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Bent Falbert forstod ikke alvoren
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 31-03-08 00:16

Bent Falbert og debat-værten (Eva-Marie Møller tror jeg) i DRp1 syntes
nærmest det var komisk at Wilders bragte klippet fra Memritv med 3 1/2-årige
Basmallah, der som de mente, var instrueret til at sige at jøder og aber er

Klippet stammer fra en international ægyptisk tv-kanal, der underviser
muhamsermadammer i korrekt moderskab. Se link længere nede.

Dette viser igen islamapolegeternes uvidenhed om virkeligheden i
Muhammedanien og at man aldrig kan overvurdere deres uvidenhed.

Jeg håber Falbert og de andre bevidst uvidende ignoranter tager sig sammen.
Følg iøvrigt samme debat mandag, hvor Lars Hedegård optræder.

Her er transkription af interviewet:
Following are excerpts from an interview with three-and-a-half year old
Egyptian girl, Basmallah, broadcast on Iqra TV on May 7, 2002.

Interviewer Duaa Amer: Our report today will be a little different, because
our guest will be a girl, a Muslim girl, but a true Muslim. Allah willing,
may God give us the strength to give our children the same education, so
that the next generation of children will all be true Muslims who know that
they are Muslims and know who their enemies are. This child will now
introduce herself. She's the daughter of a sister in Islam, Hueida, and of
the artist Wagdi Al-Arabi. Her name is Basmallah, and I will ask her too.

Peace be upon you.

Basmallah: Allah's mercy and blessings upon you.

Amer: What's your name?

Basmallah: Basmallah.

Amer: How old are you, Basmallah?

Basmallah: Three and a half.

Amer: Are you a Muslim?

Basmallah: Yes.

Amer: Basmallah, do you know the Jews?

Basmallah: Yes

Amer: Do you like them?

Basmallah: No.

Amer: Why don't you like them?

Basmallah: Because.

Amer: Because they are what?

Basmallah: They are apes and pigs.

Amer: Because they are apes and pigs. Who said that about them?

Basmallah: Our God.

Amer: Where did he say that about them?

Basmallah: In the Koran.

Amer: He said this about them in the Koran. That's right. Basmallah, what do
the Jews do?

Basmallah: What?

Amer: What do they do?

Basmallah: The Pepsi company.

Amer: So you know about the boycott too, Basmallah?

Basmallah: Yes.


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