Erik Richard Sørensen wrote:
> P.J.Berg wrote:
>> Kan jeg foreslå att du poster dette på til undergruppe
>> opera.general også?
>> Man kan også legge igjen komentarer her:
>> Samt her:
>> Mest sansylig er du klar over dette, men det er bedre nevnt en gang
>> for mye enn en for lite.
> Ja, jeg er klar over det. Men jeg ville også gerne have det ud i et
> bredere forum - især her i Skandinavien, da jeg jo véd, der er en hel
> del 'lokale' brugere, og jeg véd fra tidligere, at vi har et par af
> Operas udviklere, der lurkigger med.

- så får de ihvertfald en
> dansk/norsk formulering, - men jeg kan se, det meste på Opera Forums
> foregår på engelsk, så jeg må hellere sætte mig ned og oversætte det...
> - Suk.

! - Jeg /havde/ tænkt på at skrive det på engelsk og sende det
> til et par af de engelsksprogede grupper, jeg også frekventerer, - men
> 'i kampens hede' valgte jeg det danske..-) - Mæ hwa, a ku oss hå skrøwn
> æ på jysk.

- forstås vis også a en nordmand..-))
Nå, så fik jeg mig taget sammen til at oversætte det hele til engelsk.
Samtidig har jeg lavet lidt mere test og derfor er resultatet nu også
udvidet en hel del. Indlægget kan ses på Operas forum sider under
Dev.Opera. Men for dem, der ikke lige følger den, får de så her den
udvidede test på engelsk i sin helhed.
mvh. Erik Richard
Testresult of Opera 9.6.0 Macintosh Edition
I think this is most to the developers of Opera....
I don’t really know what to say or not... I’ve just downloaded the
latest ver. 9.6.0 of the until now well renomeed Opera browser. So far,
so good... The ver. 9.6.0 is fast as a lightning - even faster than the
ver. 9.5.x...
But neither I nor several others are far from satisfied... - If you go
to the ’Preferences’ settings, you get the possibilities in the various
panes and lists to choose fonts and font sizes - even the choice of
putting different colors to the font(s)... !!!
Great! - That was my first thoughts... Now we can get the same
possibilities and functions fully implemented like in the various
Mozilla browsers - Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, SeaMonkey, etc....
Gladly I then chose my prefered font ’Arial’ and set the minimum size to
14p for body text and dialogs, chose a very dark blue as standard color.
Clicked the OK button. Finished the rest of the prefs settings and saved
Perfect! - But what? - After a click on the reload button all changes
should be implemented and set to my new chosen font settings, font,
sizes and colors...??? - but NOTHING - simply NOTHING happens...!!! -
Fonts, sizes and colors are one hundred percent the default Opera
settings as when I opened the Opera 9.6.0 the very first time.

This can’t be true... Exit Opera. Relaunched... Still no userdefined
fonts, sizes or colors are available...
.....All over once more... - Deleted everything Opera from the
users/library/preferences and users/library/applicationsupport... - and
of course Opera launched with a brand new and fresh set of default
preference settings... went to prefs settings and started all over again
with my specific settings - Arial 14p, dark blue color, min. size to 14p
etc.etc. - Saved settings and clicked the reload button... The exact
same happens. No new font settings, no new size settings, no new color
settings. - Everything is still default
This isn’t too smart of the developers behind Opera! - Putting in those
preference possibilities are meant to work. - NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE
This isn’t smart, since we are quite a lot visually impaired, running
Mac OS X set to work in reversed contrast mode (Reverse Mode) using the
settings in ’Universal Access’ controlpane. - i.e. with white text on
black background. - We are also many visually impaired, who like to use
Opera, because of it’s many possibilities and yet fast and simple in use.
For many of us it is a ’must’ to work in reverse mode, because of the
type of our sight problems. Here the dark blue text color in the normal
mode will give a light yellow in reverse mode (black background), -
light yellow text on black background is one of the best combinations
for nearly all visually impaired. - The RGB value for black and white is
0/0/255, and for the dark blue it is 0/0/100*). With this yellow+black
combination your eyes won’t be ’stressed’ and won’t be that much tired
either. - Of course the color combination can be varied individually
from person to person - depending on the type of the handicap...
*) Color setting can vary from 0/0/85 to 0/0/125 depending on how yellow
you want the color shown in reverse mode.
Another thing that really do irritate me is that you can’t freely chose
_which_ font you want to use, but are limited to use the fonts that
Opera can recognize from the 3 fonts folders in the Mac oS X system.
I’m often visiting webpages with mixed languages and therefore also
different font types like Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Thai
etc.. Therefore I originally wanted to use the ArialUnicode MS (UTF-8
font) instead of the normal Arial. It is impossible to chose
ArialUnicode - or any other font, - if this font isn’t installed
directly into the system’s fonts folders.
If you - like me - are using a font management application like Linotype
Fontexplorer or the older FontReserve X/Classic, none of the fonts
handled by any of these fonts management apps are recognized in Opera
9.6.x (also in 9.5.x).
I have only the system installed fonts in the system’s fonts folders,
but more than 23.800 fonts installed on my 5 computers - all managed by
Fontexplorer on OS X 10.4.x Tiger, 10.5.x Leopard and FontReserve on
10.3.x Panther as well as FontReserve on my last OS 9.2.x Macs.
To have all nearly 24.000 fonts installed in the system will be quite a
mess and nearly impossible to handle. Therefore I also have created
various sets of fonts for each purpose - as I also can enable and
disable one or more fonts temporarely for specific needs. - But i can’t
create a set of fonts for use specific with Opera, since the ver.
9.5.x/9.6.x can’t recognize any fonts outside the system’s own font
folders. - It simply can’t be true that Opera is ’locked out’ using any
font management system and therefore also is restricted to use system
installed fonts?
Hardware & Software used for the test
MacPro QuadCore 2,66ghz/5gb RAM, OS X 10.4.11 & 10.5.5
Linotype Fontexplorer X 1.2.3 on both systems.
NOTE. OS X 10.4.11 is a totally clean install except for Fontwcplorer,
Opera and SeaMonkey
QuickSilver Dual G4/1,8ghz/1,5gb RAM, OS X 10.4.11 & 10.5.5
Linotpe Fontexplorer X 1.2.3 on both systems
NOTE. OS X 10.4.11 is here the main system, and OS X 10.5.5 is a clean
install with only AppleWorks 6.2.9, Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.1.12 and Opera 9.6.0
NOTE2. On the QS there also is a non-bootable OS 9.2.2 disk with
FontReserve 2.x for font management as well when run in classic mode.
PowerMac MDD Dual G4/1ghz/1gb RAM, OS X 10.3.9, 10.4.11 & 10.5.5 + Os
9.2.2US each system on it's own harddisk.
NOTE. All systems are still clean installs except for adding fonts
handled by Fontexplorer X 1.2.3. Fontreserve 2.x not yet installed on
the OS 9.2.2 disk, - else fonts are handled by Fontexplorer X 1.2.3. No
other applications added except SeaMonkey and Opera.
NOTE2. Fonts on OS X 10.3.9 fonts are handled by Fontreserve X 2.x
PowerMac G3/1133mhzAV/768mb RAM, OS 9.2.2DK
NOTE. All font management handled by FontReserve 2.x Classic.
PowerMac 9600/350mhz/1gb RAM, Os 9.2.2DK.
NOTE. fonts here handled by FontReserve 2.x Classic Server.
NOTE. Of course Opera 9.x can’t run on any classic system, but it can’t
see any fonts either, when fonts are managed with a font management
application like Fontexplorer or FontReserve or FontReserve Server.
All computers are connected to a local gigabit network.
Rgds. Erik Richard sørensen
Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC, <>
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