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(rev 1.6) How To Find Out Any Secret Of An~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 21-06-07 07:19

How To Find Out Any Secret Of Anyone, That Is Vital To Your Or
Others' Well-Being To Be Known - 'Remote Knowing' As Done By
Any Sane Person

16 June 2007
{FPP 20070616-V1.6}
{HRI 20070616-V1.6}

(Version 1.6
on 21 Jun 2007)


Criminal Minds of course teach you, that "this is not possible,"
though any manager does this twenty-four hours a day, to be able
to do his or her job at all,

to be able to care for you,

but the medical "profession" and medical "scientists,"
medical "researchers" and medical "journalists"

- all being very intensely insane* -

* provided you actually define the term correctly, *(1)
which however they - the medical Criminal Minds - define
wrongly as well, but

according to the ACTUAL Definition of Insane, they ARE highly
insane, and according to them,

it is "scientifically not possible" to know about and to
understand people.


You did not know that either, probably, but
according to "science," "YOU DO NOT EXIST:"

"Science" "proves," that "you do not exist."

A health insurance company - one of the best, too -
writes to its customers, that

doing sports in the morning, "grows new brain
cells, so as not to be depressed."

Really... Very well-meaning advice, but utterly
insane in its "explanations."



So "it is not possible" according to what THEY claim to be "science,"

- actually it is their 'religion,' their CULT of "science" that
claims, that Life Energy "does not exist" - *(2)(3)

(you might as well say, that "Life itself does not exist"

because there is hardly a more insane and more
un-scientific statement,

since French "scientist" Lavoisier, with American
Benjamin Franklin, made it "official law," in Paris,
the capital of France, that)

'Life Energy "does not exist",' a statement of "scientific" Insanity

on the order of saying that (and then working with a
"science" that claims) "No water or air exists on Earth."

It follows, then, statistically seen,
that the most un-scientific or the most
'anti-scientific' individuals

- from a purely statistical viewpoint,
of course -

would be medical journalists or medical press

in particular those employed by the
Amoral Press, or the Associated Parrots
(both abbreviated 'AP') *(4)

topping the list of "scientific" Insanity (if
Insanity is defined correctly). *(1)





'Remote Knowing' is done,

as you do it all the time, every day, day and night,

- and the more responsible and intelligent you are,
the more you do it, of course -

by connecting to (and doing so with your Life Energy, of course, so
that you start to look at and become aware of) all possible answers,
scenarios, locations, times, memories, people involved or hidden,

regarding something or someone you want to understand, and then you
are of course culling these (sifting, choosing from all these) to
determine and find the actual, applicable answer and understanding.


In Buddhism they do THE REVERSE of finding actual answers,

and they do so in order to END all responsibility and to END
all understanding, and to replace it with NO LIFE and with
their NO TRUTH

which they thus have to call "Noble 'Truths',"
(abbreviated 'No Truth') and which they also
call 'Dharma' (or 'Dhamma'). *(21)



Connecting to all possible answers, scenarios, locations, times, etc.,
and culling these to obtain the actual answer(s), you do,

in case you want to find out about and understand very difficult
people and situations to penetrate (then you do so)

preferably with the assistance of a Life Energy Fluctuation
meter (see Introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part 4) *(15)

- which you could carry around your wrist,

as you would have one anyway all the time at your wrist,
to assist your looking at what is going on in daily

as you normally do look and see who and what is
hitting you (or your body or someone else or someone
else's body) with Harmful, Poisoned Life Energies -

and also, if possible, preferred for very difficult tasks worth
spending that much time and effort on, you (then) do so with the
help of an administrator, a secretary or assistant,

who keeps you on track in looking exhaustively for and
at all possible answers and scenarios and persons that
could possibly be involved, and the intentions present,

who (meaning, the assistant or secretary then) records the
possible answers as well as the fluctuations these produce
on the device, measured, of course, at the moment that the
answer is considered by you.




However, as Criminal Minds have everything in reverse -
being Criminal Minds -

if you ask a Criminal Mind to do these things for you,

these will of course NOT obtain correct answers by this
procedure, and they will INTENTIONALLY NOT OBTAIN correct
answers, *(1)

and if they DO get SOME answers, then they will hide or
pervert the correct answers, or omit necessary parts of
the correct answers, or they will wrongly assign, who
causes what, etc..

They do it intentionally and compulsively wrong, and
they do so, in order to manipulate and mis-direct you
and others (and themselves of course).

Criminal Minds do give data, but never reliable

Especially in those cases, you have constantly to verify,
with physical (photon and sound) observation and from
testimony and observations by other people, and by looking

(looking yourself, is DEFINED as 'connecting with
your own perceptional Life Energy Particles to what
and who is there, in order to become aware of it,'
and in this case, that much, so as to become aware

what is true and what is not.

And then, you ALSO have to look at the intentions

Criminal Minds do lie about the intentions in
particular, of themselves and of others.

This does not have to be verbal lying, but is
mostly done by what you call 'the way they
look at you, about it' or 'the voice with
which they say things.'

And it is done by simply controlling your
attention, your ENERGY, to look away from
or to find "not important" or to "forget"

things and people that "you should not
be aware of."

Even when, and though "the data is verifiably true,"
they STILL manage to completely reverse truth by
lying about (or lying by means of omitting) the
intentions that went with it.

As you see it in current, 'Amoral' and
Parrot'-type (abbr. AP) "journalism."


present. *(16)


The same applies,

not only when a known, suspected or an entirely
unsuspected Criminal Mind provides you with data,
but also, of course,

when you or another sane person looks AT Criminal Minds,
or does 'Remote Knowing' about a Criminal Mind, also there
you are given, you are connecting to similarly false data,

both in daily-life looking, as well as in intensive
'Remote Knowing' looking, at a Criminal Mind:

The Criminal Mind has layers of lies, and 'friendly' or
also repulsive masks, and has intentionally

false, fabricated "evidence" or "memories," and
projects false feelings - which are all Energies -
and he or she uses these as hypnotism against you,

to mis-direct and to hide that, what actually
DID happen and what WAS done by whom with what
intention (in other words, the truth)

in order to prevent you from looking or make you
give up looking

also by making you feel satisfied with the
answers you have obtained,

much like in an Oprah Winfrey or Larry
King Live show, these never let you find
out the necessary truth, but give you a
feeling of having been 'satisfied.'
This pays well - for them.




As always, the definition of Sanity applies (defined as the ability,
desire and action also, of detecting and looking through deceptions).

The saner a person is, the faster and the more accurately he or she
will find also well-hidden answers, with 'Remote Knowing.'

This is done in daily life exactly the same, by intelligent
people, where feeling-connecting is providing the highest

it is done simply by looking at something or someone,
while you are scanning, feeling, connecting to, all
possibilities and past data available,

and this is done in a fraction of a second, normally, by
you or by any intelligent person, in daily life. *(a)


Again, a Criminal Mind has everything in reverse, so when THEY
do that, then THEY 'feel' the opposite:

When you are a nice and caring person,

then the Criminal Mind concludes, that "you are a
dangerous, threatening person who must be destroyed
in any possible way of deception and by means of other
Energetic attacks." *(6)




Now if you HAVE found out some secrets of some people, then you will
find out, that you also have to raise your level of ethics to a
workable, somewhat civilized level, as I described it for instance
'The Rights of Criminal Minds,' *(17) and in

the definition of 'respect.' *(18)

So, you do not go for a kind of Hammurabi *(19) "justice,"
or Islamic (Sharia) type "ethics,"

which are simply barbarisms

and which are void of any ethics, based as these are


You find the maximum of insanity, though - in the
area of ethics and morals - extreme destructiveness,
in the Hindu, Buddhist and New Age lies "about

Their "solution" is, to simply deny and
ignore what is found out about people,
because 'Karma,' or what they call "The
Universe," "will take care of all." *(21)




So, you do not choose such "spiritual" people as your secretary
or helpful administrator or as your listening partner,

transform it into its opposite, which they call Dharma
or Dhamma (according to which dialect they prefer)

or "Living in the present," "Not being overwhelmed
by evil," etc. while doing exactly the opposite
but DENYING that they live almost completely in the
past and are almost wholly overwhelmed by evil.


Let's say, you find out that 'your ex-wife was a
stealing, malicious whore in her preceding life time,'

and that is the reason, that she hated the loving
and beautiful 'sacks' you wanted to give her,

and it explains, why she only can be aroused by
ugly, treacherous 'sacks,' which you were neither
willing to give nor capable of giving.


Now, you know, they, the Buddhist-Hindu-New-
Age clan, those of "Love and Light," and of
"unconditional Friendship with all," THEY
don't care at all whether that is true or not,
or what is now ethical or not,

THEIR goal is to DESTROY any morals and ethics
and truth, and replace it with PRETENDED
"morals" and "truth," because

according to their Dharma, according to
THEIR "truth," "Beauty should feel like
Ugliness and Ugliness should feel like

- they, the Buddhists, to practice their
Dharma, have actual exercises for
feeling that, for feeling everything
in reverse,

and at the same time, they have
exercises for NOT feeling, for
"Being detached" -

THEY call that 'Dharma,' or "truth"

...how "Noble" a "Truth" indeed.


You ALSO do not choose for an assistant, someone who is a
pacifist or "someone who has given up fighting"

as if evil and Criminals stop by themselves and are not evil
"as long as you do not 'provoke' them or stop them,"

which - not stopping them - is of course exploding your crime
rate, and leading to eternal war, as pointed out by the
Definition of Peace. *(7)

Pacifists, Peace Activists and other Cowards are NOT
interested in truth: *(12)

They ARE interested in intelligent lies, to make
their destruction (or the destruction by others
that they hide) seem "good" and "moral." *(8)(12)






I will give you an example, here, of a 'Remote Knowing' procedure:

Make a long list of what l. ron hubbard *(20) might be or could be or
would be hiding from you.

This could be in response to the question

'What might, could or would l. ron hubbard hide most from you?'

Ideally, at each answer, you would write down, of course, how
much change and how fast a change (in your Energy) the answer

in your Life Energy that is acting on your chemical-
physical body of flesh and bones,

changes or fluctuations measured on a highly sensitive Life
Energy Fluctuation meter - if at hand and preferably -

(connected with tin-or-gold-covered iron plates - or
regular soup cans if you wish - at your hand palms or
at other major meridian Life Energy points, to measure
your body's very rapid fluctuations in electrical
resistance, due to the Life Energy fluctuations)

and by other reactions that some people are sensitive to or have
learned to observe, as caused by various shifts in or attacks by

such as indicated by pains or itches or sneezes, by 'goose
bumps,' by the onset of numbness, by moments of sudden
unconsciousness, nausea, toilet urges, by sudden changes
in your vision or your hearing, or the start of fears or
compulsions or of 'crazy thoughts,' etc., etc., *(b)

or also measured as described in some sciences that try to
measure Life Energy changes as triggered by specific thoughts.


Then you read that list of answers again, and you cross out (omit,
drop) those answers, that do not trigger any Life Energy Fluctuation
at all - the result of assuming, that these would therefore not be
the most applicable answers. (See also below.)



The question is formulated so, that you are striving and CAN strive
into one direction, that of the most applicable, and therefore
assumed to be the correct answer or scenario, for one particular

You can't make the question too narrow, of course, like
'Did Lee Harvey Oswald murder John F. Kennedy?' There is no
room for looking at various scenarios and possibilities, there.

But 'Who wanted to have Kennedy assassinated?' or 'Who could
have prevented the assassination?' would be quite fruitful,
very workable questions.

Or more to the point, 'What was the intention of John F. Kennedy
towards people?'

This helps in the process of culling: Dropping more and more of the
list of possible answers. Each time as you cull the list of now
remaining possible answers, again and again, most answers will
produce less and less Life Energy FLUCTUATION, and many answers will
eventually drop out, not produce change anymore, because they do not
qualify as being 'the most,' as in

'What might, could or would l. ron hubbard hide MOST from you?'




You will have to understand, that you find answers by connecting with
your Life Energy to those parts of life and to those individuals and
to those parts of your very vast but mostly hidden, "wiped out"

You are by considering the question, invited to connect your
Energy, and thus your Awareness, to those parts that have to do
with the subject, with the question,

'What might, could or would l. ron hubbard hide MOST from you?'


You have to get used to that, that Awareness DOES WORK LIKE THAT,

(you have to get used to it again) because and when you are
taught, in school and at your parent's house, that

"You can not connect with your Energy to anything and
become aware of it," (which is a most idiotic statement
to make)

"unless you have been taught or told about, or unless you"

(have had a photon and sound proximity impression of
it) "unless you"

"have seen and heard," whatever it is,

that you connect to with your perceptional Life
Energy, so that you then visually see and audibly
hear and thus (are allowed to) know it.



In some cultures for instance, the children are not
supposed to be aware of what their parents do in the
parental bedroom, that resulted in their birth,

UNLESS they have had permission in the form of
(a photon and audio proximity experience of) seeing
and hearing what is done there by their parents.

In such a culture of hiding the basic things of life, you
would get rather strange "answers" to the question

'What did your parents enjoy most doing together?'


So you would have to re-formulate the question to 'What did
your parents enjoy most doing together, that you were allowed
to see?' or such, if you wanted to avoid the truth.


And back to the subject, 'What might, could or would l. ron hubbard
hide MOST from you, that you - of course - were NOT allowed to see
or sense?'

Then any failure from a badly defined word 'hiding,' which some
people might interpret as meaning 'hide from eyesight or from
hearing it,' (sight and sound, and excluding ACTUAL perception to
Awareness) - that exclusion would be avoided by formulating it as
including 'What were you NOT allowed to see or hear or sense?'

You understand, that you DO need the Definition of Truth *(9)
for this, AND you will encounter - and reject as untrue - the
"Awareness" of people who 'create their own reality,'

their 'Negative Awareness' as I have called it,

their "total certainty, that, what they would like to be true,
'is what exists' and what they should enforce on others 'as
true' in order 'to make it be true',"

or what has been forced into their Awareness "as true" by means
of drugs, distorting, breaking or misaligning their Life Energy
(perception and feeling) connections to and from their body and
their environment.


The purpose of the whole procedure of 'Remote Knowing,' is, of course,
to get you, or someone else, in this case to actually start to look
at l. ron hubbard, and at what he did and does to people.



The procedure of 'Remote Knowing,' does not require any data seen or
heard, because you start connecting with your OWN Energy to what IS
there. *(10)

And basically you can apply the action to anything, that

you do not know about but HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT, for your
own or for others' well-being.

Just formulate a proper question and start to look at more and
more POSSIBLE answers to it, which gets you to connect with your
OWN Energy more and more, to what IS there.

It is helpful, of course, to have someone else asking and directing
your attention or connecting Energy

(by asking you the question, and by helping you to cull the list
more and more and by assisting you in recording the Life Energy
Fluctuations on the measuring device, to see which ones still
produce a fluctuation, and which ones do not anymore and thus
can be dropped from the list of possible answers, as you work
to narrow it down to probably one answer, as 'What is l. ron
hubbard hiding MOST').

And naturally you cross-check your data, and verify what you
got, with everything you can lay your hands or eyes on,

exactly as you do too in daily life, doing any available

which will likely confirm and broaden the understanding gained
from your Remote Knowing.




You will be amazed, especially in the beginning, how much you are
capable of connecting to things, people, situations, locations,
and memories, that you thus can become aware of.

This is your natural, normal way of perception and knowing
in the first place.

But Criminal Minds have hammered it out of you and purged it
from "science."


And because l. ron hubbard severely DISTURBS and BLOCKS
Awareness-connection to the most vital 'things' to know
and to see and to understand in life - to people,
basically -

which he does by means of his Harmful Energies,
that are also echoed and amplified by others,

it is indicated, that the first question to be asked
(with all possible answers looked at) and then culled

(dropping more and more of the possible answers,
those that produce no Fluctuation or change anymore,
till you are left with the most likely true answer)

the first question then,

is: 'What might, could or would l. ron hubbard hide MOST
from you, that you - of course - were NOT allowed to see
or sense?'



Again: You will be amazed, especially in the beginning, how much you
are capable of CONNECTING to things - people, situations, locations,
and memories - that you thus can become aware of

- and, no matter how much the medical profession and its
"science" "for the benefit of Mankind" has destroyed
it and keeps destroying it, in you and others - *(13)

it is your natural ability and way of life in the first place. *(14)

In fact, I am doing that each time (but then so fast, that I do
not need nor want anything written down)

also when I use a Life Energy Fluctuation meter *(15) to find
out something that is very strongly hidden or camouflaged etc.,
but that I need to put my attention on, when

I need to find out something about others, for your well-being, as

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

(a) This - finding out the truth about someone or something -
is done in a fraction of a second, normally, by you or by
any intelligent person, in daily life,

assuming you are in a (relatively speaking, of
course) good condition,

in which your Life Energy to connect to life and to
people - when you are observing well and correctly -

has not been taken away from you, nor been blocked
or lamed

by means of Harmful, Poisonous, Altered Life
Energies, which includes and are 'made to
stick' by means of very atrocious, insane lies
projected with it at the same time,

all projected by Criminal Minds, because
normal, sane people do not inflict such harm
onto others, but instead, normal people try
to protect themselves and others from such

assuming people are NOT hindered - by
the mentioned philosophies and various
professions - from acting or even from
understanding what is happening in your
and in everyone's daily life, but

where people ARE allowed to understand
evil, and to defend themselves and also

that is, at those places on Earth, where
its curved nature is accepted to be
factual and existing,

'where the Earth is NOT FLAT' (not 'kept
FLAT by Criminal Minds').

(b) However, a Life Energy Fluctuation meter - if at hand and
set to high amplification plus wide range (the fluctuation
can be enormous and very sudden, so that) - is by far the
easiest and most accurate method, as long as Kirlian's
discovery of making Life Energy Particles visible with
photons, has not been further developed and used.

And, as medical "science" etc. DENIES the nature and
activity of life itself (Life Energy Particles),
THEY will not develop and use, and indeed they have
not developed or used it

- due to your lack of facing the Criminal Minds in
those "sciences" and related professions.


(1) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(2) 'American Constitution - Destroyed By Benjamin Franklin In 1787,
How' - Quote from {HRI 20021018-V2.0} 'The Mafia Code Against
(10 October 2003 quote, of Version 2.0 on 10 October 2003)

(3) 'Discovery of Life Energy - History in 1784'
(13 October 2003 quote from 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind,'
from {HRI 20021018-V2.0})

(4) 'On FRONT GROUPS - Intentional Sources of Insanity -
"Human Rights Watch," "Global Policy Forum,"
"Associated Press," etc.'
{HRI note 20070614-V1.1}
(14 June 2007)

(5) 'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(6) 'On those who really FEEL "George 'Washington' Bush is evil, is a
devil" '
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1-Q1-V1.1}
(7 June 2007)

(7) 'Definition of Peace'
{HRI 20070520-V2.1.1}
(20 May 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 28 May 2007)

(8) 'Underneath the Mask of Michael Moore, A Sophisticated Psychopath
{HRI 20040621-RI}
(21 June 2004 - Re-Issued 16 June 2007)

(9) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(10) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Certainty of Perception'
{HRI 20010829-pi11-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 11 Version 2.0 on 30 Oct 2006)

(11) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
- As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030611}
(11 June 2003)

(12) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2 on 9 Sep 2006)
(Version 3.2 (or 3.2.2) published on 17 (or 18) May 2007)
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2.1} (published on 18 May 2007)

(13) 'Medical Disorder series' - Parts 1-11
{HRI 20010829 ...}
(29 August 2001 - part Issues and Versions Sept-Oct 2006)

(14) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood'
{HRI 20030416-V1.0}
(16 April 2003 - Version 1.0)

(15) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Some Fine Particle Physics'
{HRI 20010829-pi4-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 4 Version 3.0 on 14 Sept 2006)

(16) 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)

(17) 'Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)

(18) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

(19) Hammurabi - a Babylonian king (died 1750 BC) who is considered
the first one to have Criminal Law written down, so that people
know, which hand or how many hands they should hack off from
an offender, or how long they should keep him under water, to
prove or disprove - by his drowning or staying alive - whether
he is guilty of the crime he was accused of and arrested for.
Criminal law became "something dependable, not arbitrary," then.
The types of punishments, often with death, were common in that
time and area - a novelty it was, to write it all down and
display it for everyone, to know 'where one is at,' or 'what to

(20) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(21) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(22) 'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102}
(2 Jan 2003)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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