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Fra : Jesper Møller-Fink

Dato : 17-09-01 17:13

Men lad os så kaste blikket mod næste Expo - der er nu ikke noget bedre
end saftige 'rumors'!

<sakset fra xlr8yourmac>

"Register Article Notes Motorola Completes 1.6GHz G5 CPU: -
A reader post in the forums notes that the Register has a story claiming
that Motorola has taped out the PowerPC 8500 (aka G5) with production
speeds of up to 1.6GHz expected. The article claims the 8500/G5 will
have 10 pipeline stages and twice the transistors of the 7450, as well
as being a full 64bit chip with a 400MHz front-side bus. The article
also speculates that Apple may announce systems using the new CPU at
Macworld S.F. in January 2002. (This is all just speculation of course,
but interesting.)"

Killer machine? :)

mvh Jesper http://homepage.mac.com/jmfink/
| hjælp - jeg mangler en bolig i Kolding! |

Jesper (17-09-2001)
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 17-09-01 17:21

Jesper Møller-Fink <jmfink@mac.com> wrote:

> Men lad os så kaste blikket mod næste Expo - der er nu ikke noget bedre
> end saftige 'rumors'!
> <sakset fra xlr8yourmac>
> "Register Article Notes Motorola Completes 1.6GHz G5 CPU: -
> Killer machine? :)

Sælg ikke skindet før processoren er brændt sammen!

Erik Richard Sørense~ (18-09-2001)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 18-09-01 02:10

Hej Jesper

- Mon ikke Motorola har lært bare en smule af de problemer, Intel havde med
deres PIV processorer...-)

Jeg så også et prototypebillede af den, men jeg kan ikke finde den igen,
selvom jeg har ledt i min 'history' fil. Men svjh. ligner den lidt
QuickSilver'eren men uden 'håndtag' og i 'titanium-look'.

Der var også skrevet lidt mee 'spekulationer' om str. på de forskellige
udgaver.... 1000mhz, 1200mhz, 1500mhz og 1800mhz, FireWire-3, UltraUSB-3
(skulle være lige så hurtig som den nuværende FireWire), 10k harddiske fra
40-120gb, 266mhz RAM sokler, 'Open Upgrade' (modulopbygget CPU, så man
skulle kunne udskifte enkelte komponenter, det minder bare lidt for meget om
PC-junglen), dobbelte 'turbo coolers' m.m..

- Holder det bare halvdelen af, hvad der stod, så skal Intel og AMD til at
oppe sig lidt for at følge med.....

Jesper wrote:

> > Men lad os så kaste blikket mod næste Expo - der er nu ikke noget bedre
> > end saftige 'rumors'!
> >
> > <sakset fra xlr8yourmac>
> >
> > "Register Article Notes Motorola Completes 1.6GHz G5 CPU: -
> > Killer machine? :)
> Sælg ikke skindet før processoren er brændt sammen!

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
Edwin Rahrsvej 20.3.03, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Phone: (+45) 8625 0963, Fax: (+45) 8625 0962 (temporary off)
Mobile phone: (+45) 4082 6109, E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk>
- Software - For Theological Education - And For Physical Impaired
- Do it The Nisus Way - Nisus Writer, The Best Textprocessor in The World
- Nisus Email, A Revolution In Emailing - Visit: <http://www.nisus.com>

Morten Reippuert Knu~ (18-09-2001)
Fra : Morten Reippuert Knu~

Dato : 18-09-01 08:33

Erik Richard Sørensen <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> wrote:

> - Mon ikke Motorola har lært bare en smule af de problemer, Intel havde med
> deres PIV processorer...-)
> Jeg så også et prototypebillede af den, men jeg kan ikke finde den igen,
> selvom jeg har ledt i min 'history' fil. Men svjh. ligner den lidt
> QuickSilver'eren men uden 'håndtag' og i 'titanium-look'.

læs _og_ forstå*

> Der var også skrevet lidt mee 'spekulationer' om str. på de forskellige
> udgaver.... 1000mhz, 1200mhz, 1500mhz og 1800mhz, FireWire-3, UltraUSB-3
> (skulle være lige så hurtig som den nuværende FireWire), 10k harddiske fra
> 40-120gb, 266mhz RAM sokler, 'Open Upgrade' (modulopbygget CPU, så man
> skulle kunne udskifte enkelte komponenter, det minder bare lidt for meget om
> PC-junglen), dobbelte 'turbo coolers' m.m..

læs _og_ forstå**

Bruger du en smart-tag udgave af IE? Den tese Jan luftede igår ser ud
til at holde stik... Wellcome to ERS-world, læs hvad du vil i en
vilkårlig tekst. Vote for Erik, Fred of the Year

NB. *Håndtag på en CPU = ?? CPU* = Central processing unit.

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen... nu på iceBook


Jan Oksfeldt Jonasen (17-09-2001)
Fra : Jan Oksfeldt Jonasen

Dato : 17-09-01 18:18

Jesper Møller-Fink <jmfink@mac.com> wrote:

> The article claims the 8500/G5 will
> have 10 pipeline stages
<og igen>

Det bliver sjovt når Apple skal til at forklare at pipeline stages intet
betyder for hastighed iht. MHz Myth

Mvh/re Jan Jonasen
jonasen (at) it (dot) dk

If I wanted culture, I'd eat yogurt.

Niels Nielsen (17-09-2001)
Fra : Niels Nielsen

Dato : 17-09-01 20:31

I betragning af hvor lidt omtale der har været af intels 2 ghz, og det
faldende salg af pc, som det hævdes i nogen grad skyldes at computerne er
kraftige nok, så kunne man forestille sig at mange vil tænke, nå og hva
så... Men for alle andre, som har brug for mere kraft, så er det jo gode

Morten Reippuert Knu~ (17-09-2001)
Fra : Morten Reippuert Knu~

Dato : 17-09-01 18:18

Jesper Møller-Fink <jmfink@mac.com> wrote:

> Killer machine? :)

Forlængelse af pipeline

7450 gik fra 3 til 7 trin, 8500 er fra 7 til 10 trin, mon ikke snart vi
kan grine af den forførende film "The megahertz myth" og drømme om P4
(ikke i P1.....), RISC i min bare r..

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen... nu på iceBook


Anders (17-09-2001)
Fra : Anders

Dato : 17-09-01 21:42

Morten Reippuert Knudsen skrev:

> Forlængelse af pipeline
> 7450 gik fra 3 til 7 trin, 8500 er fra 7 til 10 trin, mon ikke snart vi
> kan grine af den forførende film "The megahertz myth" og drømme om P4
> (ikke i P1.....), RISC i min bare r..

Hvis de på et tidspunkt vil proppe en sådan G5 i en PowerBook, vil den jo
enten smelte væk eller være så langsom, at man begynder at drømme sig
tilbage til en rev a iBook. Hellere lean and mean end fast and hot.

Er vi ved at nå grænsen for hvad man kan proppe i en ægte (+4 timers
batteritid, en tomme tykke, fuldt udstyret, ikke Speed-Stop udstyret, ikke
lårbrændende) transportabel, når det kommer til nye hurtigere chips?

Thomas Boelskifte (18-09-2001)
Fra : Thomas Boelskifte

Dato : 18-09-01 21:48

Jesper Møller-Fink <jmfink@mac.com> wrote:

> "Register Article Notes Motorola Completes 1.6GHz G5 CPU: -
> A reader post in the forums notes that the Register has a story claiming
> that Motorola has taped out the PowerPC 8500 (aka G5) with production
> speeds of up to 1.6GHz expected. The article claims the 8500/G5 will
> have 10 pipeline stages and twice the transistors of the 7450, as well
> as being a full 64bit chip with a 400MHz front-side bus. The article
> also speculates that Apple may announce systems using the new CPU at
> Macworld S.F. in January 2002. (This is all just speculation of course,
> but interesting.)"
> Killer machine? :)


Macintosh Daily Journal 18/09 2001:

We were prepared to point to The Register's report saying that the
PowerPC G5 is ready to go with a note that the site is obviously
staking some credibility on it, but then we read it more carefully,
and credibility is nowhere to be found.

It's entirely possible that Motorola has doubled clock speeds on the
chip; that's something you need to judge for yourself. You can also
speculate about whether or not Motorola would really spend a lot of
effort on what it considers an embedded systems processor to almost
double its power consumption, but that's possible too.

The article certainly says what a lot of Mac users want to hear, and
that makes sites popular. The credibility vanishes, though, when
writer Tony Smith starts talking about Mac OS X. Referring to an
alleged January or February 2002 release of the alleged G5
processor, Smith says, "Apple will launch Mac OS X 10.2 around the
same time, we're told, and offer it as a 64-bit version ...
developers have been told they will be able to make "64-bit clean"
aps with a simple recompile." Yeah, and after Quark did two years of
engineering work to make their application PowerPC native, it
shipped with a "simple recompile," too, albeit the 12,000,000th such
compilation of the effort.

Addresses in Mac OS programs have been 32 bits wide for over a
decade. Changing a program so that every pointer and handle is 64
bits wide instead would take a massive testing and re-engineering
effort, one Smith apparently doesn't have the experience to

Does his source? Probably not, since he's careful to disclaim the
whole thing as the report of a possiblyaccurate "source said to be
close to Apple." Said by whom? The Register? The source? Why is
Smith questioning the validity of his own source's report,
especially with technical notes big enough to drive a 64-bit truck

Smith says that if the source is accurate, Motorola could unveil the
chip at the October Microprocessor Forum, but carefully avoids
saying that it will happen, or even that it should. That way, if it
doesn't, it leads to many more stories about delays in the hot new
chip, with a built-in audience. You gotta love rumors--they're so
much easier than facts and have just as big an audience. God bless
the Internet.


Mojn, Thomas

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