If the power supply comes on but you don't get a live screen, switch off and
try again. You may have to hold the power switch in for five or more seconds
before the system powers back down. If it fails to power down, you can turn
off the switch on the back of the power supply, turn off your power strip,
or unplug the cord. A PC that boots on the second or third try is most
likely suffering from a quick power_ok (or power_good) signal, coming on
before the power supply has stabilized. The presence of the power_ok signal
tells the motherboard that the power supply is stable, while its absence
tells the motherboard to stay off to protect itself. It's possible the power
supply isn't quite up to the current ATX standard or the motherboard is a
little too demanding about timing. Booting twice every time you want to turn
on the PC isn't an ideal situation, so unless you leave it on all the time,
look into buying a higher quality power supply, ideally one recommended by
the motherboard manufacturer.
OK, jeg tror en ny PSU kunne være et forsøg værd.
"Kjeld Olesen [2000]" <> wrote in message
> Har kigget lidt på systemets strømstyrker med Winfast SpeedGear
> programmet, som fulgte med mit MB.
> På PSU'en står 5V outputtet ret så klippefast på 4.999V mens 3V outputtet
> hopper lidt op og ned imellem 3.1 og 3.3
> Ved system voltage hopper både Vcore og Vmem. Vmem imellem 2.44 og 2.56,
> Vcore imellem 1.56 og 1.6. Vddq (hvad det så er) står ret stabilt på
> 1.664V
> Så vidt jeg da husker stod disse altid stabilt tidligere, så det er vel en
> god indikation på at det er PSU'en der er træt??
> Kjeld