In article <>, (Morten Reippuert Knudsen) wrote:
> merci
nu du agerer orakel, kan du sikkrt også fortælle om Toast 4 er
> 68k binær eller om jeg skal nedgradere til 3.x...
Fra manualen:
System Requirements for Toast 4
n An Apple Macintosh 68040 computer for basic recording of
data and music.
n A PowerPC for complete functionality, including
Making a CD from MP3 files
Using CD Spin Doctor ® to transform your LPs and cassette
tapes into CDs
Using PhotoRelay to catalog images, audio, and video
n At least 8 MB of random access memory (RAM) dedicated to
the Toast application memory. More RAM allocated to Toast
RAM Cache can help alleviate data transfer irregularities.
System Software
n System 7.5.1 is the minimum requirement; Mac OS 8.0 or later
is preferred. QuickTime ® 2.5 is the minimum requirement;
QuickTime 3.0 or later is preferred. QuickTime is used for
PhotoRelay exclusively.
n With System 7.5.1 or later, the extensions Drag & Drop
Manager and Thread Manager must be enabled. These
extensions let you drag items into the Toast window.
n For USB and to take advantage of all the features in Balloon
Help, Mac OS 8.6 is required.
SCSI Recorders
n SCSI Manager 4.3 is recommended. To find out whether your
Macintosh supports SCSI Manager 4.3, open Toast and notice
your CD recorder¹s identification in the Toast main window. If
you see ³Bus x ID y,² your Macintosh supports SCSI Manager
4.3; if you see only the SCSI ID (no Bus), it does not.
MVH Martin Edlich
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