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(rev 2.1) (Oil price now tumbling) Iran's ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 20-06-08 00:21

Iran's "Enemy," 'The West,' To Be Fought With Higher Oil Prices,
Atom Bombs, and OPEC's Intentional Lies of "Consumption did not
increase" - The 'Double Lie' in action - Associated Press or Parrots?

18 June 2008
{HRI note 20080618-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 20 June 2008)


(The AFP news agency actually had the scoop, on 19 June 2009, that
'China accounts for around 40 percent of the increment of global oil
consumption,' AND that China's subsidizes its consumer fuel prices
to HALF of their normal, global price.) *(1)

(Confirmed by AFP, and the global oil trade, on 20 June 2008:
'China sharply raised domestic energy prices across the board on
Friday [20 June 2008 in China], as authorities shifted policy in the
face of complaints that price controls were causing turmoil on global
oil markets.


Uncannily, The Associated Press surprises us today with
some Intelligent Data,

even though the policy of not serving the truth together
with the data, remains rigorously enforced,

by its "impartial" (and thereby extremely partial - as I
have explained in the 'Introduction to Journalism Course')
CEO Tom Curley.

Or maybe it was merely their mistake, a fluke, today,
caused by the journalist of AP, who is not mentioned by

the mistake, that his or her outstanding Intelligence
- the combination of data tells the whole story, without
actually mentioning it - was put on the AP's wires, as
quoted below.


The data is reported - but not the truth. (This we are used to, from
the free press agencies.)



The Iranians claim, about OPEC

(OPEC: the unlawful monopoly, violating any anti-trust law by price-
fixing, the market-price destroying 'cartel' of Oil Producing
and Exporting Countries)

" ... the [oil] producers believe that there is no shortage in the


The AP reporter does not state that these are the agreed-upon lies
(the intentionally false statements, agreed to be put out) by OPEC,

that they keep saying that in order to keep the prices go higher and

Chavez said even, the prices should go up to reach a level of 200 USD
(instead of the current 140 USD).



Again: the AP reporter does not state, that he is reporting lies, that
he is reporting agreed upon, intentional lies.

IF the reporter DID state the truth, that would be a violation
of the policy from AP's CEO Tom Curley,

that 'under no circumstance, may any reporter state any truth
about what is said or done, but instead must repeat all lies
given to him, verbatim.'

(To which he, Tom Curley, will retort, that my account of
him is not verbatim. - No, indeed, reporting intentions
is not reporting words physically said, but is reporting
intentions, is reporting actuality, is reporting truth.)

You see the difference, even in English grammar:

He is NOT 'to REPORT the lies, that were uttered,'
BUT he is 'to REPEAT verbatim, the lies given.'

Thus Tom Curley "educates" and forces indeed the reporters and
writers and editors, to truly form the Associated Parrots (as I
have explained so thoroughly in the 'Introduction to Journalism



'The National Iranian Oil Company's director for international
affairs, Hojatollah Ghanimifar, said any boost to output would have
little impact on world prices.

"In the current situation even an increase of 500,000 barrels of oil
will not make any change in oil prices".'

'Earlier on Tuesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, that
the current high price of oil was artificial and the market was well

"The rise in consumption is lower than the rise in production,"
Ahmadinejad told a meeting in the central city of Isfahan of OPEC's
fund for international development.

"Certain hands, for political and economic ends, are controlling the
price in an artificial manner," he said.'


(Example of 'Double Lie')

How true a lie, indeed.


OPEC is putting out the lie, that "there is no consumption increase,
and that therefore," the enormous price increase "is artificially
created by certain hands, for political and economic ends."

The FIRST LIE "there is no consumption increase," of which you
already can not or hardly hold the Energy, the idea, that that IS A
LIE, while it is,

and maybe you can not even hold the idea, that IT MIGHT BE an
intentional lie,

does take up all the Life Energy (the penetrating attention) that you
WOULD HAVE NEEDED for looking through the SECOND LIE,

which - the second lie -is in turn covered up, hidden, made too
hard to look at,

covered up as it is, by the truth, that "the very high price is
artificially created by certain hands for political and economic


that "it is not them but someone else," who does that:

So that you will not see or not sense or not believe, that it IS
(the Iranians) and Chavez and Putin, etc., who ARE the ones who
ARE 'artificially creating the price increase,' and indeed, 'for
political and economic ends:'

To harm the "Enemy," the West

- actually, just to harm Mankind and everyone, they are very

Actually, their Enemy is Mankind - including their "friends" and
themselves, Iran and Russia and Venezuela, Cuba, etc..



However, these purposes and the nature of their malicious soul, are
NOT SHARED by Saudi-Arabia's king, nor by Ban Ki-Moon,

'to proclaim one's best friends as "The Enemy,"

and to destroy or harm that "Enemy" (The West, The Empire,
The Occupier, The Arrogance, The Crusader, etc., etc.)

meaning a decent, helpful caring, well-developed civilization of
people: The West.'



'"If Saudi Arabia takes a measure to unilaterally increase (oil)
output, it is a wrong move," Mohammad Ali Khatibi, Iran's new
representative to OPEC, was quoted as saying by the state television

UN chief Ban Ki-moon announced on Sunday that Saudi Arabia had told
him it would increase its oil output by a further 200,000 barrels a
day in July, although it was not clear if Khatibi was reacting to
these comments.

Saudi Arabia is also organising talks among major oil producers and
consumers in the Red Sea city of Jeddah next week to discuss the
current sky-rocketing prices.'

From: 'Iran opposes any Saudi unilateral oil output hike,'
Tue Jun 17, 11:53 AM ET, TEHRAN, June 17, 2008 (AFP)


I am deeply disappointed in the Associated Press, I had hoped, that
the above article would have been an - even if only accidental -
improvement in journalism:

In fact, the news article is not at all by the Associated Press, but
by Agence France Presse (AFP).

I think, my Love for Tom Curley will never materialize, let
alone be answered.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

(1) 'China's cheap fuel underpins global oil price spike' by
Staff Writers, Beijing (AFP) June 19, 2008

(2) 'China sharply hikes [raises domestic consumer fuel] energy
prices' Beijing, (AFP) June 20, 2008

(n) (as applicable)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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