is right, but it is
too irresistible, so he gives in "she" shows him "the way." He has found
refuge in the "tiffany twisted" world of drugs and materialism. He sees
others that have also found in drugs a refuge, where "some dance to
remember, some dance to forget." He is doing drugs to forget about his
problems, but he sees some others using them to remember the good times. He
has divested himself in this endeavor. His drug dealer, the "captain" has
enticed the man into addiction, and it seems that he cannot function without
this drug. He has returned to the days of peace and love, the "spirit [ ] of
1969 and believes that he if "free" of all responsibilities. But he begins
to realize that the drug has taken over his body, since their "voices" still
call him from "far away."
Tjah, det passer da ind, og kunne være værre. En anden tolkning peger på
noget spirituelt (
Men som sagt: Man skal ikke tro på alt, hvad man finder på nettet :)