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Intending others to be decent to each othe~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 21-05-08 07:14

Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite - Intending others to be
decent to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually

5 March 2006
{HRI 20060305-V1.1}

(Issued 8 Dec 2007)


(suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping


It happened a few days ago: I noticed, at the other side of the
large public square, a young man emanating some hate and

and I saw, that he physically (not only by projecting Energy
Particles at her, but using his body's hand as well, he) was
slapping a girl in the face.

I crossed the square, in order to put an end to that.


It appeared, that the girl thought of herself as his
(past or present) girlfriend,

She tried to "handle" him by crying with tears, in a
wordless, begging attitude.

But that had no positive effect on him at all, and
it was not improving her own condition either.



I went and stood next to them, and I projected THE INTENTION

- intention IS a form of Life Energy, and in this case,
it is

the Energy of 'Zero Tolerance,'

the intention that conveys, and that makes felt, to
everyone in general, and now to those two people
standing there, too -

that I wish them to act decently towards each other.



And I made it clear,

by my placing myself there and by my staying

- obviously for that reason -

bodily next to them (I was acting in such a way,
that it could not be mistaken by them)

that I would be inclined to take - that I could take, and
might very well take - any necessary and additional steps,
to get my demand complied with,

that they act decently towards each other.




I just stood there, near them, not interfering at all, other than very
clearly intending, to them, that they be decent to each other.


And the young man kept on shouting a bit to the girl, his "girl-
friend", and she kept on crying some more tears with more silent
begging, to her "boyfriend."

But his shouting at her changed now, he was demanding of her,
now, in words, 'What does SHE want?'

She however, rather than taking that opportunity that was
offered, verbally at least, to her,

she rather stuck to her "solution,"

to keep on being in tears, as some sort of 'loud


I simply kept on standing there, next to them, and I kept up my

(that means, I did create and radiate around them,
the Energy)

that they be decent to each other.


Then he decided to show - to me and to the girl - he decided to
admit, now, that 'actually, he does know very well, what she

And then he pressed a wallet (it seemed to be her wallet) into
her hands.

But he continues to shout, that he actually 'does know
very well,' what she wants:

'She certainly wants a lot of money.'

And that "talk" of him, was supposed to divert my
attention away from him,

away from looking for what he himself had wanted,
or even, that he had taken (money).

Then he ran off.




Both the boy and the girl were rather Criminal in their
behavior, and neither expressed any gratitude to me, and

that was also not expected or desired by me:

I came to stop them - at that time - from being evil
to each other, there, at that place,






I stood there, radiating the intention of (I was creating the
Energy, that intends, that radiates, that makes felt)

'Zero Tolerance'

- no tolerance for them being evil to each other.


I am adamant, that you understand 'Zero Tolerance'

NOT 'no tolerance for breaking rules,' which is how
Destructive Cowards *(n) and their masters, Criminal
Minds, WOULD want you to "understand" and apply
a FALSE "Zero tolerance,"

falsely, as in 'demanding unconditional
compliance with some regulations,'

which in fact is a demand to
submit to any domination,

a demand, that in itself is an evil

and this is how some police people
are NOT detected as Criminal Minds
but are instead validated for it,

and you find such also nesting
themselves as officials within
a government institution,

where their evil impulse to dominate
and block people and to take the fun
out of the life of people, should be
seen as their "governing," as their
"applying the laws and regulations,"

THAT IS the hallmark (typical action by which you
can recognize them) of Criminal Minds and, even more
so, of their slaves, the Destructive Cowards,

and we want of course the opposite:

WE want 'Zero tolerance' for evil impulses, which is

no tolerance for his desire to be evil, and THAT is the
'Zero Tolerance' that I radiated the Energy of,

meaning, that I do not tolerate them to be evil towards each
other, then and there where I was standing,

and then he ran off.



And I moved on - without having said a word - having done
nothing else, than making them feel my intention. That means,

I was creating and holding there, the intention

- intention IS a type of Energy, which you, any normal
person, naturally creates and emanates,

unless you are Drugged for instance, or

when Criminal Minds in any other way have blocked or
paralyzed your normal, natural Energy creation and
of course emanation (communication) to others -

I create and emanate for them to feel, the intention, the
Energy that intends, and

with which I - and you equally do - demand:

They must be decent to each other.





I have 'Zero Tolerance' for people being Evil, for people being
Malicious or for people being Hateful towards others.

We talk a bit more about this 'Zero Tolerance,' because:

It is so, that being tolerant, IS having ONLY 'Zero Tolerance,'
if defined correctly,

as we will (come to) understand, here.


Exerting 'Zero Tolerance' does mean, of course, that you WANT to

and that you then also go and look at, sense, feel,

what the intentions that are present, of people, actually are.


It means, that you CAN tolerate the action, the activity, the
condition or state, of looking

at Evil, at Malice and at Hate, and at Ugliness,

without becoming compulsive, without letting your emotions or
your perception be determined by the very person(s) you are
observing the intentions and impulses of,

so that we can see what IS actually going on

- which is easier said than done, especially when your
name is MacFly in the movie 'Back to the Future.'

It means, that you and I CAN tolerate to look at people who do
appear to be malicious or who seem to emanate malicious Energies
(who intend evil or malice):



In order for 'Zero Tolerance' to work its miracles, it is of vital
necessity to observe correctly, to see truth

(truth is defined as 'what happened, what is or was
caused by whom, and with what intention who caused

to see who has which actual intentions,

because indeed, intentions may very well be hidden and
wrongly represented, by pretending intentions to be

covered up, in order to get you to blame another
person, meaning the wrong person, really,

or the wrong person for the wrong thing, or

not seeing the one(s) who actually does (do) WANT
(intend) evil,

who really and INTENTIONALLY does cause the
Evil, the malice, the ruin of others,

and instead "someone who is involved somehow," is
then wrongly blamed for everything.


For instance those hilarious, or not so hilarious
stories about psychics who do report to the police,

to those police "detectives," the blind larks
- so proud these are, not only of being blind,
but ALSO of

DEMANDING, that perception be misdirected or
will not occur at all.


Sorry, I have to explain that, what perception

(a bit of Fine Particle Physics for you)

Perception IS the connection with Life Energy
Particles between your soul, you, and, what-
ever you are so connecting to,

and thus it INCLUDES sensing, feeling; and not
only photon perception, that you ALSO do get,
by the way, by connecting your Energies to
your eyes.


But they - these police "detectives" -
report (and "very proudly," at that)
"to show their 'care'," they report,

that 'they have spent three days, with
all available man power, fire brigade
and volunteers included ...but failed
to "find the missing child".'

Not even mentioning how much money they
did waste, and how much good intentions
of helping people, they numbed, blunted
and disappointed. But instead,

they want you to accept their utter
stupidity, which is almost malicious if
it were not so pathetic,

when, of course, the phone call to a
psychic is only an arm length away;

but the truly well-intentioned and the gifted, are
made to suffer and waste their lives, by the malice
of the few.

What do you think of a public prosecutor who
REFUSES to receive a proven, fully reliable
psychic in his office?

The only reason for that, can be, that
that public prosecutor is TERRIFIED of
being found out himself or herself,

for instance when that public

- which is not uncommon -

himself or herself is a Criminal
Mind, a sociopath, or such.




To take up another hindrance to having 'Zero
Tolerance,' there is the remark of some, that

"there is ALWAYS guilt on both sides."

This is in fact a very false concession to the

given by someone who wants to "be
friendly" to some Criminal, and who
"appeases" Criminals,

with "there is ALWAYS guilt on both
sides," but it

is done ONLY in order to hide the real
Criminal, the one who DOES INTEND and thus,
the one who CAUSES Evil:

Your refusal (well, not yours and mine,
of course, but other people's REFUSAL)
to look at malice that truly exists in
some people,

your refusal to look at evil,

does allow others to make that remark.

"There is always guilt on both sides."


It actually and to quite some extent, does

because 'stopping evil,' OF COURSE makes
you a party to the fight!

Then leveling the accusation, that

"there is always guilt on both sides," is thus
an extremely mean thing to do to someone,

in particular when (and because) it
PRETENDS to be "just" and "ethical"

(while they are in fact - as the "Peace
Activists" do, these are - accusing those who
protect you and others)

is accusing THOSE who defend you,

of "lying" and of "making war."





INCORRECTLY determining the one(s) who actually does (do)
want evil,

- meaning, when you are being tricked into accusing
someone who actually tries to PROTECT AND RESTORE
life and decency, but is not easily seen as such -

that condition, of course,

effectively DESTROYS your ability to create your intention
or your Energy of 'Zero Tolerance,'

as we will see by defining 'Zero Tolerance' very




You know, that Criminal Minds will indeed try

- often with success -

to make you accuse the very wrong person, or the very
wrong group (or the very wrong country and the very wrong
president, for instance, isn't it).


Thus, what you observe, what you see happening, has to be
connected correctly to the intentions that are present (that
actually exist)

- which DEFINES Sanity -

and you then still have to determine correctly, WHO has WHICH
actual intention - correctly, in truth.


Their actual intention to be evil, may be frantically
hidden and forcefully hidden, and very cleverly hidden,

hidden often by means of common social assumptions,

by social ideas about 'who is good and who is evil'
and about 'who would not be evil,'

by common assumptions about 'who is friend and who is





We continue with another anecdote to describe 'Zero Tolerance:'

It happened one or two days earlier, that, on a shopping street,
I walked past a narrow alley, and saw a young man busy, there,
trying to sexually molest a girl, and the girl was fighting to
get him away from her body.

I stopped, looked at them, and projected my intention (that is,
I created the Life Energy, then and there, on the spot) of my
disapproval, my 'Zero Tolerance' of the Evil that he was doing.


At this point, I would like to express some well-earned
ridicule towards the Licensed Medical Profession:

These Professionals - the Licensed Medical Quacks and
Charlatans - (or the L.M.Q.C if you want to be brief with
them) -

have infused school-education with the atrocious and very
debilitating, very malicious lies, that

"perception is done by means of air and by photons, only."


So, according to the Licensed Medical Profession

- according to the doctrines of the 'Medical
Religion' -

this boy in the alley trying to rape the girl,

"can not perceive any Energy of disagreement with his

because the disagreement by me, against his

neither took the form of (light) photons,

nor of (sound) vibrating air,

nor of (smell) particles in the air near his nose,

nor of (touch) an object coming in contact with his



'Zero Tolerance' then

- that, what every professional police officer uses as the
MAIN tool of his work when he walks his beat around the
neighborhood -

according to the Medical 'religion' - "can not exist," and "does not

according to the Licensed Medical Quacks and
Charlatans, who have provided our children, and
us, with their (biology) school textbooks.


The Licensed Medical Trade or the "Medical Science" claims
and proclaims:

"It is 'scientifically' impossible to perceive evil intentions,"

"NOR can others feel your disagreement with evil."




This is really too idiotic, that I have to mention
this, that I have to EXPLAIN - what you know of
course very well to be true,

you are knowing the truth by the simple fact
that you are alive:

YOU FEEL OTHER PEOPLE, and - which is why you do like some
people when you meet them - YOU FEEL,

because life IS FEELING and feeling only, so you feel -

what FEELINGS and ideas and intentions people do radiate.

And consequently, people feel you, by what feelings
you emanate;

and Criminal Minds can and do try to
block that others feel you, and what you
feel for others,

and Criminal Minds try to replace that
with Ugly Energy Particles,

which also contain and also ARE
feelings, Ugly feelings, in this

and when these interfere,

then people suddenly "do not like you
anymore," or suddenly, people do not
notice you anymore

- something that you certainly
have experienced, and again will
experience, at times -

and now you know, how that works,

which (if you know how something works)
opens the way to remedy it very quickly,

You just create (feel, connect to)
your own Energies again, and

you move those Ugly, Painful,
Euphoric or Unconsciousness
Energies from Criminal Minds,

away from you again, away from
your soul, and away from your
body, away from your face:

Those Energies are just Particles

- AND for God's sake, STAY AWAY
PROFESSION unless you know and
know very much about them,

because THEY CAN (and in this
case they most likely will, due
to their "education") VERY

often for the rest of your life,
too, AND beyond it as well. And
some will ruin you financially
too, while you are still alive,
that is, of course.


Again: You FEEL other people, and you feel what people
radiate to you and about you - that IS Perception.




And so this boy too did feel, what I radiated to him:

the intention, the Energy Particles that intend 'Zero Tolerance.'


Consequently, he turned his head around, saw me, and shouted

(Some people think I am Jesus, when they see me, or more so
when they feel my Energies. I am not Jesus and I was not
Jesus, of course, but I have some qualities, that make
people say that, or feel that, at times.

I have a very strong Energy of Justice, of Truth, of
Love, and of Beauty.

This boy, here did, then, by the way, feel that Energy
of Justice, which he associates - which is culturally
associated - with Jesus Christ.)


And he let go of the girl's body, and sped away.

And I walked on. Again, without having said a word.

I was not expecting (nor getting) any gratitude - it was
my intention, that he stops his evil towards another,

which IS 'Zero Tolerance,'

and he did stop - almost instantly, at this time.




You may notice, that also here, I did NOT at all create any Hate
towards or for the young man:

I just created, and then firmly held the Energy of Disagreeing
with Evil,

which disagreement is - you understand, not Hate at all - but
that disagreement IS Love

- the Energy of 'Zero Tolerance' -



{Definition of 'Zero Tolerance'}





That is obvious TO YOU, but at the same time you have to know, that
Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE,

so for THEM, Good is "Evil."

Really... when you solve their Crime, then they see THAT
as "you being Evil" to them, isn't it.

For instance, they very intensely HATE true psychics, and
they want these imprisoned or sedated or murdered, and
definitely NOT believed,

because Criminal Minds want truth NOT exposed, you
see that, don't you.


But THEY (Criminal Minds) don't say that, so you have to
understand that by yourself:

THEY say, that "psychics are lying," "are deceiving
people," "are playing with people's emotions," etc..

But the TRUTH is, that they know very well, which
psychics are true and which can see some truth,

and they want, that THOSE - true psychics - or
anyone who easily feels some very exact truths about
others, and about the past,

(which is all contained in and remains forever
contained and visible in Life Energies)

so the Criminals want,

that anyone who can easily detect their Crimes, must
be destroyed, and hated, ridiculed, tortured, in
short: exterminated.




And I believe, that it is about time, now,
that you yourself start to teach these things,

so that I do not anymore have to do all
your work FOR you,

when you are - or when someone else is -
"condemned to death" by someone who is

a Criminal Mind himself or herself or

creating and using false "evidence," by
invoking, or by interviewing a Criminal Mind,

of whom you find many - and on THIS subject,
most vocal - Criminal Minds,

amongst "atheist skeptics" or the
hate-and-envy-soaked stage "magicians"

who can only trick and deceive,

who want to be thought of not only
as "being equal to," but as "being

a psychic who is a decent person,

like Uri Geller, for example,

who IS able to actually see
something of the very precise
Energies of someone else.




Life Energies record perceptions, and these hold and relay
perceptions, feelings, thoughts, memories, and these also
carry out intentions,

as I described for you in the 'Introduction
to Fine Particle Physics,'

there is nothing mysterious about it at all

- only those, Criminal Minds, who want to keep the
past and other facts hidden from you, from anyone,

THEY try to make a very simple subject confused,

and "un-understandable," "supernatural" and
"mysterious" and "paranormal," and so on,

some even claim, which is the most ridiculous
statement of all, that

"Life Energy does not exist."

In fact, the Criminal Minds are ANTI-NORMAL.


There is also nothing mysterious about taking

IF you know how the chemical emulsions, or
nowadays the light-sensitive semi-conductors
work, and how lenses and shutters work.


But Criminal Minds have everything in reverse - I never
told you that, or did I...

For instance, you are showing yourself to people - which is
showing people, that you are Beautiful and Happy, and Truthful,

and then THEY, the Criminal Minds or Demonic creatures,
do feel that, IN REVERSE:

"You are Evil," "You are making 'everyone' (look) Evil and
Ugly and obvious Liars,"

but you only expose truth, you actually are only
making them to look as they indeed are when made

when made visible, they, Criminal Minds, DO look
Evil and Ugly and obviously are Lying

- which they indeed are, BEHIND their mask and
BEHIND their deceptions, and

simply your being yourself, your radiating your
own Energy of Beauty and Truth, will of course
make the Criminal Minds instantly recognizable

to those who are not blinded by them -

and so "you must be destroyed, and brought down to a
'normal state',"

or 'not being conspicuous,' not 'standing out,' as
they still say in Germany,

by which they mean to imply that a person is then
"reliable," when he is NOT visible!

Criminal Minds do have everything in reverse.

Depending on 'what they have the most chance with' to
destroy you, they most likely do not say their TRUE
reasons and their ACTUAL opinions to you, openly.

Which is yet another reason, for you to study the
Human Rights Issues,

which is worth a million times more than any
academic degree in the licensed medical trade,

supposing you are not 'in it' for only your
own income.


Now, we have gotten 'Zero Tolerance' defined correctly, as:

'The INTENTION (the Life Energy) that holds and
communicates and makes felt a constant, incorruptible
Disagreeing with Evil.'

{Definition of 'Zero Tolerance'}





We continue with another anecdote: I am telling you something that
happened not long before the other two incidents of my using 'Zero

A young father, a nice man with his little daughter and with
his wife, was walking not very far from me, in the huge hall
of the railway station.

His wife, quite the opposite of her husband and of their
daughter - (his wife and her mother) radiated Ugliness
and lies and confusion

(she created the poisoned Life Energy of Ugliness)

just as a chronic psychotic or sociopath does most of the

The little girl wanted to be free from having to suffer her
mother, and started to run around,

using the opportunity of being in this big hall of the
railway station,

to look at everything she wanted BY HERSELF to be interested in,
and she was proceeding do so.


Instantly, the mother radiated, that

'HE, the father, her husband, must control and dominate
their daughter,' and that

'he must do so immediately,' and that

'he must do so BY getting very angry' at this happy and
alive little girl, that

'he must get angry at the little girl

FOR her moving about and FOR her being alive and for her
being interested BY HERSELF,

FOR her creating her OWN interest in life, for creating


So he, the father, started to do as his wife demanded of him,
he was about to get very angry at his little daughter

- which was when I walked by, and saw what was happening
and what was going to happen

(I usually do look at people's intentions, their
Energies that contain 'what they want,' 'what they
plan to do' - so I saw)

what he was going to do to the happy and alive little


Therefore, I stopped some five yards away from them, not drawing
their attention, and pretending to look at some magazines, at a
nearby newspaper stand,

and I radiated strongly my Energy at and around the father, the
Energy of 'Zero Tolerance,'

that he be decent to the little girl who was his
daughter, and to respect her joy and her desire to be
interested by herself in life.

And so he stopped his action of angrily going after her, and he
stared for a moment at me - which I could see from the corner of
my eye.


Then he himself simply resumed his original intention: 'to be
happy, and to let his daughter be happy and enjoy life too,'

and he continued to walk on with his wife, and his daughter
continued to dart happily around them:

A very happy father again, with a very happy daughter.

And because I happened to walk in the same direction as they
did, then, I occasionally caught a glimpse of him looking at me
in wonder...




So you see, that you do not at all have to wait till after
you die, with being an angel

- with acting like an angel for some crucial moment
to restore or secure some happiness in the life of
someone else...

as it is your very nature to do.

All it takes, is 'Zero Tolerance' - the Intention to
disagree with Evil.


As you know, you naturally do like VERY MUCH to help people, and to
make normal people happy, as much as lies in your power.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(to be added)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2006, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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