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Japan anerkender ICC-domstolen
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 18-07-07 10:13


=== citat start ===

TV4 Text (128, Sweden) Ons 18 Jul (2007, CET) 10:25:25

Værlden 17 Jul 19:47 (CET, red.)

Japan erkænder ICC-domstolen

Japan erkænde på tisdagen avtalet om
den øvernationell domstolen
International Criminal Court (ICC) med
sæt i nederlændska Haag. Dærmed har
nu 105 stater erkænt domstolen och i
och med Japans intræde också en stark
finansiell aktør.

Med intrædandet har Japan lovat att
betale 10 procent av den årliga
budgeten avsatt till domstolen, vilket
beræknas bli en kostnad på cirka 1
miljard kronor.

=== citat slut ====

Memory on:

4613 news:2Dp1f.70078$Fe7.237624@news000.worldonline.dk
and ...
4896 news:KR0ef.287$Cl2.2572@news000.worldonline.dk
> === citat start (letter 1997-01-21.USA) ===
[ ... ]
> The bridge to the FUTURE
> There is work to do, that government cannot do alone, and there is
> work to do, that cannot be done without the government:
> "The purpose was a twofold: The first was retribu-
> tion; the punishment of people, who'd launched this
> war against the world, and not only the war, but
> who - prior to the commencement of the war and du-
> ring it - had, of course, committed the most terrib-
> le crimes against humanity as, for instance, by er-
> terminating, and certainly 7 million jews.
> The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped
> to lay down the rules of international law of the
> future. Not only making the waging of aggressive war
> unlawful, but, for the first time, making the states-
> men, who led their countries into an aggressive war,
> personally responsible for what they had done."
> Lord Shawcross,
> Nürnberg prosecutor 1945.
> º ...to lay down the rules of international law of the FUTURE !!! º
> As it is now, the International Court of Justice is not
> independent. It's in the Security Council's pocket! Cannibals (some
> of the members) can, stop justice by useing veto. This is NOT fair
> business, because:
> NOBODY is ABOVE the law !!!
[ ... ]
> === citat slut (letter 1997-01-21.USA) ====
> This is the Bridge to the FUTURE, Sir!
> Keywords:
> The effect will be - after a time - preventive.
[ ... ]
> Det er *naivt* at tro, at psykopater overholder civiliserede
> spilleregler ...

Well done...

(2007-07-18, Wednesday, CET 11:00, GMT 09:00)
- "Friend."

You are indeed a lucky guy, Japan ...


Last file-OUTPUT:
6794 news:Zfdni.50$1C6.24@news.get2net.dk

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Info: 6562 news:Nz%2i.95$7J5.39@news.get2net.dk
(use http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ).
(or http://groups.google.dk/groups?q=Mogens+Kall&start=0&scoring=d& ).
File-number: 6795

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