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Eric Hufschmid
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 15-06-07 19:32

To Hufschmid on March 30th, 2007:


Quite revealing, don't you think?

What do you mean? What does it reveal?

To Hufschmid:
Sometimes you are not such a good investigator. Everyone can see that
this is deliberate promotion using tricks. They use capital letters in
the beginning of the words so that it will be easier to remember the
URLs. They make it half transparent to make it look like CNN is trying
to hide these URLs. It's like they coincidentally came across these
URLs swiping the camera around in the office.

But there are no coincidences on CNN. Every second is planned in
detail. They pretend to slip up sometimes to give the impression that
it's not planned.

Oh, I see what you mean about the capitalizing of the letters. It
makes it easier to read them. They were implying that these were the
crazy conspiracy websites. I suppose the reason I don't notice those
things is because I have given up hope on America, so I'm not
analyzing these things any longer. I don't look into 9/11 any longer,
either. I am just waiting and watching for America to disintegrate. I
don't think America will survive much longer.

....+ 300 lines of babbling. Hufschmid used to send me 4-6 lines.

Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:21:10 -0400 (EDT)
If they Jews are not smart, then how do you explain them taking over
the European Union, America, Russia, and all the rest of the world?

Most of them even do much better in school than the American children.

I think the biggest problem is that there is not enough Jews. A few
million Jews cannot take over a planet of 6 billion people. They are
smart enough, but there are not enough of them.

Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:19:38 -0400 (EDT)
You don't take control of the banking system, Europe, America, and the
rest of the world by luck. It takes talent. And it requires people who
can work together. You may not like them, but you have to admit that
they are intelligent.

Eric Hufschmid makes a faulty comparison

Eric is jewish? hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

he and daryl bradford smith from iamthewitness>com were the first to
bring out the 911 zionist involvement...

whoever made this video, you need to think it over and come up with
something better...

thanks for the laugh though, lol.

Zionists are scapegoats. All the Jews in the world know that 9/11 was
a Silverstein/Wolfowitz Job. That includes all the media. They lie to
cover it up. Mike Piper is a joke. The show about the scared
investigator is ridiculous. The lying actor Mike Piper blames
Zionists. Then all others who blame Zionists a lying actors too.

I have about 80 emails from Hufschmid. I wrote with him for 3-4 months
thinking we were on the same side, until march 30th.

A friend of his, Suzette, gave me the mp3 with Piper bashing Bollyn.

I looked for some info about it on IAmtheWitness, but didnt find any,
so i asked Hufschmid what that was about. He replied:

"It was Mike Piper trying to make Bollyn look bad. Mike Piper is angry
with us for calling him a Zionist."

It's stupid. They accuse each other of being criminals. Are they
investigators or children in a kindergarten?

They're investigating one very big crime, and they're calling each
other names?

"You're a Zionist!"
"No, You're the Zionist!"

On the radio show Piper sounds serious.
He's not joking. He's not angry.
Sounds like he means it.
He's got disturbing news for his listeners...

Jews live their lives pretending - pretending they're not Jews.

The comparison makes perfect sense... if you're NOT mentally
challenged that is.

Here's the legend...

a)911 was a crime LIKE the murders of world war 2 & the alledged

b) if you investigate 911 to figure out what happened you wouldn't be
called a 911 Denier would you??

if not, why would are you called a holocaust denier when you
investigate the holocaust?

Because Holocaust didnt happen, while 9/11 did happen. The discussion
on 9/11 is "who did it"

By making this comparison, one may think that Holocaust happened.

I noticed this before I discovered that Hufschmid was a liar. In his
video "Painful deception" he's suggesting that a plane hit the
Pentagon. I had found a rule half a year before that: Anyone claiming
a plane hit the Pentagon is a hoax.

There are 2 pictures that proves beyond doubt that no plane hit the
Pentagon. Actually, the hole in ring C is all you need.

Still, I thought Hufschmid was only naive when I saw that movie.

Hufschmid: "A few million Jews cannot take over a planet of 6 billion

Why does anyone need to take over the planet? What a fucking idiot.
Tricking Gentiles to kill each other is not "intelligent" or "smart".
It's fucking Evil!

Hufschmid: "Most of them [Jews] even do much better in school than the
American children."

When you live in America you're an American. What the fuck is his
problem? He thinks Jews are from another planet.

Hufschmid says in this video: "Some clever Jew created..."

Yeah, yeah, Jews are so clever, Hufschmid. Fuck you!

if they weren't so clever (in an evil way) how did they orchestrate so
911, yet many of the GOYIM still didn't catch on?

If your daughter was killed and police got the killer, and you later
discovered that it was your best friend who did it, that he managed to
put the blame on the wrong guy, would you congratulate him for
tricking you so long without you catching on?

"You're smart, friend. You tricked me for a long time there."

Jews are a disgrace to the human race!

Jews are the scum of the earth!

These are the worst plans I possibly can imagine:

According to Jewish myth, the King of Jews will bring all Gentile
nations, cultures and religions to ruins through world wars.

Trond Halvorsen

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