Jeg indrapporterede et ssh-bruteforce angreb på min server til, og fik dette svar:
"Your abuse report has been forwarded to our customer to allow them the
opportunity to handle this issue. As an internet service provider, we
must provide our customers the ability to handle problems themselves
without service interruption. The customer will be given 24 hours to
report back to us in regards to this case.
If the customer does not respond within 24 hours, we will suspend the
service that caused the reported abuse. This means that the abusive
material will no longer be accessible to the public, and/or the abusive
actions will no longer occur since the service will be suspended.
If the customer responds, we will promptly notify you of the actions
taken to handle the reported issue.
If the customer does not respond after suspension, we will terminate
their service, resulting in a complete data wipe. This will ensure that
the case is then closed."
Hvis de ellers har gerning efter deres ord, så er det da flot:
Kunden får 24 timer til at reagere på.
Er der ingen reaktion, suspenderes serveren, og reageres der heller ikke
på det, termineres kontrakten og data slettes. Sådan
Bevar P2, luk P3, der er nok P3'er i forvejen.