On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 17:16:58 +0200, "Esben" <esben@huleboer.dk> wrote:
>Kan det lade sig gøre at bruge en Pentium III 800 Mhz EB (133 MHz fsb) på et
>Abit BF6? Det eneste problem jeg umiddelbart kan se, er at AGP-porten kommer
>til at køre 89 MHz. Kan et Asus V7100 klare dette? PCI-bussen kan indstilles
>til 1/4 af fsb = 33 MHz, så ingen problemer her, og der sidder 133 Mhz RAM
>på kortet.
tomshardware skrev følgende:
The only real problem with a BX overclocked to 133 MHz FSB is the AGP.
AGP is supposed to run at 66 MHz and BX is able to ensure that by
dividing the 100 MHz FSB by 1.5. Unfortunately Intel decided against
the inclusion of a divider of 2 as well, which is why the AGP is
doomed to running at 133 / 1.5 = 88.8 MHz. Running the AGP 33% beyond
spec can produce a fair amount of trouble with AGP-graphics cards.
Some have no problem, but many will simply freeze the whole system as
soon as you switch to a 3D-application that is using the AGP.
Fortunately our reference graphics card with NVIDIA's GeForce256-chip
is not troubled by 89 MHz AGP-clock at all, so that the testing with a
BX-board at 133 MHZ FSB was a piece of cake. The system remained
absolutely stable, and you can believe me that I mean what I say,
different to so many other overclocking-horney people, who think that
a system that needs rebooting only three times/day is already 'rock
og anandtech har en bx133 video guide:
Fortæl endelig, hvilket videokort der er godt nok til det.
Jeg tror, du er på rette spor med v7100.