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Hvorfor kan kun amerikanere skrive sådan n~
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 23-04-08 20:06

The Many Forms of Radical Islam All Threaten America

Peter S. Probst

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad
is our way. Dying in the service of Allah is our highest hope".
Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood


Most of us who study terrorism focus primarily, if not exclusively, on the
violence and the carnage. But there is another aspect to terrorism that that
represents a long term, sub-threshold threat and highly effective form of
attack to which we are subjected on a daily basis. It is a campaign of
sophisticated Political Warfare that is largely unacknowledged by the
government and, as a consequence, is unappreciated by the American public.

Radical Islam in a multitude of forms and guises, using a broad array of
tactics and strategies represents the prime internal security threat to our
country. The government focuses primarily on the external threat but for
literally decades highly trained Islamist cadre have been operating
successfully and with significant effect on American soil. The nature and
scope of this growing and complex internal threat is rarely addressed in
public forums. Some have described it as the "third rail" of American
political discourse.

These American-based Islamists and the groups they represent are
increasingly reliant on sophisticated Political Action operations designed
to eviscerate government capabilities to uncover and dismantle terrorist
cells and support mechanisms. They capitalize on our government's failure to
recognize and counter their Political Action activities, which are being
promoted through a variety of instruments including seemingly independent
and benign front groups established to advance the radical Islamist agenda.
They use our freedoms, constitutional guarantees, and the advantages of an
open society as both a sword and shield in this latest iteration of
ideological warfare.

They seek to foster malignant self-doubt as best expressed by the question
so many of the well meaning ask: "Why do they hate us?" The answer should
be painfully obvious but, regrettably, eludes too many political figures and
pundits. The truth is the Islamists do not hate us because of the freedoms
we enjoy. They do not hate us because we are wealthy and powerful. They do
not hate us because of our support of Israel. They hate us because they see
us as the prime impediment to the realization of their messianic vision of a
global caliphate under Sharia law. They recognize that they cannot conquer
us through force of arms, economic warfare or even terrorism. Their strategy
is one of Political Warfare to sap our strength, self-confidence and will to
resist and, thereby, leave us vulnerable to more conventional forms of
aggression. History has taught that once a nation's internal defenses are
compromised and the public psychologically disarmed, a country can fall into
the hands of an adversary like a ripe fruit - a strategy practiced
successfully by both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis.

Political Warfare

Political Warfare is an unfamiliar concept to most Americans. Essentially,
it is an umbrella term that embraces a panoply of strategies, tactics and
capabilities. It is, in essence, a tool kit from which the operator may draw
to mount and tailor a campaign to demoralize, paralyze, bleed and,
ultimately, vanquish an adversary. At its most effective it is usually a
mix of Psychological Operations, Political Action, and Terror. Tactics may
oscillate between extreme violence and the apparently benign, the aim being
to erode the public's will to resist and to foster a readiness to accept
seemingly reasonable compromises that in reality represent a slippery slope
to ultimate surrender. The approach is insidious and effective.

The term best used to describe the process, was coined by Matyas Rakosi, the
Hungarian Communist Party Boss, who prided himself on his slavish devotion
to Stalin and who, in a moment of cynical candor, explained how the
communists seized power. Basically, it was "Salami Tactics," Rakosi
boasted - "demanding a little more each day, like cutting up a salami, thin
slice after thin slice." Salami tactics were a favorite of the Communists,
the Fascists, and now have been embraced by the radical Islamists.

American as Safe Haven

Although we may be loath to admit it, for years America has been used as
safe haven by terrorist groups. Shielded by our constitutional guarantees,
such groups have felt free to raise funds, disseminate propaganda, recruit
cadre and foot soldiers, and mount operations. One of their prime goals has
been to influence the American public and our elected representatives. They
lobby, lie and dissemble, counting on American naiveté and good will to cut
them the slack they need to promote the revolutions they seek.

They burrow deep, and integrate themselves into our communities and
political fabric. They cultivate members of Congress, media, pundits, civil
rights organizations, and those the Communists labeled "useful idiots."
Through a variety of mechanisms such as political fronts, mass
organizations, friendly media, NGOs, charities and agents-of-influence, they
mobilize support, forge alliances, and exploit the sympathy needed to
provide political advantage and expand their political base.

American-based Islamists intensively promote coalition building across
divisions of class, party, religion and ethnicity. They are extremely adroit
at exploiting the hubris, vanity and lust for power of politicians, pundits
and opportunists; as well as, the best impulses of the well-meaning who are
desperately seeking to build a better world through accommodations that too
often paper over fundamental differences and promise peace in our time.

Successful terror groups demonstrate a keen appreciation of the art of
Political Warfare. They capitalize on the mistakes of governments that
either fail to respond to the threat they represent, or respond in a
heavy-handed and predictably counterproductive fashion. Only recently have
we have come to realize that organizations committed to Global Jihad are
active in the United States, and for years have been engaged in operations
designed to destroy the nation.

Targeting of America

Most Americans are unaware that until 9/11, the terror group HAMAS, a
creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, received its primary funding not from
the Middle East or the Gulf States, but from American citizens and legal
resident aliens who constituted its primary source of financial support.
Radical Imams and HAMAS cadre from Jordan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank
criss-crossed the country speaking and raising funds at radical mosques,
local community centers, college campuses and corporate boardrooms, as well
as at gatherings in private homes where they courted the wealthy and
influential. They inspired their audiences by vivid accounts of heroic
sacrifice and lauded the success of suicide operations. Sometimes they would
even be accompanied by a wanted HAMAS terrorist who would regale the
audience with first hand accounts of mayhem and murder. These "circuit
riders" galvanized support among the impressionable and the committed,
generating a flow of contributions that kept HAMAS flush and lethal.

Successfully circumventing INS controls, individuals such as Abdel Aziz
Odeh, the spiritual leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and an
unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing, made multiple
visits to the U.S. to fundraise and for purposes political recruitment.
Yusef Al Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the
taking over of the United States and for suicide bombings also traveled
throughout the country, as has Kamal Hilbawi, a Muslim Brotherhood
spokesman, who advocates attacks on American targets.

HAMAS and other Jihadii groups use such visits to propagandize, identify new
opportunities, spot and develop new talent and, ultimately, recruit likely
prospects. Young Americans - blond haired, blue eyed, and carrying American
passports - are the gold standard. Former military are particularly prized.
By virtue of their American citizenship, such operatives can travel the
world in the cause of revolutionary Islam, and for the most part remain
above suspicion.

For some 16 years, the head of the political wing of HAMAS, Mousa Abu
Marzook, lived in Falls Church, Virginia. The current head of Palestinian
Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, worked as a professor at the
University of South Florida. There he taught America's children, before
leaving the United States for Damascus to assume control of the PIJ. Khalid
Sheik Mohammad, the architect of the 9/11 attack, went to school in North
Carolina. Sami al-Arian, an engineering professor at the University of South
Florida, opened a university-affiliated think tank called the World Islamic
Studies Enterprise from where he ran PIJ terrorists world-wide. These
American-based operatives hid in plain sight. They often chose small towns
and cities because they presented, and continue to present, a permissive
operational environment.

Some of the most valued al Qaeda operatives have been U.S. citizens. Wadi Al
Hage, Osama bin Laden's former private secretary and a trusted al Qaeda
operative, is a U.S. citizen. He attended the University of Southwest
Louisiana, and lived in Tucson, Arizona and Arlington Texas. Al Hage was a
prime mover in al Qaeda's entry into the international diamond trade which
resulted in a close working relationship between Sunni (al Qaeda) and Shia
(Hizbullah) Jihadists. (Jihad makes strange bedfellows.) Al Hage is now
serving a life sentence in a maximum-security prison for conspiracy to
commit terrorism and for his role in the August 1998 bombings of our
embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Saalam, Tanzania.

Ali Muhammad, a former Egyptian Intelligence Officer, became a U.S. citizen
and worked at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Ft Bragg. There,
he lectured on Middle East Culture and terrorism to some of our most
sensitive and elite military units. He was widely regarded as an expert on
radical Islam, a reputation that was well deserved since he also served as a
key bin Laden military advisor, helping to plan some of al Qaeda's most
devastating attacks including the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi.

Adam Ghadan, convert to Islam and the American spokesman for al Qaeda, was
born in California. Attracted to Islam at an early age, he ultimately
embraced it in its most radical form. He promotes the concept of an
Islamist America under Sharia law and owing fealty to Osama bin Laden.

The Strategy

While we understandably worry about terrorist infiltration across our
borders, the uncomfortable truth is they already live among us as quiet,
affable, next door neighbors who keep an immaculate lawn, are members of the
garden club, and babysit our kids. Border security is vital, but so is
countering the internal threat which, too often, is treated in a dismissive
and even contemptuous fashion. Often labeled by the foolish or malevolent as
"Islamophobia" or "bigotry," the American-based Islamists do their best to
erode our confidence in government's efforts to secure the homeland and, too
often, such efforts are inadvertently aided by government incompetence and
misdirected zeal.

And when the motivations of the Islamists are called into question and links
between them and terrorist groups exposed, they turn to invective and law
suit in an attempt to intimidate and silence their critics. Being blessed
with deep pockets they were in the past, too often, successful. They had
learned that the best defense is an aggressive "take-no-prisoners" offense.
But their detractors also learned to meet their lawsuits head on using
"discovery" and other tools of the American legal system to turn the tables.
The War on Terrorism is being fought on a variety of fronts by some very
unlikely people.

Soft Power

When we talk of the radical Islamist arsenal most think in terms of AK-47s,
improvised explosive devises and weapons of mass destruction. But there are
other weapons that topple governments and destroy democracies. These are
the tools of "soft power" that mold public opinion and influence public

Most fail to recognize that even the most seemingly benign and inoffensive
organizations established by such political cadre seek to advance the
radical Islamist agenda which is anything but benign and inoffensive. Such
organizations operate on two levels. There is the public face - the image
being one of reasonableness, openness, tolerance and a readiness to seek
compromise and accommodation asking only the right to peacefully practice
their faith as is guaranteed under our constitution. Then there is the
hidden agenda which is to destroy our constitutional guarantees and
democratic values that enable them to operate so freely. It is part of a
calculated effort to dissemble and mislead. It is a bit like the pedophile
who carefully bandages the knee of the little girl injured in a school yard
and gently dries her tears. The action may be laudable, but the motive is

A prime target has been the American education system. We see evidence of
significant Islamist inroads not only on college campuses, but in
elementary, secondary and high school classrooms where radical Islamists
have successfully sought to influence the content of text books and provide
subtly slanted educational material. In some cities, Islamists are helping
design curricula ostensibly "sensitive" to "Muslim concerns," but in reality
are part of a broader cultural offensive that distorts history, devalues the
American experience and attempts to use our educational system as a tool of
political indoctrination to advance a brutal and intolerant ideology. As the
Jesuits have noted: "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you
the man." It is a principle that holds true for good or for ill.

The Actors

A prime mover in such efforts was Abdurahman Alamoudi, the founder and
Executive Director of the American Muslim Council (AMC), which for many
years was regarded as the premier American Muslim organization. Alamoudi was
regarded by both Republican and Democratic administrations as the "go to
guy" on issues that could affect Muslim America. Alamoudi was an honored
guest at the White House, posed for photographs with American Presidents and
their families, and rubbed elbows with political movers and shakers of both
political parties. This was a man the government believed represented
moderation and the best Muslim America had to offer. He even represented the
Muslim American community at memorial services held at the National
Cathedral to honor the victims of 9/11.

Alamoudi's luck held until 2003, when he was detained at Gatwick Airport
trying to enter the U.S. with some $340,000 of Libyan money. He was arrested
on his arrival at Dulles and ultimately charged with making some 10 illegal
trips to Libya in violation of U.S. law. As part of a plea agreement he
surrendered an estimated $910,000 he had received from the Libyan
government, and acknowledged his role in a plot to assassinate then-Crown
Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. (Alamoudi had agreed to try to recruit the
assassins.)* Alamoudi also acknowledged membership in the Muslim
Brotherhood, and the Treasury Department reports that he had raised a
million dollars for al Qaeda.

*Abdurahman Alamoudi Sentenced to Jail in Terrorism Financing Case," U.S.
Department of Justice Press Release, October 15, 2004,
http://www.usdoj.gov/ opa/pr/2004/October/04_crm_698.htm.

This is a man who represents the quintessential agent-of-influence, and his
loss no doubt was a severe blow to the Muslim Brotherhood. Abduraham
Alamoudi is currently serving a 23- year sentence in a federal penitentiary

Dallas and the Smoking Gun

Last fall, there was a watershed event that ironically involved a mistrial
and a case the government plans to retry. The drama played out in a
courtroom in Dallas, Texas where key members of a Muslim charity, the Holy
Land Foundation, were charged with conspiring to funnel funds to the
terrorist group HAMAS.

Particularly telling were documents that had been seized from personal files
of the radical American Islamist leadership. Their authenticity was not
disputed by the defendants.* The government charged that these papers
revealed that for some 40 years the Muslim Brotherhood has been carrying out
aggressive operations in the United States using fronts, charities and a
variety of other mechanisms to fund HAMAS and other terrorist groups.

*Court documents that pertain to this case as well as accurate and detailed
analysis can be found on the web site of the NEFA foundation at
http://www.nefafoundation.org/hlfdocs.html, and in the articles/analyses of
Douglas Farah, Ron Sandee and Josh Lefkowitz.

The Muslim Brotherhood, established in Egypt in 1928, is the umbrella
organization for at least 70 Islamist organizations around the world. Most
Americans, even those who are politically savvy, know little about the
Brotherhood other than that it is a shadowy, politically powerful
organization that operates globally and often follows a dual track policy.
Where legal, it enters the political process much as any other political
party, and is often successful in realizing or, at least, advancing its
political agenda. Where illegal, it has historically resorted to terrorism,
assassination and other forms of violence. It is active and powerful across
the Middle East, North Africa and in Europe. The trial revealed the Muslim
Brotherhood and its affiliates have also developed a significant and
entrenched presence in the United States.

For those of us who remember the Cold War, the activities of the American
branch of the Muslim Brotherhood has a very familiar ring. That was a period
in our history when subversion and espionage were rife, and the goals of
local communist parties were set and coordinated by Moscow. These tactics
were well documented by former Cold War warriors who spent their careers
locked in this life and death struggle. Moscow made wide use of front
groups, agents-of-influence, vicious propaganda, covert action and
individuals they dubbed "useful idiots." The use of these and related
tactics is now mirrored by the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in

It is increasingly clear that Political Warfare did not die with the end of
the Cold War. The Holy Land Foundation trial helped bring into sharp focus
the nature and extent of the Brotherhood's activities within the United
States. One of the most important documents the government entered into
evidence was a 1991 memorandum titled "On the General Strategic Goal for the
Group in North America." Written by a senior Muslim Brotherhood official,
the document lays out the role of the Brothers or Ikhwan in America:

"The process of settlement [in the United States]* is a
"Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan
[Brothers]* must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand
Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and
"sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the
believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious
over all other religions. Without this level of understanding we are not up
to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a
Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he
lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny
except for those who chose (SIC) to slack."**

* My note added for clarity

**Government Exhibit 003-0085; 3:04-CR-240-G;

U.S. v HLF, et al., P.21.

There is no ambiguity as to the aims of the group, nor any effort to dignify
their interpretation of Jihad as some sought of an existential spiritual
struggle. It makes clear that the goal of the Brotherhood's American branch
is the destruction of the United States, Judeo-Christian values, and the
ultimate Islamization of America.

The document also lists 29 groups under the heading "A list of our
organizations and organizations of our friends." and includes some of the
most prominent and vocal Muslim American organizations in the United States.
Those listed include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North
American Islamic Trust, the Muslim Student Association (MSA), the Muslim
Arab Youth Association, and the Occupied Land Fund which later became the
Holy Land Foundation.

According to exhibits entered into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation
trial and recently made available to the public by the NEFA Foundation, the
Muslim Brotherhood shortly after it had established HAMAS directed its
Palestinian Committees worldwide to energetically support the organization.
To this end a complementary, seemingly independent stable of front
organizations were established.*

Fronts established in the United States included: The United Association for
Studies and Research (UASR) which functioned as a 'think tank;" The Islamic
Association for Palestine (IAP) which focused on propaganda and political
action; and the Occupied Land Fund that later became The Holy Land
Foundation, and was created to collect and funnel contributions to HAMAS.*

*U.S. v Holy Land Foundation (N.D. TX.)

No. 3:04-CR-240-G, Government's Trial Brief

http://nefafoundation.org/miscellaneous/HLF/U.S. v HLF TrialBrief.PDF.

The government also entered into evidence information pertaining to a 1993
clandestine meeting held in Philadelphia. There, Omar Ahmad, then-President
of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP) emphasized the need to
strengthen radical Islamist influence with Congress. The IAP has been named
by the government as both a Muslim Brotherhood and HAMAS front.

"This can be achieved by infiltrating the American media outlets, university
and research centers. If Muslims engage in political activism in America and
started to be concerned with Congress and public relations we will an entry
point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America."*

* U.S. v Holy Land Foundation (N.D. TX.) No. 3:04-CR-240-G, Government
Exhibit 016-0075,

According to an article by Nihad Awad, (IAP Public Relations Director) he,
together with Omar Ahmad (IAP President) resigned from the organization to
establish the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).* Joined by
Rafeeq Jaber (who also had served as an IAP President), they wanted to
create a new organization that would not be defined by the Palestinian
struggle but, rather, had a broader mission and would project an image of
moderation and accommodation. It was determined that CAIR would define
itself as the premier Muslim American organization dedicated to combating
anti-Muslim discrimination nationwide.

*Nihad Awad, "Muslim-Americans in Mainstream America,"

The Link, February-March 2000

An article reportedly published by CAIR and cited in press accounts notes
that the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an ISNA subsidiary,* owns
approximately 27% of the estimated 1,200 mosques in the United States.**
This platform provides the Ikhwan and their supporters a bully pulpit for
indoctrination and recruitment. Many of those Mosques that they do not own
or control are currently targets for hostile takeover.

*The government named CAIR, NAIT and ISNA as Muslim Brotherhood fronts and
unindicted co-conspirators.

**http://www.sptimes.com/2003/03/11/news_pf/Worldandnation: Saudi form of
Islam wars with moderates

In 1999 Testimony before a State Department forum, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Kabbani, a highly respected Muslim leader and a moderate, testified that
some 80% of the mosques in the United States are controlled by radicals, an
analysis borne out by other analysts. As a result of his candor, Shaykh
Kabbani was subjected to an organized campaign of harassment that was so
extreme that many believed his life was in danger.

What was described in these exhibits is the creation of a sophisticated,
coordinated covert action capability dedicated to the destruction of our
constitutionally guaranteed liberties and the supplanting of the Republic by
a radical Islamist theocracy.

Political Correctness Run Amok

To most in government, revelations such as these were worrisome but
dismissed as anomalies. There was little speculation in government that
there might be a larger, organized, well-oiled conspiracy. Those who sought
to probe further often found their efforts constrained, undermined or
thwarted by a culture of "risk avoidance" and "political correctness" that
in recent years has run amok. It is the nature of government bureaucracies
to abhor controversy, particularly controversy involving matters of faith.
Few in government are willing to open themselves to accusations of bigotry,
knowing that even groundless accusations can be costly in terms of time,
money, lost promotions and battered reputations. For those working in such
a setting, controversy is anything but career enhancing. It is like being
accused of being a pedophile. Although the individual may be cleared of all
charges, the accusation alone can cause irreparable damage. It is
McCarthyism in reverse.

Muslim Americans constitute a significant voting bloc, and there has been
little desire to risk antagonizing a vocal, wealthy and increasingly
powerful minority by putting some of its most revered leaders under a
microscope. These and other factors promote a culture that has contributed
to government inertia which is reflected, today, by public indifference.

Despite all that has been documented and is in the public record, CAIR and
its sister organizations successfully court American politicians who
continue to seek their approval and endorsement. CAIR has even successfully
partnered with the FBI to provide Bureau agents "sensitivity training." I am
sure, if asked, Bureau officials who promote such programs would state that
they are motivated by a desire to build bridges to the American Muslim
community and to open productive communications with moderate elements
within CAIR.

According to press reports as many as 14 members of CAIR, some in senior
leadership positions, have been linked to terrorist activities or are in
jail as a result of such activities. There can be little doubt that other
investigations are in play. I would argue that if FBI agents need
sensitivity training, the federal government with all its resources surely
could find a more reputable organization to provide it. To me, the situation
is as absurd as if the Bureau were to recruit "moderate" Nazis or Communists
to provide FBI agents an understanding of their respective ideologies,
values and contributions to the American way of life. So my questions
remain: "Just why is the FBI using CAIR to train its agents, and who within
the Bureau championed this initiative?" Perhaps there are just some things
man was not meant to know.

For CAIR, participation in the program has been a propaganda bonanza. They
cite their partnership with the Bureau as an unofficial endorsement and, in
effect, a "Good Housekeeping seal of approval." They argue that no one
should question their patriotic credentials when the FBI trusts them enough
to train its agents.

Activities such as described not only suggest a serious lack of coordination
within DOJ, but a failure to recognize that such actions confer a de-facto
legitimacy that promotes the agendas of the Islamists and sends a mixed and
contradictory message to the American public and to American citizens of the
Muslim faith. To say that CAIR, ISNA, NAIT and their sister organizations
are masters of Political Warfare would be gross understatement.

What has been revealed, largely as the fruits of that trial in Dallas is
that Political Warfare on a grand scale, is being played out across the
American landscape, and little is being done to blunt, much less counter,
the message of the radical Islamists or their political and cultural
offensive being waged on American soil against America's citizens and
institutions. It is being waged in the corridors of power, on the Internet
and in local and national media. It is being waged not only in the Mosques
but within America's Muslim communities as well. Many believe that moderate
Muslims who constitute the majority have largely been isolated and
marginalized by a driven, vocal, disciplined and ruthless minority.

Khalid Duran, a highly respected Muslim scholar and close friend, has
described it as a "struggle for the soul of Islam." Several years ago, Dr.
Duran, a resident of the United States and on the road to citizenship, was
the target of a fatwa and like Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding. The
decree, reportedly solicited by American Islamists, was issued by the
radical Jordanian cleric Abu Zant. It stated that Kahlid Duran's blood may
be spilt which is a standard formulation for sanctioning murder. To me, it
is clear that Abu Zant's American supplicants had engaged in a solicitation
to commit murder which, as I understand it, is a criminal offense. However,
I have been unable to determine if any serious effort was made to determine
if the American Islamists who sought the fatwa had violated U.S. law.

If all this seems eerily familiar it should, as it appears that with just a
bit of tinkering and tailoring the American Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood
has adopted the political play book of the Communist Party. As the
Communists of an earlier era, it has established a web of front groups,
media outlets, charities and other entities to promote an ideology that
calls for our destruction.

Just as the Soviets through the Comintern and similar mechanisms mounted a
more than 50 year campaign of subversion, covert action, deception,
disinformation and misinformation against the Western democracies so have
the Radical Islamists through the Muslim Brotherhood. Like the Communists,
they have been able to insinuate themselves into the highest councils of
government and into the confidence of some of our most sensitive law
enforcement and intelligence agencies. They meet with Presidents, policy
makers, and those who shape American public opinion. Their assertion that
they represent the voice of moderate Islam and Muslim America has largely
gone unchallenged in the popular press and other media.

We are facing a sophisticated and calculated campaign to shape public
perception and define a new political reality. Until our political
leadership and the American public fully appreciate the nature and scope of
the struggle, the Brotherhood in its various forms and guises will continue
to mount aggressive operations to achieve the ultimate Islamization of
America and the imposition of Sharia law. The government's failure to mount
an effective and coordinated response to the Muslim Brotherhood's
political/cultural offensive suggests a fundamental lack of understanding as
to the nature of the conflict in which we are now engaged. The American
people deserve better.

What we are engaged in is not a War on Terrorism but, rather, a protracted
Political Conflict in which our War on Terror is but one component. This is
a conflict that cannot be won with bombs, guns and technology. This is a war
of ideas and competing ideologies. It is Political Warfare in the broadest
sense. It is a conflict that will last generations. Our adversaries take
the long view; whereas, we continue to be mired in an approach geared to the
annual budget cycle. The radical Islamists demonstrate a sense of Grand
Strategy. Regrettably, we do not.

Fighting terrorism is not a game for an impatient people. One must carefully
think through second and third order consequences. Good intelligence,
tenacity, uncommon courage, disciplined restraint, and an engaged public are
required. Education is key. However, the public continues to be fed a diet
of "feel good" messages and sound bites that do more to obfuscate than
inform; and fail to frame for the public a comprehensive, coherent
counterterrorism strategy needed to meet an escalating threat. The way we
choose to meet the challenge; the strategies and tactics we employ; and how
we marshal and deploy our resources will largely determine the winners, the
losers, and the price paid by each.


If politicians through their policies ruin the constitutional basis of the
state, the justice system must intervene. Mass immigration from mohammedan
countries is an example for such a policy. So why doesn't the justice system
intervene? Answer: They are the same criminally insane individuals as are
the politicians. So only a coup d'état by the military can save our

Jens Erik Bech (23-04-2008)
Fra : Jens Erik Bech

Dato : 23-04-08 21:53

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 21:05:58 +0200, Michael Laudahn eOpposition
<ch8051zh@yahoo.mil.et> wrote:

> The Many Forms of Radical Islam All Threaten America
> Peter S. Probst
Fordi vi er færdige med den "Store farmandguru" og hans udsøgte
søforklaringer på det ene og det andet. Vi er demokratiske og lever
snarere i ligeværdighed mellem mor og far, børn og gamle (lidt for lidt
lyttende til de gamle).

Amerikanerne svælger! I den store farmandguru. Farmand der skal apeases
hele tiden, for ellers bli'r han umedgørlig og han er jo tilværelsens
omdrejningspunkt og den person alle tager alvorligt. "Can I go to the prom
dad? Oh dad don't say no!"

Så kommer han med den nyeste og mest afgørende forklaring på tilværelsens
gåder. Så endnu en og endnu en uge efter uge år efter år. Vi gider ham
ikke mere! Han kan tage khaliffen i hånden og hoppe i hullet.

Alle disse færdigsyede forklaringer holder ikke en meter. Islam er en
afdød kultur i sidste dødskramper! Det viser historien. Gå deres saga
igennem. Se hvornår khalifaterne havde deres storhedstid og deres
forfaldstid. I dag er der ingen khalifater. Der er lukket og slukket.
Vesten puster en døende løve op, plastificerer den og kalder den
fremgangsrig og farlig! Døende løver er ikke farlige, de er
aflivningstruede. Vestens store farmandsguru holder kæmpe teater om
farligheden af den døende løve fordi døende kulturer har desperationen til

De dør som lemminger i den sidste kamp. Indianerne i deres hvide skjorter
som den store ånd havde gjort uigennemtrængelige for kugler faldt som
lemminger ovenpå gravstenen over deres kultur.

Men vi havde ondt af indianerne bagefter og fandt værdier hos dem. vi vil
få ondt af islamlemmingerne bagefter også. Kunne vi have gjort noget for
at forhinbdre millioner af lemminger vælte ud over klippekanterne i den
visse død?
Mission! Oplysning! Medmenneskelighed. Vise en bedre vej. Lægge det døve
øre til "Den desperate islam" og se mennesket, menneskeheden på den fælles
rejse fra fødsel til død igennem æoner!

Greetings Jens "Lyrik" Bech

Jens Erik Bech (24-04-2008)
Fra : Jens Erik Bech

Dato : 24-04-08 09:58

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 23:18:10 +0200, Michael Laudahn eOpposition
<ch8051zh@yahoo.mil.et> wrote:

> "Jens Erik Bech" <lyrik@heaven.dk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news.t920aeu7jtwg5l@lyrik.local...

>> Men vi havde ondt af indianerne bagefter og fandt værdier hos dem. vi
>> vil
>> få ondt af islamlemmingerne bagefter også. Kunne vi have gjort noget for
>> at forhinbdre millioner af lemminger vælte ud over klippekanterne i den
>> visse død?
>> Mission! Oplysning! Medmenneskelighed. Vise en bedre vej. Lægge det døve
>> øre til "Den desperate islam" og se mennesket, menneskeheden på den
>> fælles
>> rejse fra fødsel til død igennem æoner!
> Et typisk fald for såkaldt 'Lyrik' = 'Jens Erik Bech', ikke? >.)
> Der er vist noget i det, du siger. Alligevel tror jeg ikke din
> argumentation
> holder, i det hele taget.
Da menneskeheden var i Eden hvor Guds bjerg Mt. Sahand står,(højslette
omkring Täbriz) var vi nøgne, primitive gartnere, hos en konge der var
Gud. "Den store farmand." Fra dette isolerede område vandrede
brodermorderen Kain mod vest og det Kaspiske hav og nåede området
Nodq.(arkæologen og ægyptologen David Rohl) Herfra spredte hans
efterkommere sig mod syd igennem Iran til mellemflodslandet Eufrat og
Tigris i Iraq.
Herfra udvandrede Abraham fra Ur i området, som du kan se på Google
maps,.- til Kanaan. Samfundets opbygning var patriarkalsk og Gud var den
store farmand. Patriarken.

Hvad er Gud? Gud er skaberen af alt. Vores forstilling af "Skaberen af
alt" kalder vi for Gud. Dette koncept ændres efterhånden som vores
forestilling om skaberen ændres via vores udvikling,- og via budskaber der
kommmer og oplyser os i vores viden om ham (profeter) sidst ved åbenbaring
fra hans egen søn Jesus Kristus.

Denne viden har ændret Gud fra den store farmand i Gamle Testamente over
grundlæggeren af demokratiet Jesus Kristus (den der vil være noget skal
være de andres tjener),-til det endelige -helligåndens udgydelse over os
som mennesker. Så har vi ikke længere brug for lærere! For ånden i vores
hjerte lærer os alt hvad der er væsentligt. At vi ikke skal være som Kain
og slå vores broder ihjæl.
At vi skal elske Jesus som har forløst os og ikke vende tilbage til Eden
hvor vi var uvidende, nøgne gartnere for en kong farmand!

Amerikanerne er aldrig nået længere end det gamle testamente og jødisk
opfattelse af Gud og dermed deres eget samfund. Derfor spiller farmand en
sådan despotisk, afgørende rolle.

Greetings Jens "Lyrik" Bech

Ralph (24-04-2008)
Fra : Ralph

Dato : 24-04-08 22:10

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <ch8051zh@yahoo.mil.et> skrev i en meddelelse

Hvorfor kan folk der er i ALLES killfilter ikke finde ud af beholde deres
fucking killfiltrede adresse - come on, selv Bo Warming er klogere end

Ralph - som har haft samme adresse siden 1995

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