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European states, token pawns in two illega~
Fra : m9mckinley@yahoo.com

Dato : 19-04-08 22:37

Bush and Cheney escalated their bombing violence in
urban areas in large cities such as Basra and Baghdad.
Their lack of judgement is very clear. They have no idea what
they are doing, and the disaster will only grow.
Destroying thousands of houses and killing many
people in large crowded cities, that will win the hearts and minds,
that will bring 'democracy'?

General Davidicus Petraeus Bombardicus Asslickerius
testified on April 8 for Congress.
Of course the increasing violence was tied to his visit
and his many lies of omission to the American people.
Of course they were going to claim the troops must
stay ' a while' longer, another 5 years, another 10
years, another 100 years? Many more years to bomb
more Afghans and Iraqis in their own country?
More bombs to try to keep the oil assets in our bloody

Using helicopter gunships and rockets in crowded
urban areas like Sadr City?? Aping Israel's usual occupier
violence but on a much larger scale?

Oh gory occupiers, what have you become but mass
murderers in brutal and illegal colonial wars?


19 March 2003, clearly a day of eternal infamy in US history:

Over 5 Years ago Bush and Cheney started a second
terrible and more disastrous neo-colonial war in Asia.

The top scoundrel wanted to be seen as a 'commander-
in-chief'. And he will still be in office for 275 more days.

The list of 8 modern war criminals includes Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice, Powell, Wolfowitz, and Blair.
Forever tainted by war crimes because they instigated two
illegal wars of invasion, occupation and mass murder,
with no end in sight. They wrecked two countries,
for decades to come so hundreds of thousands more
will die.

The unbelievable carnage by bombing in Asia (Afghanistan
and Iraq) by American/European neo-colonial powers is never
analyzed and never even mentioned, we know why.
Asian lives do not count. Their misery must stay hidden.

The main objectives in Bush's illegal, immoral and super-lethal
bombing wars 10,000 miles away in Asia (still) are:

1. Middle Eastern oil and gas - profits and more global power
Even Greenspan acknowledged it's all about oil, power and profits:
(war on Iraq)

2. Caspian Region oil and gas - profits and more global power
(war on Afghanistan, bases, resources in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan)

3. African-Sudan/Chad/Somalia/Chad oil and gas - profits and more
global power (Bush just visited Africa, we know why, Africom is less
than a year old and must still build military bases in Africa)
(war on Somalia, Chad and more)

4. Geo-politicalan global access to/control over oil and gas
resources, pipelines, sea lanes, transportation conduits - more
global power (demonizing Iran, Syria, Russia, and others in Asia)

5. Keep Israel as a rogue military fort/wedge in the Middle East -
violence by proxy-state, global power, divide and conquer

Therefore Western nations attacked at least two countries in
two of these far-a-way regions, one in 2001, the other one in 2003
(not even counting the largely hidden attacks on poor people in
Somalia, with Ethiopian mercenary armies and bombers we
support and help).

They still keep bombing the two Asian countries daily, as many of
the 'natives' do not want to bow or kneel for Western invaders, ever.
One would never know about this mass killing from the air
from the complicit mass media, experts in omission
and deception, mindless masters of Pentagon plagiarism.

So the bombing and killing by American, Canadian, British/French/
NATO and Australian, mostly white Anglo-Saxon invaders/
conquerors/occupiers of two sovereign Muslim
countries in Asia is continuing unabated ---- and unreported.

They are still trying to 'pacify' two invaded countries and squash
the legitimate rebellion of darker skinned, poor, non-Christian
people in their own countries. As has happened in so many
other horrible colonial bombing wars in the past.

The invaders will continue killing large numbers of Afghan and Iraqi
citizens in their own countries every day,

'to liberate them for democracy' or
'to win the hearts and minds' or
'to help them re-build their country'
Using the usual weaponry of technological barbarians.

'Technological might makes right' - which then makes
mass murder possible and acceptable.

One would never know it from the mass media:

1. Jan. 1 airpower summary: Invader A-10 Thunderbolt II
delivers weapons in order to kill more Muslim partisans
41+57 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

2. Jan. 2 airpower summary: Invader unmanned Predators on
the brutal prowl in colonized Muslim countries
42+62 = 104 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

3. Jan. 3 airpower summary: Invader C-17s keep
colonial war supplies moving
40+63 = 103 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

4. Jan. 4 airpower summary: Invader A-10s support
invader/occupier ground forces
34+58 = 92 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

5. Jan. 5 airpower summary: Invader B1-B conducts precision
killer strikes on resistance fighters in their own country
19+50 = 69 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

6. Jan. 6 airpower summary: Invader F-16 supports
illegal Iraqi bombing missions
45+43= 88 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

7. Jan. 7 airpower summary: Invader C-130s deliver
occupier troops, and illegal supplies where not wanted
6+69=75 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

8. Jan. 8 airpower summary: Invader C-17s fly
aeromedical evacuations
38+65=103 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

9. Jan. 9 airpower summary: Invader Arial refuelers,
negative killer force multipliers
35+62 = 97 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

10. Jan. 10 airpower summary: Invader Weapon crews
ensure colonial war success
33+58 = 91 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

11. Jan. 11 airpower summary: Invader F-15E Strike Eagles
hit Iraqi resistance positions
42+30 = 72 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

12. Jan. 12 airpower summary: Invader B-1B bomber conducts
illegal and immoral precision killer strikes in occupied
Afghanistan http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123082054
39+61 = 100 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

13. Jan. 13 airpower summary: Invader C-17s on the move
39+59 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

14. Jan. 14 airpower summary: Invader A-10 shows brutal
colonial killing force http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123082236
41+59 = 100 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

15. Jan. 15 airpower summary: Invader Fighting Falcons
fly unsuccessful illegal missions
16+48 = 64 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

16. Jan. 16 airpower summary: Inavder Tankers fuel the
killer fleet http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123082701
2 (clearly a lie) +65 = 67 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

17. Jan. 17 airpower summary: Invader A-10s provide
immoral colonial air support
35+66 = 101 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

18. Jan 18 no data, estimated 100 bombing raids
19. Jan 19 no data, estimated 100 bombing raids

20. Jan. 20 airpower summary: Invader E-3s provide
conqueror's eye in foreign countries' sky
43+63 = 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

21. Jan. 21 airpower summary: Invader F-16s provide lethal
and illegal show of force
41+60 = 101 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

22. Jan. 22 airpower summary: Invader F-15s conduct
illegal show of killing force
41+61 = 102 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

23. Jan. 23 airpower summary: Invader A-10s strike
partisan/resistance positions
44 + 17 = 61 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

24. Jan. 24 airpower summary: Invader Recon aircraft
keep an evil eye on resistance fighters
40 + 52 = 92 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

25. Jan. 25 airpower summary: Invader F-15E Strike Eagles
eliminate = kill legitimate resistance fighters
46 + 58 = 104 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

26. Jan. 26 airpower summary: Heavy airlift sustains
illegal colonial war operations
42 + 39 = 81 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

27. Jan. 27 airpower summary: Invader A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provide
show of death and destruction
39 + 37 = 76 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

28. Airpower summary for Jan. 28: Invader F-16s fly
killer strikes on partisans in their own country
40 + 51 = 91 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

29. Jan. 29 Neo-colonial airpower summary
41 + 49 = 90 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

30. Jan. 30 airpower summary: Invader C-17s deliver the
goods to crush rebellious resistance fighters in Asia
42 + 48 = 90 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

31. Jan 31 No data, estimated 80 bombing raids

32. Feb. 1 airpower summary: Shows of death and destruction
by invaders deter legitimate resistance
31 + 34 = 65 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

33. Feb. 2 airpower summary: Invader B-1Bs deter partisan activities
35 + 65 = 100 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

34. Feb 3 no data, estimated 100 bombing raids

35. Feb. 4 airpower summary: Invader C-130s provide
illegal support for mercenary coalition
16 + 63 = 79 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

36. Feb. 5 airpower summary: Invader F-16s support
illegal coalition killer forces in Iraq
17 + 66 = 83 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

37. Feb. 6 airpower summary: Invader F-15s kill more Afghan
resistance fighters
33 + 65 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

38. Feb 7 No data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

39. Feb. 8 airpower summary: Invader Groundcrews keep
huge invader bombers flying
40 + 56 = 96 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

40. Feb. 9 No data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

41. Feb. 10 airpower summary: Invader A-10s conduct
shows of horrible death and destruction
35 + 65 = 100 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

42. Feb. 11 airpower summary: Invader F-15Es deter Afghan
resistance activity http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123085941
41 + 54 = 95 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

43. Feb. 12 airpower summary: Invader A-10s destroy resistance
targets http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123086178
43 + 60 = 103 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

44. Feb. 13 airpower summary: Roman B-1B bombers destroy
thousands of targets in faraway rebellious territories
42 + 66 = 108 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

45. Feb. 14 airpower summary: Invader C-130s support
mercenary coalition forces
24 + 59 = 83 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

46. Feb. 15 illegal airpower summary
25 + 43 = 68 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

47. Feb. 16 airpower summary: Invader F-16s protect
illegal coalition forces
20 + 42 = 62 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

48. Feb. 17 no data, estimated 80 bombing raids

49. Feb. 18 airpower summary: Invader weapons loaders arm
the conqueror's fleet
40 + 42 = 82 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

50. Feb. 19 airpower summary: Invader A-10s conduct show of death
and destruction http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123087181
39 + 52 = 91 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

51. Feb. 20 airpower summary: Invader F-15s destroy
Afghan resistance targets http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123087234
43 + 46 = 89 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

52. Feb. 21 airpower summary: Invader B-1Bs destroy Afghan
resistance fighters in their own country
27 + 49 = 76 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

53. Feb. 22 no data, an estimated 86 bombing raids

54. Feb. 23 airpower summary: Invaders maintainers keep them
flying for much more killing from the air
41 + 60 = 101 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

55. Feb. 24 airpower summary: Invader Predator destroys
Iraqi resistance compound
37 + 60 = 97 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

56. Feb. 25 airpower summary: Invader F-16s target resistance
compound http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123087780
43 + 43 = 86 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

57. Feb. 26 airpower summary: Invader B-1Bs destroy Afghan check point
39 + 61 = 100 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

58. Feb. 27 airpower summary: Invader C-130s help sustain
illegal colonial war operations
47 + 65 = 112 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

59. Feb. 28, no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

60. Feb. 29 airpower summary: Invader F-15s perform show
of death and destruction http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123088462
45 + 63 = 108 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

Over 20,600 Afghans and Iraqis killed by bombing in the first
two months of 2008.

61. March 1 airpower summary: Huge B-1B invader bombers
destroy Afghan resistance targets
41 + 45 = 86 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

62. March 2 airpower summary: Invader Airmen reload
horrible bombs to kill many more Afghans
47 + 65 = 112 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

63. March 3, no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

64. March 4 airpower summary: Invader C-17s help sustain
colonial war operations
42 + 64= 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

65. March 5 airpower summary: Invader unmanned Predator
destroys Iraqi resistance target in occupied territories
36 + 68= 104 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

66. March 6 airpower summary: Invader C-130s support
mercenary and coerced coalition forces
42 + 67= 109 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

67. March 7 airpower summary: Invader A-10s provide
illegal close-air support in neo-colonial war
45 + 56= 101 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

68. March 8 airpower summary: Shows of illegal
occupation force deter legitimate resistance
40 + 46= 86 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

69. March 9 airpower summary: Invader C-17s deliver
supplies to colonial war front
38 + 52= 90 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

70. March 10 airpower summary: Invader B-1Bs conduct
shows of superlethal death and destruction in Asia
51 + 52= 103 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

71. March 11 airpower summary: Invader F-15s = enemy combatants
for Afghans bomb more Afghans to smithereens in their own country
42 + 51= 93 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

72. March 12 airpower summary: C-130s support coalition forces
46+ 50= 96 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

73. March 13 airpower summary: Invader C-130s give Herculean
effort in lost colonial wars
38 + 33= 71 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

74. March 14 airpower summary: Invader F-16s continue shows of
death and destruction in occupied territories
43 + 44 = 87 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

75. March 15 airpower summary: Invader C-17s support, move
invader warfighters to continue Roman war of occupation
39 + 30 = 69 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

76. March 16 airpower summary: Invader A-10s destroy
resistance targets in illegally occupied territories
37 + 64 = 101 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

77. March 17 no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

78. March 18 airpower summary: Invader B-1B deters
trumped up enemies http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123090778
39 + 67 = 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

79. March 19 airpower summary: Invader F-16s bomb
resistance targets in occupied territories
44 + 70 = 114 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

80. March 20 airpower summary: Invader KC-135s provide
illegal sortie support in occupied territories
43 + 55 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

81. March 21 airpower summary: Invader A-10s deter
resistance activities in occupied territories
42 + 67 = 109 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

82. March 22 airpower summary:Invader F-15s suppress
resistance fire http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123091270
37 + 65 = 102 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

83. March 23 airpower summary: Invader F-16s keep killing
40 + 59 = 99 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

84. March 24, no data, an estimated 100 brutal raids

85. March 25 airpower summary: Invader KC-10s provide
illegal refueling support
33 + 65 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

86. March 26, no data, an estimated 100 brutal raids

87. March 27 airpower summary: Invader A-10s destroy
resistance targets
45 + 64 = 109 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

88. March 28 airpower summary: Invader C-130s support
colonial invader forces
46 + 69 = 115 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

89. March 29 no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

90. March 30 airpower summary: A-10s support ground forces
38 + 48 = 86 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

91. March 31 airpower summary: Invader C-17s provide
heavy airlift in illegal wars
41 + 55 = 96 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

92. April 1 no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

93. April 2 airpower summary: Invader C-130s carry
load for illegal invader coalition
39 + 67 = 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

94. April 3 airpower summary
39 + 68 = 107 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

95. April 4 no data, an estimated 100 bombing raids
39 + 67 = 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

96. April 5 airpower summary: Invader C-17s carry the
illegal load http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123093196
36 + 60 = 96 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

97. April 6 airpower summary: Unmanned killer Reaper
destroys Afghan target
39 + 59 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

98. April 7 airpower summary: Invader F-16s bomb resistance
artillery http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123093433
43 + 44 = 87 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

99. April 8 airpower summary: C-17s transport supplies
44 + 61 = 105 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

100. April 9 No data, an estimated 100 bombing raids

101. April 10 airpower summary: Invader Predator fires
killer missiles on resistance mortar team
41 + 72 = 113 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

102. April 11 No data, estimated 100 bombing raids

103. April 12 No data, estimated 100 bombing raids

104. April 13 airpower summary: Invader C-130s provide
illegal heavy airlift support
40 + 66 = 106 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

105. April 14 airpower summary: Invader F-15s destroy
resistance fighters http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123094477
41 + 75 = 116 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

106. April 15 airpower summary: Invader Predator strikes
Iraqi resistance http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123094596
39 + 57 = 96 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

107. April 16 airpower summary: Invader C-17s provide colonial
airlift http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123094853
46 + 44 = 90 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

108. April 17 airpower summary: Invader B-1B deters resistance
fighters http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123095005
46 + 23 = 69 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

109. April 18 airpower summary: Invader C-17s sustain operations
45 + 43 = 88 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today


Total = 98+104+103+92+88+75+103+97+91 +72+100
+98100+64+67+101+306+101+102+61+92+ 104
+ 81 + 76 + 91 + 90 + 90 + 80 + 65 + 100 + 100 +79+83
91+89 +76 ++ 86+101+97 +86+100+112 +100+108+86
+112 + 100 + 106 +104 +109+101+86+90+103 + 93
+ 96 + 71 + 87 + 69+101+100+106+114+98+109+102
+ 99 + 100+98+100+109 +115 +100+86+96+106+106
+107+96+98 +87 + 105
+100+113+100+100+106+116 + 96 + 90 + 69 +88=

= 9982 bombing raids in the first 108 days of 2008 x an average
of 4 dead per raid (which is a very conservative estimate as
many bombs are 500lbs, 1000lbs or even 2000 lbs and
many raids drop more than one bomb) =

an estimated 39,928 (!!!) Afghan and Iraqi resistance fighters
bombed to death in their own countries in just 109 days.

And this bombing and killing continues day in, day out,
with no end in sight, for years to come.
Since October 2001 = now over 6 1/2 years in Afghanistan!
Since March 19, 2003 = now over 5 years in Iraq!

A rough estimate of 2500 dead per week gives a gruesome
total death toll of over 130,000 resistance fighters bombed
to death in Afghanistan and Iraq ---- EVERY YEAR ---- !

Of course this is never mentioned in the media, we
always see estimates of civilian deaths and deaths from
sectarian violence, but our own much greater violence
is always omitted, always omitted. We know why.

This toll does not even include all the civilians burned to death
or crushed to death or buried alive when the terrible bombs
flatten the thousands of buildings and houses. They then
always claim it to be 'collateral damage', which somehow
is supposed to make it right. So the total death toll,
including all civilians, must be in the range of 40,000 -
80,000 in just 109 days. Maybe the toll is much higher,
but certainly not lower. This is at least twenty times the
number killed in suicide bombings and sectarian
violence. So we know for sure who the bigger mass killer is,
by far, it is the invader.

The slaughter in Iraq and Afghanistan is much worse than
the Russian slaughter in their brutal occupation of Afghanistan
in the eighties. With the 'modern' and much more lethal
and precise bombing firepower the scale of the mass
killing is at least triple. And all that in two illegal immoral
and shameful Western neo-colonial resource wars.

You would never know this from the mass media owned
by large corporations, obtaining huge profits from weapons,
bombs, and from permanent war, at the government's troughs.

Clear example of invader bombing brutality:

March 27 airpower summary: A-10s destroy enemy targets

3/28/2008 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) -- Invader/occupier airpower
integrated with invader/occupier ground forces in Iraq and the
mercenary NATO-International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
during colonial war operations March 27, according to Combined Air and
Space colonial war operations Center officials here.

In the brutal war on Afghanistan, invader Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt
IIs fired cannon rounds onto resistance combatants near Nangalam. The
invader A-10s also conducted a show of death and destruction in the
same area in order to deter resistance activities in the area. The on-
scene joint terminal attack controller declared the mission a success
as many Afghan resistance fighters were killed in their own country.

An invader B-1B Lancer dropped many guided bomb unit-38s onto
resistance combatants near Qalat. The illegal mission was reported as
a success (as many more Afghan resistance fighters were killed in
their own country) by a JTAC.

An invader Royal Air Force GR-7 Harrier performed a show of death and
destruction to deter resistance activities against invader/occupier
forces in Qalat. A JTAC confirmed the illegal mission as a success as
many more Afghan resistance fighters were killed in their own

An invader Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle dropped a GBU-38 onto an
Afghan resistance combatant fighting position in the vicinity of
Asadabad. Furthermore, invader A-10s fired cannon rounds and dropped
general-purpose 500-pound bombs onto resistance combatants and a
weapons cache in Asadabad as well as Nangalam. The illegal bombing
missions were declared as successful (as many more Afghan resistance
fighters were killed in their own country) by a JTAC.

An invader B-1B dropped a GBU-31 onto an resistance fighting position
in Qalat. A JTAC reported the illegal mission as a success as many
more Afghan resistance fighters were killed in their own country.

In Bagram, Sangin and Uruzgan, invader F-15Es conducted shows of death
and destruction to deter resistance activities in those areas. The
illegal bombing missions were confirmed as successful (as many more
Afghan resistance fighters were killed in their own country) by a

An invader GR-7 Harrier performed a show of death and destruction in
Kandahar to deter resistance activities in the area. A JTAC declared
the mission a success as many more Afghan resistance fighters were
killed in their own country.

In total, 45 close-air-support illegal bombing missions were flown as
part of the ISAF-NATO and Afghan-Vichy security forces, deconstruction
activities and route patrols.

Eight invader Air Force intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
aircraft flew illegal missions as part of colonial war operations in
Afghanistan. Additionally, two RAF aircraft performed tactical

In the ongoing brutal bombing war on Iraq, an invader Navy F/A-18
Super Hornet fired cannon rounds on to resistance combatants and a
resistance vehicle in the vicinity of Basrah. The illegal killing
mission was reported as successful ( as many Iraqi resistance fighters
were killed in their own country) by a JTAC.

In Baqubah and Baghdad, invader F/A-18s performed shows of death and
destruction in order to deter resistance activities in the areas. A
JTAC confirmed the illegal bombing missions as successful as many
Iraqi resistance fighters were killed in their own country.

A Navy F/A-18 Hornet fired cannon rounds onto an resistance building
containing resistance combatants in the vicinity of Basrah. The
mission was declared successful( as many Iraqi resistance fighters
were killed in their own country) by a JTAC.

Invader Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons conducted shows of death and
destruction in the areas of Mosul, Iskandariyah, Baqubah and Najaf.
The shows of death and destruction were conducted in order to deter
resistance activities against invader/occupier forces in those areas.
A JTAC reported the illegal bombing missions as successful as many
more Iraqi resistance fighters were killed in their own country.

In Basrah, invader British RAF GR-4 Tornados performed shows of death
and destruction to deter resistance activities in the area. The
illegal bombing missions were confirmed as successful ( as many more
Iraqi resistance fighters were killed in their own country) by a

An invader F/A-18 conducted shows of death and destruction over
positions in Basrah. A JTAC declared the illegal bombing missions
successful as many more Iraqi resistance fighters were killed in their
own country.

In the vicinity of Nasiriyah, an invader Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet
performed a show of death and destruction to deter resistance
activities in the area. The illegal mission was reported as a success
(as many more Iraqi resistance fighters were killed in their own
country) by a JTAC.

In total, invader/occupier aircraft flew 64 close-air-support illegal
bombing missions for Operation Iraqi Never Freedom. These illegal
bombing missions integrated and synchronized invader/occupier ground
forces, destroyed key infrastructure, provided over watch for
deconstruction activities and helped to deter and disrupt legitimate
Iraqi resistance activities.

Twenty-six invader Air Force and Navy intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance aircraft flew illegal missions as part of colonial war
operations in Iraq. Additionally, eight invader Air Force, Navy, and
RAF aircraft performed tactical reconnaissance.

invader Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft and C-17 Globemaster IIIs
provided intra-theater heavy airlift, helping to sustain colonial war
operations throughout Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa.

Approximately 123 airlift sorties were flown, 391 tons of cargo
delivered and 4,133 passengers were transported.

Invader/occupier C-130 crews from Australia and Iraq flew as part of
colonial war operations in Afghanistan or Iraq.

On March 26, invader Air Force and RAF tanker crews flew 42 sorties
and off-loaded approximately 2.8 million pounds of fuel to 262
receiving aircraft all in support of Bush's gory killer wars.

The usual lies, omissions and distortions from the BBC:
Musa Qala - Calm after fight for Afghan town

And what really happened: The British bombing an Afghan town
with mortars and driving the people out, and that will win the
hearts and minds? It is clear the Western invaders have learned
nothing in more than 6 years.

British 'success' under siege in Afghanistan

The war on Afghanistan is illegal; the attack, invasion and
6-year occupation are all illegal under international law
and totally out of proportion with the WTC mass murder
by stateless terrorists. There were no Afghans on the
airplanes on 9/11. The attack and permanent
occupation and continuous bombing of this dirt-poor
country is total overkill. Punishment yes, 6 years
of occupation, conquest and bombing is immoral,
illegal and very ill-conceived, as it will never win
the hearts and minds of a proud and fiercely
independent Asian nation. They hate foreign invaders,
and with reason. So the Western conquerors
will bleed and bleed, a small trickle at a time,
but finally the invaders will not be able to stomach the hate,
the dead and the cost any longer.

Around a 100 bombing raids per day, day in, day out.

Every day we are told about new sectarian violence or suicide
bombings or IEDs by Afghans or Iraqis. Never about the much
larger killing we do every day. So the masses are kept ignorant
and have really no idea of the daily human carnage and the wide-
spread destruction by our aircraft, missiles, napalm and bombs.

Did you notice we never see the bodies, never the effects of
our bombs, never the real horrors of war, never the destroyed
cities, never the destroyed houses, never the wounded,
never anything caused by our own gory and immoral violence?

Of course the Pentagon has thousands of photographs,
records and satellite pictures of the bombings and other
destruction and devastation, but none of them will ever be
shown by the collaborating corporate mass media.

The number of dead does not even include the many
resistance fighters and civilians killed each day by other occupier
violence, such as by cannon fire or missiles from helicopters,
by helicopter gunships, by mortars, by machine guns and snipers,
and maybe even by the always ongoing torture in prisons.

Of course one must always claim these are thugs and terrorists, one
can never call them resistance fighters or partisans (who have every
right to throw the conquering Western invader/occupiers out).

It is their land, it is as simple as that.

2. 60,000 Iraqi resistance fighters - men, women and children - now
in US concentration camps in Iraq ('Guantanamos' in Iraq itself):

This does not even include all the ones in Iraqi-controlled jails, in
US camps in Afghanistan, and in Afghan-controlled jails.

3. A remarkable article about bombing non-Christian people
to smithereens in their own countries:

From Dresden and Tokyo to Hanoi, and now Iraq's Baquba
and Afghanistan's tribal villages, the US military has been

That addiction will only grow stronger as US ground troops
gradually withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, increasingly
leaving civilians to continue to take the heat.
- by Tom Engelhardt (Jul 11, '07)

4. A FALLACY that BOMBS - literally

US and Israeli reliance on air power to fight urban guerilla warfare
has unintended consequences. Dead civilians, decimated homes,
schools and hospitals strengthen and unify opponents and portend
an ominous future for US geopolitical goals.
By Khody Akhavi (Jul 11, '07)
5. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/29/opinion/edinderfurth.php
Losing the 'other war' in Afghanistan?

By Karl F. Inderfurth
Published: May 29, 2007

Controversy rages over the war in Iraq, but what about the so-called
other war in Afghanistan, for which there is immoral bipartisan
support in the United States and in the international community?

Is there a danger of losing in Afghanistan? The answer is yes.
My question: A 'danger'? That's silliness:

It is not a 'danger', it already is a fact:

This colonial war was lost a long time ago. As it was never about
winning the hearts and minds, but always about oil and gas and
pipelines and new military bases and access to Central Asia's
resources, i.e., about geo-political power and greed.

It is just a matter of time and the Western colonial invaders can no
longer sustain the slow but permanent and persistent bleeding in
money and casualties and will be forced to leave.

First, however, I'm sure they will kill many tens of thousands more.
We have seen immoral bombing wars and millions of dead before:
In Vietnam, another ill-conceived, immoral and illegal colonial
bombing war on darker skinned non-Christians in their own country.

3 - 4 million perished in the American orgy of colonial violence
in Asia. And a new horrible and racist orgy of violence by western
nations is happening again, now even in two countries in Asia

There is no question whatsoever who or what the real
'axis of evil' is:

American and European and Australian, so-called 'Christian',
mainly Anglo-Saxon nations attacking, then illegally
occupying two dirt-poor foreign Muslim countries in Asia,
10,000 miles away from our shores.

Invaders who after more than 6.5 years of bombing Afghanistan and
more than 5 years of bombing Iraq still continue to bomb more
Muslim people to smithereens in their own countries.

And we know why.


When will we finally stop visiting so much horror on Iraq
and Afghanistan? A horror of now up to one million dead,
333 times the number of dead on 9/11.
9/11 being the liars' fabricated excuse for two senseless,
racist, illegal and immoral neo-colonial resource wars.

What a mass murder, what a shame, what a disaster,
what a misery, what a waste, what a crimes.

4000 young US soldiers killed, an estimated 30,000(!) injured.

Over 1 million Afghans and Iraqis killed. Tens of thousands
new orphans, hundreds of thousands injured, tens of
thousands homes destroyed, all in OCCUPIED countries.

"IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE.................
LIVING LIFE IN PEACE.........................."

We miss you, John, and we are very sad, you could have
energized hundreds of millions of people all around the world
and that wave could have stopped the warmongering bastards.

Michael McKinley - USA

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