Franz Berliner <> wrote:
> Det irriterer mig en anelse at hver gang jeg åbner et word dokument i
> Open Office, så bliver alle bullets i bullet lister lavet om til nogle
> underlige tegn.
> Nogen der ved hvad man skal stille på for at Open Office kan finde ud af
> at lave en bullet til en bullet?
Fandt det her, som lyder til at kunne løse problemet:
This is a long know bug with OOO Mac. Here is the simple fix!
've had success using the Font Replacement Table, located in the Tools
Options -> ->Fonts
Enable "Apply replacement table", select "Symbol" in the lefthand FONT
down, select "OpenSymbol" in the righthand "Replace with" dropdown.
the checkmark to the right to add the substitution to the table. Make
you check the Always box.
Once this is set up, opening and saving in MSWord 97/XP format preserves
bullet characters in both directions.
Franz :