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Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 10-07-07 11:01

Space com: "close flyby of Earth by Apophis on April 13, 2029. Apophis
may pass through a gravitational "keyhole" - a spot that alters the
asteroid's trajectory as it zips by our planet and might put it on the
bee-line lane for banging into Earth seven years later."

It's got all the Jewish idiocy, dates and numbers. WTC SEVEN - Salomon
brother's building. King Solomon, son of King David, built the first
Solomon's Temple. Read about it and spot the number 7.

Jews are obsessed with numbers and symbols. Paul Jew Wolfowitz became
the 10th president of the World Bank on March 31, 2005. But that's
just symbolic. Even though CNN just fired him, he still owns the World

jerrygentile: "Jews are obsessed with numbers and symbols." What do
you mean? Are you saying we're good at math and science, cuz I think
the world already is aware of that. Listen I know us Jews seem to have
above average intelligence for the most part, but not everything in
the world is orchestrated by us. We are after all only 0.05% of the
worlds population.

No, that's not what I meant, you moronic Jew, thinking 7 is so much
different than 8. King David was probably illiterate and couldn't
write his own name. Jews think the star means something big. And you
stupid idiots think that some Jesus ghost will materialize when you've
built a third stupid temple. Ridiculous.

And yes, you're going for the massgraves. The Jewish plans are
canceled. I fired Wolfowitz. You idiots are going down with him.

9-(1+1)=7. Wow! Jews feel superior because they can add and subtract
without using a calculator. Wolfowitz and Silverstein keep giving the
idiots easy tasks, so they can feel on top.

People who live among us pretending to be our friends are our worst
enemies. Jews hide their identity. Jews pretend to disagree with each
other. But when Gentiles get to know how to recognize these evil Jews,
they will disappear in shame.

Good people trust each other. They dont need to double check
everything. Jews have tricked Gentiles not because they're smart, but
because we didn't know we had evil lying motherfuckers living among us
pretending to be our friends.

God = blablabla = empty word. First you gotta show something, then you
can give it a name. To invent a word and look for something to fit
into it, is stupid.

Jerrygentile: Seriously, bro...when was the last time you got laid?

geneticist1: Change of subject? I notice that you're out of arguments
and gasping for oxygene...

Seriously, you won't get the WW3 that you had wet dreams about. The
game is over.

jerrygentile: Run out of arguments? My argument has consistently been
the same: YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS!!! I dont want WW3 faggot...nazis
started World War 2 and Germany started World War 1, so I think its
nazis like you that want WW3. Hey Im starting an organization where we
stop hate mongers like urself. What we do is give you guys a joint and
find a bitch to fuck you and then you calm down and stop hating so
fucking much.

gen: Ok, I'm a nazi, and I'm gonna put Silverstein and Wolfowitz in a
gas chamber. That's my job.

Nazism is created by Jews. Hitler was a Jew. WW2 was initiated by a
false flag operation.

False flag operation = Jewish Operation.

Only Jews call me nazi and/or antiSemite. You're a lying Jew, and
you'll burn in hell.

Holocaust is a hoax. 9/11 was a Silverstein-Wolfowitz Job.
Investigation closed. Now, let's get these bad ass motherfuckers in

The funny thing is, they are saying its racism, Xenophobia, anti-
semitism to blame 9-11 etc on the Jews. But they are sitting up there
saying it is Muslims, and Arabs who want to destroy us? Hypocrisy

jews are the suspects of the whole 9/11 case, so damn investigation
closed. jerry, i am 100% with u. u got this shit.


i agree with this guy they are evil people

CNN: 9/11 was a Jew Job! - part 2

Trond Halvorsen

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