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(rev 2.4) Too Far ABOVE Journalists - Peop~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 30-08-07 07:21

Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American"

6 January 2007
{HRI 20070106-V2.4}

(Version 2.4
on 30 Aug 2007)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


You can END, finish, that label - invented or used by Criminal Souls,
like by American Henry Kissinger and by France's ex-president Jacques
Chirac for instance - of

"people being Anti-American."


The same applies for "people being anti-Jewish" or "people being
anti-Japanese" or "people being anti-Chinese," or "people being


And, no matter how strongly it is, that Criminal Minds do
promote such "labels"

- which these do, for the sole purpose of HIDING

you can END that false 'labeling.'

(Unless you are employed or otherwise paid by
the Associated Parrots (abbreviated 'AP'),

or by Other Associated Penners (abbr. AFP
or abbr. REUTERS, CNN, BLOOMBERG, UPI, etc.)
of course.

THEY - THE journalists, do report ANY lie





But: People are people and one can be 'FOR people,' or one can be
'AGAINST people, meaning:


And that is all there is to it,

and when someone is AGAINST life, THEN he or she
invents ENDLESS variations on how to hide that and
how to camouflage that - being AGAINST life - that
is, in order

to HIDE the simple fact, that they are


A Criminal Mind sweeps people up into those Energies, to
make people into an unthinking, hateful, and fearful mob,

of people who - indeed - are compelled to "protect"
their life, or who act out of fear for their life.

They are however given the WRONG CAUSE FOR THEIR

Chavez, Putin, Mao (plus Jiang Zemin and plus
Hu Jintao), and so on, do CONSTANTLY SPIT OUT
THE WRONG CAUSE "that people have to fear" and
"that people have to protect themselves and
each other against."



THE journalists are professionally
PREVENTED from understanding the effect
Criminal Minds have,

but you are not.

Maybe you can tell them some time, at
a rare moment when they feel less driven
to spread Insanity: *(21)


Iran's Ahmadinejad IS AGAINST LIFE,
he is ANTI-LIFE, and so is his
"boss," the hideous Kahmenei, and
his predecessor Khomeini,

and in order to HIDE that
from their OWN, highly
psychotic Islamic "friends"
or "brothers in faith,"

(and to prevent it from
being reported by

that what these
"Islamists" actually
do think and want,

because journalists
- according to the
First Article of their
Profession - *(21)

actually going on)

The "Islamic brothers," and Chavez, and Putin,
and so on, are

PRETENDING to be "Anti-American."



A journalist will never understand that,
that Ahmadinejad and Kahmenei PRETEND TO BE
"ANTI-AMERICAN" with their shouts of "Death
to America,"

because it does require a certain amount
of intelligence, or,

an ability to hold certain data apart or

that belong apart or together.


And maybe you can tell a journalist,
some time:

(when that journalist feels
some true care for Mankind
and for people - you never
know, do you - then you tell
him or her:)

Venezuela's Chavez ALSO, is

hiding that by



But such a statement will likely produce
goose bumps in the neck of a journalist,

because this truth is far
more penetrating, than is
good for their comfort.


Claiming to be "Anti-American," is
the only way he, Chavez, CAN hide
his true intentions:

He can NOT SAY: "I want to destroy
all people of Venezuela and all
people of South America and all
people of Earth - if I can manage
to do so,"

because that would not work, as
YOU know from history, but

a journalist DOES NOT KNOW that:

A journalist, professionally

- in order to "remain
impartial" - he or she
must have a blank mind,
free of emotion and
free of understanding -

in order to remain


This is the hiring policy of
AP and AFP and of many other
news agencies

(a policy that, with
or without humor, one
inevitably comes to
conclude, these must

'How well can you *(a) bring
yourself (and especially

"NOT to know and NOT to
understand" the actual
situation reported about.'

'You must be a "blank sheet"
soaked with impartial
thought and neutrality'

- very accurately reporting
all the lies that Chavez
and Ahmadinejad and Putin
etc., give you to relay


or PRECISELY, lying.


"Chavez says now, 'he
wants good relations
with America'."

And they report the
lie, the intentional

(and ALL statements
by Chavez ARE very
intentional lies)

lies that people do
like to hear, by the

Some "nice words" from
the monstrosity, from
Chavez, who intends
to ruin our lives,
globally even, and as
soon as he can arrange

People like to hear,
that "Chavez has
become saner now."


The only REASON that Bush is
called by Chavez a "Satan," "the
Source of all Evil,"

which is a very confusing
and INTENTIONALLY confusing
lie and insult

- as you saw it in the
"United Nations"
Assembly, and in
Venezuela and in
other populations,

it actually drove
very many people
insane -

Chavez, to mask and HIDE the
fact, that he HIMSELF - Hugo
Chavez -

spiritually seen IS a DEMON,

that's what Demons do, in order to
hide themselves - but you, STILL,
don't know it, *(2)

and I have to spend my
precious time, in having to
tell you these things...




Actually these journalists are war-mongering:

THE journalists are accurately lying,
in order to carry out the INTENTION of
very severe Criminals

(of Chavez and Ahmadinejad in this
example, but also of Putin and of
Hu Jintao)

who have NO OTHER DESIRE AND JOY than to
deceive people, and to make people fight
each other,

and thus to dominate and "profit" from
that - isn't it, Mr. Vladimir Putin -

in order to destroy as much life
as they can,

while these have and maintain a position
from which they can do so.



But you tell THAT to a journalist,
and he (or she) will accuse YOU
- most likely - that YOU are "not
knowing anything," yes, maybe even
that YOU "are lying."



One way you can overcome this, is to consult

simply to act accordingly, out of care
for people, and, as the inevitable
consequence, say:

"Yes, WE want whole-heartedly and
completely to get rid of Chavez,"

"no matter what those people he has
hypnotized and driven insane, may
think or feel about it, now."

That's RESPONSIBILITY for life,

something that ex-American-
president Jimmy Carter, is
wholly lacking in. *(4)




You and I live in an extremely insane world, and, the more
insane it is getting,

THE MORE RESPONSIBILITY you and I have to take,

no matter how strongly the Criminal Minds project at
very caring, very intelligent people, at you and me,

"you want to have nothing to do with politics" - or -
"you do not know anything about politics."

And the force of their compulsion (their
compelling mental force) intends, that you
automatically find and then feel "reasons"

why you do not want to look (every time, or
all the time)

THROUGH and BEHIND the wall

of journalistic mud, that splashes daily
onto your screen, or that spreads

as clouds of un-announced but INTENDED

in the form of 'very accurately'
relayed lies,

across the pages of your newspapers and

You and I live in an extremely insane world, and, the more
insane it is getting, *(5)

THE MORE RESPONSIBILITY you and I have to take.



And when wars are being foreseen and actively

- always best with a timely pre-emptive
strike and the imposition of other
penalties against the SOURCE OF

as any POLICE officer or any child
of five years old knows with full
understanding, but

which the Criminals and their mental
slaves *(6) of course will scream
about, and against *(7)

when these Criminals are being
PREVENTED, by you, from creating
their intended disasters for you
and for Mankind - and

when you have stopped them

- basically by PUBLICLY stating what
these Criminals are, and what they do,
and, THAT THEY ARE completely lying

you expose their lies PUBLICLY,

because a public statement given
with authority, helps, to BREAK
the hypnosis

and therefore, helps to END
the support that the Criminal
otherwise would continue to get
from normal people,

but that he - once exposed -
would lose,

and publicly stating it, also lets
Criminal Minds know, that they ARE
being understood

as regards their TRUE
intentions, and for their
ACTUAL thoughts,

AND it lets them know, that they
ARE being stopped by you and by
others - and

when you are well on your way to stop
them, or have stopped them,

THEN you can talk about the weather, and
about the shelter and the food and protection
and education that many people are lacking
still in various ways:

Doing it in reverse or not doing it at
all - not exposing and removing Heads of
State who are the Criminal Minds - *(8)

gives you, and gives Mankind, the
endless "no help" or "some help AFTER
most has been destroyed and AFTER
suffering has been inflicted,"

the kind of "help," that various
International Organizations are
delivering under the flag and
banner of "care" and of "being

ALWAYS diverting you (with the purpose
of preventing you) from looking at and
from handling and remedying the

Criminal Minds, *(19) who are the

CAUSE of the disasters. *(9)(10)(11)





People are people - and people can be 'FOR LIFE' or

And that is all there is to it,

and when they are AGAINST life, THEN they invent
ENDLESS variations, on how to hide and cover that

they HIDE the simple fact, that they are




You know very well, what I am talking about:

It is Anti-Life, to call your actual friends your enemies, and to
want to destroy your actual friends,

and on the other hand, it is equally Anti-Life, to worship and adore
your actual enemies, and to fight FOR your actual enemies and to want
to be guided by your actual enemies,

yet, that is now an all-too-apparent Arab-Islamic custom or
enforced belief-structure

(or an Anti-Life Intention or Impulse - it is Harmful,
Mutilated Life Energy, *(18) if you like)

of the 'dominate and be dominated' type, the belief structure of
a Criminal Mind:

"For life to be conducted 'well,' people must
agree to dominate others and others must
agree to be dominated,"

which you see ALL "great" Criminal Minds in
history having, as their main character trait,

and which you see, that they have managed to
'sell,' and that they otherwise

- in one form or another, as "political
system," or as "religious doctrine,"
or as "scientific-medical necessity" -

did manage undetected or unopposed to enforce
onto their people,

which you can see (the lie of Criminals, that
"all people must dominate others, and must let
themselves be dominated, too," you can see)
you can sense or feel, in ALL Heads of State
who are Criminal Minds,

but that journalists are NOT reporting
as existing:


The basic idea of Criminal Minds about life:

"For life to be orderly, and in order to have stability, 'people
must dominate and be dominated',"

and further:

"For life to function at all, and to maintain an exchange
between people, 'people must pretend and deceive others,
and others (you, and your children) must agree to being
deceived, to being spiritually blinded and to remaining

And you have accepted those lies, because you do not want
to look at the very small part of the society, the
Criminal Minds, who OF COURSE need and want this, to be
seen as and treated as "normal."



That is the current fight - finally, I would like to add - that is
going on globally, between

Criminal Minds and their "governments," of 'dominate and be

plus "neutral" countries, like Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and
Pakistan, for instance - shifting back and forth -

against the free countries on Earth, of 'resisting dominating others,
and preventing (keeping) yourself and others (free) from being

This is further explained, in 'The Nature of War.' *(9)




Their DESIRE for domination, is often openly stated,
and is practiced, of course, by ALL Criminal Minds
who are Heads of State, in any country:

"Saddam Hussein 'created order and stability'
in Iraq." *(22)(23)

"We must not destroy the 'stability' of the
society, the population of North Korea." *(24)

Very ugly, very repulsive lies

- but they are 'oh-so-true' in the minds
of Criminal Heads of State -

and those INTENTIONAL lies, are then
dutifully and very accurately reported
by the journalists of the Associated
Parrots or Accurate Penners (abbr. AP).



The idea of 'you must dominate and you must be
dominated' is also carried on in any family or
tribal relationship that is based on

this primitive, very materialistic and possession-
steered logic,

that after all Islam's Mohammed grew up in but
tried to remedy

exactly BY entering some religious or
spiritual values back into the Arabic
life of his time.

And idolizing Mohammed does not help to
understand him, his time and the location he
operated in, of course.

And 'not depicting Mohammed,' is just a
way of Criminal Minds

to PREVENT people from having or from
acquiring an understanding of him, and
of his time, and of the Quran that
intends to bring about that

The same applies to the Arab
custom of not depicting life,
plants, animals and people.


Bringing back all the evil customs of the time in which Mohammed
lived, is of course not going to be tolerated by any loving and
caring person, *(12)

also not by me.

I do not even tolerate, that Islamic women must
state by their dress and other repelling social
customs, that "all men are beasts who can not
control their sexual behavior." *(13)

I am a man, and I am definitely not a beast,
and that applies to ALL men

- EXCEPT FOR Criminal Minds ONLY:
A very small portion of the population
is motivated by the joy of being

To then demand your society, to treat
ALL men as if they are Criminal Minds,
is not only utterly insane, but also
highly repulsive to anyone.


If you want to be Islamic, that is fine, but you will have
to be civilized, OF COURSE. And that applies also to
Criminal Minds in Saudi Arabia's society:

Islam must not be a haven for very severe Criminals
who claim to be and who practice to be "Islamic"

- who OF COURSE want ANY religion (ANY group,
actually) to be a 'safe haven' for Criminal
Minds - *(12)



CHARGE, in ANY religion, or in ANY
group, in ANY country. *(15)

Look at those Heads of State, who want
to be "friends" with Hugo Chavez, or
with Ahmadinejad:

They are all Criminal Minds.

Surely you can have a relationship with

They are enemies of Mankind, and
THAT is your relationship with

they are enemies of your
country, no matter how much
medical aid or oil they
might give you,

the 'gifts' are all
intended as poison,
which you will have
to neutralize, or to
not accept in the
first place,

as any five year old child, but
also your conscience, can tell
you that much better than I can
- should you consult it.




Iraq's Shiite cleric 'Muqtada al-Sadr' is NOT
"Anti-American" as he himself, and all psychotics
with him claim to be,


- and so are Associated Press writers
Steven R. Hurst and Qassim Abdul-Zahra in
Iraq, and other journalists when they are
reporting Criminal Minds NOT to be Criminal
Minds, but to be "Anti-American'."

Such "journalism" amounts to war mongering,

as I will explain, yet another
time, to those who still can not,
by themselves, understand The
Nature of War - which I have
explained in the HRI of the same
title. *(9)



Shiite cleric 'Muqtada al-Sadr' is VERY, VERY busy
destroying Iraq.

And so, in REFUSING TO REMOVE this al-Sadr,
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,
is directly destroying or allowing the
destruction of Iraq.


And, it is NOT a matter of 'crushing the militia of
"anti-American" Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, one
of the prime minister's most powerful backers,' BUT

IT IS a matter of (looking at the REFUSAL TO REMOVE,
and then REMOVING) that individual

who is very severely intending and carrying
out his intention

- supported by Iran's Ahmadinejad -

to destroy Iraq, to destroy his very
OWN country.


How many times have you now
believed, that Criminal Minds
"will not destroy, but want to
protect THEIR OWN country?"

If you have subscribed to the
Associated Press, you probably
STILL think, that "Castro was NOT
INTENDING to destroy Cuba."





I have "never told you that," but Criminal Minds DO want to destroy

and these, in order to do so, have to pretend to protect it

so that they are put in charge and then can destroy their

like they did in the past in Germany or Cambodia or
Russia, or more recently Iraq, Cuba, Burma, Libya, Sudan,
Venezuela, and the like.

To "need support" from a Criminal Mind, or to "support a
Criminal Mind," is ALWAYS a suicidal act,


as it is at this moment shown by Iraq's Prime Minister

who thinks, "if he removes the deadly parasite (al-Sadr)
from his body, THEN he (al-Maliki) himself will die."

"THEN he will be accused of favoring Americanism over

"Because (the deadly parasite) al-Sadr 'is Anti-


Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is NOT "Anti-American"

And he HIDES that, much like France's Chirac
hides his mental condition, by (in)citing





There is no such thing IN REALITY, as "people being Anti-American,"

people are people - and they can be FOR life, or AGAINST life:

for LIFE, or against LIFE.

The whole label of "Anti-American" or "Anti-Chinese" or "Anti-
Pasta," such labels are just lies,

the labels themselves are INTENTIONAL LIES

to MAKE you use the wrong "remedy," and

to PREVENT you from taking the CORRECT actions,

as I explained to you in HRI 'The Nature of War,'

and they do so by covering up the truth, by labeling


as "Anti-American" or "Anti-Chinese" (or "Anti-Pasta":)


People are people - regardless of race, nationality, religion,
gender, age, wealth, education, social status or the lack of
these -

and they can be FOR life, or AGAINST life,

as described most appropriately in {HRI 20050803}:

'The Motive Of Murder, Terror, Domination, Rioting,
Vandalism, etc., Is NOT Political, NOT Ethnic, NOT
Religious, NOT for lack of Wealth or Education' *(16)

again, as any police detective, even a child of
five years old, knows and sees and perfectly


I would like to have these matters understood by enough people,
thereby sufficiently to diminish (see the references in the
Footnotes, below) to remedy

the continuous confusion and insanity as relayed and perpetuated
in particular by the journalists. *(17a)...(17L)

I have consistently concerned myself with resolving this Human
Rights issue, as you know,

and at one time, I will write a correct Declaration of
Human Rights, should you not be able to do so yourself,

that is based NOT on what Criminal Minds would like
you to believe "life is" when THEY are giving you a
"moral code" they want to be followed BY OTHERS,

so that THEY will not be recognized and can go about
their evil unhindered, and undetected until it is
too late for you,

because it is a "moral code," that they intend
you to accept but that they will not and can
not, and have also no desire at all, to follow

and so, I will have to write at one time a
correct Declaration of Human Rights for you,

based on actual life, on your life and

- should you have been able to tell the small amount
of Criminal Minds apart from the vast amount of
NORMAL people - writing a Declaration of Human
Rights based on actual life, is based

on the life of all people, of which most people are good,

and when you try to penetrate, to feel through and
behind the blocking, Harmful Energies of Criminal
Minds, then you will find, *(18)

you will feel, that the vast majority of people are

those people whom you actually love tremendously, like
I do too. *(11)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

1 Kings 10:24


'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'The Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)

'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )


(a) You might imagine, when you stretch your thoughts into a wider
span of time, that it is to please a Criminal Mind, of course,
as always, when you comply, with

'How well can you bring yourself (and others)
"NOT to know and NOT to understand" things and people,
that you actually did understand perfectly well:'

'You must be a "blank sheet" soaked with impartial thought
and neutrality.'

complying for instance, in this matter, with a very insidious,
a cleverly forceful and repulsive Criminal Mind,

the one who insinuated himself first as a "friend," and
then as a character into Plato's actual philosophic

the character of an individual, Socrates,

who pretended, like many others, to be "ALSO a
philosopher" capable "also" of "rational" thinking,

pretending so, because he would not understand the Oracle
of Delphi, when it tested the arrogance of Socrates, then
a sculptor,

whether he would believe and accept the most obvious
(now famous) lie about himself as "true."

It is not wise, to play a joke on the very
insane, intending it would make him recognize
his insanity,

because the pleasure of the intended intake of
wisdom, is apparently reserved for those who
DESIRE wisdom:

Truth, Love and Beauty.


Thus he, Socrates, is better labeled a 'mendosopher'

- as in 'mendacity' or 'characterized by telling lies'
(from the Latin word 'mendax, mendacis' - 'lying or
deceitful') -

a 'lover of lies.'


And having now penetrated the lies of the Greek abomination
called Socrates, I now know, that he,

with great guile (with mental projections to deceive and
to manipulate, with the infliction of unseen hypnotism,
by means of insidious Energies long forgotten) he

managed to trick even Plato into accepting him, Socrates, as
a friend

- despite the obvious, but not well-formulated warnings
by the wife of Socrates -

(and the faithful and very long time reader might
remember my having published the evidence pertaining
to this matter, and to the following matter)

much like Plato was tricked in the very same way, by the Tyrant
of Sicily, Dionysius, when traveling to him to take up his offer
'to educate him into being civilized,' but from whom Plato
barely escaped with his life - as we read with the eminent
historian Plutarch.


Now it has in recent years become very unpleasantly clear, that

not even Plato - nor Jesus Christ so it appears from the
data at hand *(2) - can return sanity to Criminal Minds
or to Demons.


But of course, Criminal Minds see life very differently
than it actually is, because "THEY can create their OWN
reality" and "MAKE themselves Enlightened:"

They just have to THINK they are sane, like
Siddhartha Gautama, or Gotama, "the Buddha,"

yet they have neither a definition for
sanity, nor for perception nor for
knowledge, let alone for truth, and

about the past they want only
speculations and theories,

and you could not expect anything else,

- who is an extremely insane, very Ugly
character that managed with mentally very
forceful deception -

to convince those who can not see, to tell those
"what life is,"

let alone that they could and also would desire to
face evil

because it is exactly for the purpose of NOT facing
evil, let alone UNDERSTANDING evil,

it is for NOT desiring to stand up to evil and
NOT to face Criminals, that they came to

in order NOT to have to face and stand up to
the tremendous Ugliness of well-hidden,
intense Malice, the "caring" and "loving"
that only pretends, that is actually Hate and
Contempt SUPPRESSED, camouflaged as "caring"
and as "loving,"

that they came to Buddhism for

- much like later, the famous Milarepa,
in order to be a good Buddhist,
REFUSED to see the extreme Malice and
Criminality, that his guru directed
towards him and towards anyone; his
"beloved" guru, who

urged Milarepa to lead a life of the
utmost spiritual insanity and
physical waste, a demand, that
Milarepa gladly and devoutly complied

all under the cloak of "repenting,
and 'cleansing' HIMSELF from some
recent sins that he committed ON

- how insane can you
get or agree to be
or become -

NOT cleaning up the mess
he caused - of course not,
because THAT would be sane -

BUT instead, running away
from it, and "practicing
Buddhism," and

'by order of his guru,' he
then 'repeatedly built a
house and broke it down
again' - as a "therapy,"
because 'his guru told him

total irresponsibility for himself,
for others and for life - exactly as
it would and will please any Criminal
Mind most, of course, and thus -

having literally everything in
reverse - acting wholly insanely -
to please and worship an intensely
Criminal Mind (his guru Marpa),
that BY practicing Buddhism, he
INTENDED not to face, not to see,
even, and

what they do, is

to simply "change their reality" - "to create
a new reality,"

in which "Beauty and Ugliness, and Truth and
Lies are just a matter of 'how you look at
it,' and of 'who looks at it':" a "relative

determined actually for them, by who
controls - forbids or allows - their
(of course spiritual) perception and
feeling or sensing,

in order to create and maintain an
'opposite reality' or 'opposite area of

- Criminal Minds have everything in reverse -

in which the opposite of life is "true:"

Spiritually dying, and bringing others
to want to die spiritually forever too,

- OF COURSE - BY THEM claimed to be "the
highest or end-goal of life," yes, they
claim it to be "the very purpose of The
Creation's existence,"

EVEN THOUGH in the same
breath, they DENY the
existence of The Creation,

when they have created their
"reality," that "the purpose of
life is 'to become able to die
forever and, to become Unconscious
forever'" or "extinct," 'Nirvana,'

then "suddenly" and "in THEIR
reality," their evil becomes
"good," and the good that they
so much loathe, becomes "evil,"

in "their own reality of the universe,"
that is,

which "they can create by themselves and
as it suits their own and any other
Criminal Mind." *(20)


Which explains adequately
WHY they do not define truth
or 'Dharma,'

which is simply assumed by
them to be

"the universe as created by Gautama
Siddhartha, 'The Buddha',"

"created by him" "with the
purpose for people to
suffer" as he claims in his
'Fire Sermon:'

Suffering it is - till one
can become free of it "by
ONESELF anymore," and thus

"to please and to accommodate all
Criminal Minds in the Joy of
inflicting suffering on others,"

and "calling that 'holy' and
providing the 'service' of helping
the souls it is inflicted on' to
grow towards eternal oblivion

(immersion in Black
Unconsciousness Energy)

from now on till Eternity,"

to make individuals extinguished
(surrounded by the Blackness of
Unconsciousness Energy) made into
not ever being aware again of
their own actual condition,

never aware of the horrible
condition of their soul, in
the case of Criminal Minds,

never again being aware of the
condition of other Criminal Minds,
who are all "born equal" and "your
brothers and sisters"

- despite the condition of their
soul, which is of course NOT
'remedied' by wasting your life,
let alone by

allowing oneself to drown in,
or to strive towards -

being drowned in

the Black Energy of Unconsciousness, and
that, for the rest of time. *(11)(18)


They just "change their reality" - including
"being senior to The Creation" - while they
can not create anything,

they can not create a chair or a bird or
a planet, let alone a human body,

they can not create, command, steer and
condense Life Energy Particles at all,
into creations - obviously, they can not
create anything,

other than an illusion, a dream, a fleeting
PICTURE of 'something created,' or some
feeling or emotion, at most a compulsion and
blindness inflicted on others,

and then they simply "change their reality,"
and tell you - with David Icke, I believe, but
actually all "Hinduists" and Buddhists and
"New Agers" are demanding of each other to
believe and to tell you, that

THAT, "the dream, IS reality,"

much like Saddam Hussein, an incarnated
Demon, made himself convinced - as also
Hitler did and currently Chavez does
convince himself - that "he is a great
leader" and

that he, Saddam Hussein, a Demon, "will
go to the Arab-Islamic heaven" after his
death by hanging:

"The dream, IS the reality."

That applies to any Criminal Minds, also
to those in Hollywood, those makers of
illusions, those actors and directors,
who DENY the existence of The Creation,
and who DENY the nature (or even the
existence) of souls:

Whatever he (or she) decides "is
real for him (or her)," is "what

Which is one of the basic
definitions of psychosis,
and of psychopathology.

Because also you can not repair Criminal Minds, the remedy
then is,

to educate NORMAL people - and in particular very
sane and very caring and very beautiful people -

to educate people ABOUT Criminal Minds,

so, that NORMAL people believe less and less of the
lies of Criminal Minds,

and less and less of their 'anti-life-
philosophies' like Buddhism and Hinduism,

and, directly stemming from it, less and less
of the "modern," very vicious New Age
"spiritual sciences," or cults, and their
most repulsive lies "about life." *(2)(11)(6)

I do not even mention the "medical
sciences" and "psychology," as these
are really too low, to maintain a place
at all in this particular Human Rights


(1) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.5.2 on 16 Jul 2006)

(2) 'ADDITION to 'Psychic self-defense (and defense of your body,
and of your children)'
{HRI note 20061227-A}
(27 December 2006 - Addition 5 January 2007)

(3) 'Medical Profession Fails To Destroy Man's Awareness - Being
Awake And Staying Awake - versus - Being Told "You Need Sleep!"'
{HRI note 20060907-V2.0}
(7 September 2006 - Version 2.0 on 10 Oct 2006)

(4) 'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in 1938 Munich,
Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)'
{HRI 20060423-V3.5.1}
(23 April 2006 - Version 3.5.1 on 12 May 2006)
{HRI 20060423-V3.5-c}

(5) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

(6) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2 on 9 Sep 2006)
(Version 3.2 (or 3.2.2) published on 17 (or 18) May 2007)
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2.1} (published on 18 May 2007)

(7) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)

(8) 'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

(9) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

(10) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(11) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(12) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.2.1}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.2.1 on 7 Aug 2007)

(13) 'True Love ...Loves - Sex In Any Religion and Definition of Sex'
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2}
(21 May 2006 - Version V2.0.2 on 26 March 2007)
'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
of 'Sacks' '
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 2.0.2-UAA on 26 March 2007)

(14) ' 'The Shadow Of A Monster,' being the body-double of Saddam
Hussein's son Uday - Report on Saddam Hussein's criminal
{HRI 20060702-A2-V1.0.2}
(2 July 2006 - Issued separately 28 Dec 2006 - Version 1.0.2)

(15) 'What The Whole Protest Against The Iraq War, Is About'
{HRI 20061229-V2.2.1}
(29 December 2006 - Version 2.2.1 on 4 Jan 2007)

(16) 'Facing Their JOY of Deceiving, Hating, Dominating, Terrorizing
or even Murdering You and Your Children'
(earlier titles:)
'The Motive Of Murder, Terror, Domination, Rioting, Vandalism,
etc., Is NOT Political, NOT Ethnic, NOT Religious, NOT for lack
of Wealth or Education'
'Insurgents' and 'Violence' and "Anti-Americanism" is simply
"the JOY of Criminals Wanting to Be or to Remain Unrestrained"
{HRI 20050803-V3.6.1}
(3 August 2005 - Version 3.6.1 on 7 May 2007)


(17a)'Associated Press Journalism "Definition" Of Murderers, Today'
(27 October 2003)

(17b)'Agence France Press Journalism "Definition" Of Murderers, Today'
(27 June 2004)

(17c)'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4}
(30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

(17d)'Insane Associated Press Journalist Headline Today:
"China Spares the Life of Tibetan Monk" - Why'
(26 January 2005)

(17e)'Associated Press 'Parrot Journalism'
- "Murderers Are Not Criminal Minds,
But 'Muslim separatist violence' " '
(18 June 2005)

(17f)'Why not suitable for Associated Press journalists - Introduction
to {HRI 20050803-V3.4.1} (Murderers are always lying about
their "motives" - stop believing and parrotting them, start
FACING them - The Motive Of Terrorism etc., Is NOT Political,
NOT Ethnic, NOT Religious, NOT for lack of Wealth or Education)'
(19 July 2006 - Version 1.1)

(17g)'Reuters journalist Tom Perry's war-mongering disease: REFUSING
TO EXPOSE (in this case) the Criminal Mind Nasrallah of Lebanon'
{HRI 20060730-V1.0.1}
(30 July 2006 - Version 1.0.1)

(17h)'The "Reasons, Because" Given by Journalists of AP, AFP and
Reuters, etc., As They Print the Repulsive Lies of Putin (the
'Russian Snake') and Hu Jintao (the 'Chinese Hyena') "as true" '
{HRI 20061025-V1.3}
(25 October 2006 - Version 1.3)

(17i)'Raising the AP, AFP and Reuters etc. Journalists Intelligence
Quotient - up to One Hundred'
(encl. {HRI 20050803-V3.4.1} 'The Motive (etc.)')
(29 October 2006)

(17j)'Associated Press Insanely Destructive Writers: Steve Gutterman
and Edith M. Lederer, for instance in their article 'Russia,
China won't back Iran sanctions,' of 2 Nov 2006'
(encl. {HRI 20061025-V1.3} "Reasons" gi

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