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Hover buttons doesn´t work =(
Fra : Jan

Dato : 17-09-01 17:24

Hey danish people. A guy from Sweden needs your help =)

When I try to use the hover pushbuttons they don´t work. Not in my browser
anyway and I´m using MS explorer 5.0

When i put the mouse icon over the grey field that is produced is says
"can´t load hover.class" or something similar.

Please mail me the answer if you know how to fix this.


Nicolaj Huss (17-09-2001)
Fra : Nicolaj Huss

Dato : 17-09-01 18:36

You have to upload the *.class files, you will find them in the folder where
you installed your frontpage

Nicolaj Huss

"Jan" <olausson@finspang.mail.telia.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hey danish people. A guy from Sweden needs your help =)
> When I try to use the hover pushbuttons they don´t work. Not in my browser
> anyway and I´m using MS explorer 5.0
> When i put the mouse icon over the grey field that is produced is says
> "can´t load hover.class" or something similar.
> Please mail me the answer if you know how to fix this.
> THanxs!

Jan (17-09-2001)
Fra : Jan

Dato : 17-09-01 19:19

Shall I upload them to a specific folder?

Nicolaj Huss <nicolaj@kornagervej75.dk> wrote in message
> You have to upload the *.class files, you will find them in the folder
> you installed your frontpage
> Nicolaj Huss
> "Jan" <olausson@finspang.mail.telia.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:9spp7.5507$sn6.594897@newsc.telia.net...
> > Hey danish people. A guy from Sweden needs your help =)
> >
> > When I try to use the hover pushbuttons they don´t work. Not in my
> > anyway and I´m using MS explorer 5.0
> >
> > When i put the mouse icon over the grey field that is produced is says
> > "can´t load hover.class" or something similar.
> >
> > Please mail me the answer if you know how to fix this.
> >
> > THanxs!
> >
> >

Andreas Paasch (18-09-2001)
Fra : Andreas Paasch

Dato : 18-09-01 13:49

Make sure that the fphover.class and fphoverx.class files are located in the
same directory as where your hover buttons are.

If not, FP can't find the java-class files to perform the operation.

Just copy them there and it should work nicely !

Regards / Med venlig hilsen / Mit freundlichem Gruss

Andreas Paasch

"Jan" <olausson@finspang.mail.telia.com> wrote in message
> Shall I upload them to a specific folder?
> THanxs!
> Nicolaj Huss <nicolaj@kornagervej75.dk> wrote in message
> news:3ba6271e$0$51404$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk...
> > You have to upload the *.class files, you will find them in the folder
> where
> > you installed your frontpage
> >
> > Nicolaj Huss
> >
> > "Jan" <olausson@finspang.mail.telia.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> > news:9spp7.5507$sn6.594897@newsc.telia.net...
> > > Hey danish people. A guy from Sweden needs your help =)
> > >
> > > When I try to use the hover pushbuttons they don´t work. Not in my
> browser
> > > anyway and I´m using MS explorer 5.0
> > >
> > > When i put the mouse icon over the grey field that is produced is says
> > > "can´t load hover.class" or something similar.
> > >
> > > Please mail me the answer if you know how to fix this.
> > >
> > > THanxs!
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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