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Alex Jones: Time To Fight Back
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 29-07-07 23:09

SOL Informerer: Kjære debattanter!
Skrevet av SOL-redaksjonen (M) 28.juli.2007, kl 01:37

Kjære elskede og vakre debattanter.

Gud sa: "Slett innleggene hans!" så vi så oss nødt til å slette en
rekke innlegg fra deltakere som tydeligvis ikke respekterer vår Gud.

Uansett hva slags forklaringer dere kommer med, så var det i hvertfall
bra at dere slettet inneleggene HANS.

Jew Exterminator:
Ja, det synes sikkert spesielt du. Årsakssammenhengen trenger vi ikke
å bruke så mye tid på å fundere på.

Kan du ikke fatte og begripe at jeg/vi driter i innholdet i det du

Jew Exterminator:
Du, som den eneste av SOL-debattantene, forteller SOL at du syntes det
var bra at innleggene mine ble slettet, enda det var flere enn mine
som ble slettet.

Er du /helt/ sikker på at du dreit i innholdet?

Debatten kan fortsette her. Hva var svaret her, peppern?


Vi DRITER også i det, Trond!
Skrevet av Alle andre 28.juli.2007, kl 02:08

Stikk og sleik "Wolfowitzene" dine i ræva et annet sted enn her, ingen
her er interessert i å høre om deg og jødene dine, Trond! INGEN!!!

Skrevet av Hehe 28.juli.2007, kl 02:39

meg utenfor, takk!
Jeg har ennå ikke ergret meg over Trond sine innlegg.

Alex Jones skal slå tilbake mot troll på internett. Som SOL-
redaksjonen sier han ikke akkurat hvem han tenker på, men jeg tror det
er meg han mener:

Time To Fight Back Against Online Disinfo Agents and Trolls
Online saboteurs threaten to edit 9/11 truth movement out of

Som SOL-redaksjonen snakker han om meg som om jeg var mange på en
gang. Men det er mulig det virker sånn for dem...

Jødene babler på den siste bloggen til Jones:

"Trond er en mangeårig psykiatrisk pasient. Bare ignorer ham."

Excellent point, maybe I shouldn't even talk to this guy. There was
this guy Trond, from Norway, on here about 6month ago. I started
talking to him, ultimately admitted he was an illuminazi agent
provocator. What say you, should we just ignore this sort of thing?

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 5:46 AM

I got the feeling Trond must be an agent provocateur or insane or
both. Yes, it must be the same person. I know this stuff can make one
get a bit depressed sometimes, but he needs to get a grip on reality
and fight the good fight because at the moment it seems he is on the
losing side.

Posted by Stewart Cowan on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 5:57 AM

Good! you noticed, thank you for the confirmation. Do you he's just
mental or an agent?

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 6:02 AM

Well, I'm no expert on agents provocateur, but I think your comment
that he is "just a lost, hate filled soul" is about the best
description possible. If he is an agent then they are getting
desperate for recruits. Quisling was a famous Norwegian traitor.
There's no honour or glory in it.

I also exchanged a few private messages with him a few months ago, but
he never admitted to being an agent. Can you enlighten us further?

Posted by Stewart Cowan on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 6:16 AM

Too true, Stewart. I hope your listening Trond, you seem like a pretty
good guy if you could put aside all this hate and spastic actions.
Join the good fight.

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 7:40 AM

I think he is dillusional. His language and attitude show there is no
light in him. It's a pity the people in the mental hospital didn't do
more to help him. I hope he finds peace in doing what's right and
taking time out to breath deeply that clean Norwegian air and finding
how to relax before he blows his top completely and gets himself into
more trouble than he can handle.

Posted by Stewart Cowan on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 7:05 AM

Well, he was telling me all this stuff about Alex and "The Jews" his
own personal history of being wrongfully committed to a mental
hospital by corrupt people in his local government. We were becoming
friend even though we didn't agree on a lot of issues. Then suddenly I
said the wrong thing in his eyes or something and he started
threatening. I told him he was lucky I wasn't in Norway or I would
find out where he live and snap his neck. In the heat of all these
angry exchanges he said "...I'm Illuminati motherfucker..." that's all
I know. What do you think?

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 6:44 AM


Trond Halvorsen

Trond Halvorsen (01-08-2007)
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 01-08-07 23:07

On 30 Jul, 00:09, Trond Halvorsen <trondhalvor...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Then suddenly I
> said the wrong thing in his eyes or something and he started
> threatening. I told him he was lucky I wasn't in Norway or I would
> find out where he live and snap his neck. In the heat of all these
> angry exchanges he said "...I'm Illuminati motherfucker..." that's all
> I know. What do you think?

You wrote to me in february (extracts):

Feb 23, 2007 10:22 AM
Subject: knowledge of government control

Hello! You seem very knowledgable about governmental control over
Citizens. How are things in Norway? Are not all of those countrys up
there totally controled? What do you think?

Feb 23, 2007 12:59 PM
Subject: knowlede

You are cool, most people that under go that sort of attack, fold and
are crushed. You fought the good fight and are making headway.
Let's keep this commuication going, I'll be on 'till ~6pm EST but will
be back off and on throughout the days.

Feb 24, 2007 8:10 AM
Cool! hope to hear from you soon. Thanks

Feb 26, 2007 6:59 AM
Good to nhear from you, it's best for me if I respond within you
message(marked by>>>):

Feb 26, 2007 12:16 PM
Subject: Saving the world

I have the spiritual preception, that you are a good man, as well as,
being pretty damned cool!
Let's talk more; What's our next topic?

Feb 26, 2007 1:43 PM
Wow! you are an oracle of knowledge, Have you ever heard of William
So, being in the position I'm in, what do you think I should do to
stand for Truth, Justice, and the America Way?

March 9th:
Subject: balls
I knew you didn't have the balls to confront ME.

Subject: I'm...
I am like a god compared to you.

I replied:
U're nothing but boring... If u're lucky maybe they will give you some
toys to play with in jail.

Subject: Your the lucky one
Your the lucky one, your in norway, Or I would just snap your neck.
guess what if I did NO JAIL, maybe a good Citizenship award. Why all
the big talk I see nothing your accomplishing except strenghtening
Alex's support base.

Posted by 9/11 Final Truth on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 9:36 AM

Yes! That was some of our communications. So what happened, you said
"...If u're lucky maybe they will give you some toys to play with in
jail." I'm not in jail I'm better than ever. Jesus has fully healed my
spine, I've got a really good new apartment, I'm making all kind of
great friends here in Ithaca, everything is yeah and amen, all is
well. I thought you said I was going to jail. what's up with that? You
carefully left out all the vile, stupid things you said to me what's
up with that? I grow stronger as you get weaker. What's up with that?

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 10:19 AM

You're going there. Haven't you figured that out yet?`

You called me a nazi and i said:

Hitler was controlled by Jewish assholes, just like Bush is.

Well I new all that when I was 12years old, what's your point?

Who other than Jews would know that when they're 12?

Posted by 9/11 Final Truth on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 11:00 AM

A Christian that studies history, would know that. It's history It's
Jews as you put it. It was wealthy banking families some of which
where Jewish other's WASPs like the Walkers and Bushs. A wonderful
Patriot who happen to be Jewish, Noam Choamsky, and Anthony Hilder had
research this. At 12 or really 10 or 11 I got a lot of the info'
through my Daddy who had read: None Dare Call it Treason. I think I do
have some Jewish ancestry yet spiritually I'm a Christian. according
to you It's the same thing your stupid to say the least.

Posted by Christopher on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 11:20 AM

Are you saying that any Christian that studies history would know that
Hitler was a Jew and Holocaust a lie before he's 12 years old?

"Well I new all that when I was 12years old, what's your point?"

The point was that nazism was created by Jews and that Holocaust was a
hoax. Only Jews call me nazi when I show evidence that Jews were
behind 9/11.

You didn't get the point. You were too busy bragging about knowing at
a young age that nazism is a lie.

I don't usually reply to raving lunatics, but notice that the
illuminazis worship Moloch, a Babylonian god, which though some Jews
did worship, was against jewish law and belief that no gods but the
one were to be worshipped. Any investigation into the symbolism of the
worlds elites shows that they worshipped Babylonian gods. You can say
that other religions have been long under the control of, or even
created by, the followers of Babylonian religion, but the Babylonian
religion and Jewish religion are all but incomparable.. Unless your
trying to look like a fool and you know it because your an agent..
keep ranting rediculous bullshit and try to avoid responding to people
prove you wrong for as long as possible.

Posted by harmoniousemptiness on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 4:31 PM

3 minutter senere:

Now what have you got to say? Probably nothing because you can't
refute that.

Posted by harmoniousemptiness on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 4:34 PM

1 minutt senere:

Show some factual evidence that Jews were behind Babylonian beliefs.

Posted by harmoniousemptiness on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 4:35 PM

5 minutter senre:


Posted by harmoniousemptiness on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 4:40 PM

Trond Halvorsen

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