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I Can See The Light In A Distance
Fra : Jens Borrisholt

Dato : 18-09-01 08:18

"I Can See The Ligth in A Distance", Er første storfe i omkvædet en Loreena
McKennith sant. Men hvilken og hvilket album ?

Jens B

Nikolaj Borg (18-09-2001)
Fra : Nikolaj Borg

Dato : 18-09-01 08:29

"Jens Borrisholt" <Jens@Borrisholt.com> wrote in message
> "I Can See The Ligth in A Distance", Er første storfe i omkvædet en
> McKennith sant. Men hvilken og hvilket album ?

Internettet er din ven. Først søgte jeg på Google efter <"I Can See The
Light in A Distance" lyrics Loreena>

og fandt følgende:

All Souls Night

Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides
Figures dance around and around
To Drums that pulse out echoes of darkness
Moving to the pagan sound

Somewhere in a hidden memory
Images float before my eyes
Of fragrant nights
Of straw and of bon fires
And dancing 'till the next sunrise

I can see the light in the distance
Trembling in the dark cloak of night
Candles and lanterns are dancing dancing
A waltz on all, all souls night

Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows
Held up tall as the flames leap high
The green night holds the holly bush
To mark where the old year passes by


Verse 1

Standing on a bridge that crosses
The river that flows out to the sea
The wind is full of a thousand voices
They pass by the bridge and by me


Music and Lyrics by Loreena McKennitt

Herefter gik jeg ind på www.allmusic.com og søgte på loreena. Det viser sig,
at all souls night ligger som den første skæring på "The Visit" fra 1992
<http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=Amr5g8qxtbtn4> som Allmusic
iøvrigt anbefaler som hendes bedste.



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