"Martin Larsen" <mlarsen@post7.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "steen hjortsø" <steenhjortsoe@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:7fd8e586-93f5-4159-a943-dd270f71722f@a2g2000prm.googlegroups.com...
> 1. Hoodbhoy, Pervez: Bin Laden and Hiroshima.
> Det er en udmærket (lang) artikel af den pakistanske atomfysiker du linker til, og den rejser det
> interessante spørgsmål:
> Hvordan vil Vesten reagere når det en skønne dag lykkes helligkrigere på en eller anden måde at
> detonere en atombombe i en vestlig storby?
If nuclear weapons continue to be accepted by nuclear weapon states as legitimate instruments of
either deterrence or war, their global proliferation – whether by other states or non-state actors –
can only be slowed down at best. Coercive non-proliferation will only serve to drive up demand.
Non-proliferation by cooperation and consent cannot succeed as long as the US [& Rusland, Israel] is
insistent on retaining and improving its nuclear arsenal – by what reasonable argument can others
[ Iran ] be persuaded to give up, or not acquire, nuclear weapons?
If we accept that religious fanatics are planning nuclear attacks and that they may eventually
succeed, then what? The world shall plunge headlong into a bottomless abyss of reaction and counter
reaction whose horror the human mind cannot comprehend. Who will the US retaliate against? Will the
US nuke Mecca? The capitals of Muslim states? What will the US and its allies do as their people
fear more attacks, will they expel Muslims from the US and Europe or like the Japanese Americans in
World War II, herd them into internment camps?
Hiroshima signaled a failure of humankind, not just that of America. The growth of technology has
far outstripped our ability to use it wisely. Like a quarrelling group of monkeys on a leaky boat,
armed with sticks of dynamite, we are now embarked on an uncertain journey. Humanity’s best chance
of survival lies in creating taboos against nuclear weapons, much as already exist for chemical and
biological weapons, and to work rapidly toward their global elimination. We cannot afford to live in
a savage dog-eat-dog world. Instead, we must dare to imagine and work urgently towards a future that
is based on universal, compassionate, human, secular values. For this to happen, the civilized world
will have to subdue the twin ogres of American imperialism and Islamic radicalism.
Jan Rasmussen