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Er der nogen, der forstår *svejtser* tysk?
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 13-06-07 10:38

Se så hvad der foregår i Svejts - de yder faktisk modstand mod

TeleOstschweiz zur Gründung vom Wiler Komitee:


TeleTop zur Gründung vom Wiler Komitee:


Interview Tele Top:


Tele Ostschweiz zu Schulweihnachtsfeiern:




No third-world immigration to the western world! Many danes think the
same, see e g

http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .

Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

Ördög (14-06-2007)
Fra : Ördög

Dato : 14-06-07 02:37

Michael el Laudahn eOpportunist actually to believes everything he
sees on telly:

> Se så hvad der foregår i Svejts - de yder faktisk modstand mod
> islamiseringen:

Sure. If it is on youtube it must be true!

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=just
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=personal opinion
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=and not
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=the official press or broadcast media

> Many danes think the same...
This is Michi's second favourite fallacy: Argumentum ad Populum
See http://www.fallacyfiles.org/bandwagn.html

> Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

You mean others should do the fighting for you while you hide behind
your keyboard....


RE: Michael Laudahn


Stop all meaningless spam and propaganda from Helicopter Michi !!!


> I've permitted myself to add a few NGs .... ........said Hubschrauber Michi in aus.politics.

You might permit just too many things for yourself Helicopter Michi.
Trolling and spreading hate propaganda into ever more Usenet groups is
just a predictable extension of your crazy behavior. And you hope you
can easily get away with it. Not necessarily so!


For those who do not know already this arrogant neo-Nazi troll, an
infamous Usenet pest, let me summarize who he is: Mr Laudahn is a
German exile fleeing from the long arm of the law after embezzling
other peoples' money/property in connection with the collapse of East
Germany and the following chaos.

He has ended up after spending lengthy time in hiding in different
countries around the world, in Switzerland were he must have found
some support among neo-Nazi groups.

Ever since he has been making himself a nuisance on Usenet and the
World Wide Web by posting and spreading xenophobic, anti-democracy,
Antisemitic, anti-black, anti-Gypsy, anti-Latino, anti-government and
anti-immigration hate messages. He attacks, threatens, abuses other
posters but he never ever puts up an actual arguable defense for his
own assertions. He is a well documented public nuisance on the Net. He
has had his ongoing conflicts with a number of ISPs, with Wikipedia
members, and several Newsgroups. He has been several times banned from
posting and using services but it seems to no avail.

Yet he has learned nothing and his arrogance grew more and more.

His behavior and the content of his posts are not only offensive but
often indicate that he is not quite sane. He fears the authorities and
law enforcement agencies almost to the degree of total paranoia. His
nickname "Helicopter Michael" (in German "Hubschrauber Michi") is the
result of several completely paranoid articles posted by him on a
regular basis in which he explains (or tries to) that MI5 and Mossad
agents follow him around and somehow helicopters are also involved in
these events. He also believes that un-powered mobile phones (ie no
batteries attached) are also used for similar purposes.

So Michi, as his Google stats clearly show has been madly trolling
Currently Michi trolls in 80 newsgroups producing near 8900 hate
propaganda messages.
Although he insists that his activities are indispensable to several
NGs that assertion could not be farther from the truth. He
consistently scores "1 star" on the Google Groups ratings system
awarded by a large number of Usenet members.

So what can be done about Michi?
The easiest method of keeping him from destroying more Newsgroups is
complaining to his newsgroups provider Giganews. He has already broken
their acceptable usage guidelines and if enough complaints are sent in
about Michi he will be forced to use Google Groups again. The
advantage of that for the user community is the limits built into
Google Groups concerning the allowed number of simultaneous posts and
cross posts.

Ördög (Your scary shadow that says "Boo" in the dark)
Either the neocons go or civilisation does!

Kim Larsen (14-06-2007)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 14-06-07 12:06

Jeg forstår ikke tysk men jeg forstår at sætte Michael Laudahn på filter og
det synes jeg også at du skulle gøre, så du slipper for at se alle hans
skriverier og så vi slipper for at se dine besvarelser af Michael Laudahn
for du er efterhånden den eneste i dk.politik som gider at tage dig af
Michael Laudahns tåbeligheder.

Kim Larsen
Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem. Nyt Ungdomshus nu !
Bevar Christiania ! E-mail: kl2607@gmail.com

Poul Nielsen (14-06-2007)
Fra : Poul Nielsen

Dato : 14-06-07 12:21

"Kim Larsen" <kl2607@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Jeg forstår ikke tysk men jeg forstår at sætte Michael Laudahn på filter
> og det synes jeg også at du skulle gøre, så du slipper for at se alle hans
> skriverier og så vi slipper for at se dine besvarelser af Michael Laudahn
> for du er efterhånden den eneste i dk.politik som gider at tage dig af
> Michael Laudahns tåbeligheder.
> --

What took you so long?

Michael Laudahn eOpp~ (14-06-2007)
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 14-06-07 15:48

Poul Nielsen schrieb:

> What took you so long?

Er sproget her ikke et af de skandinaviske? Hvorfor bruger du så

Og hvorfor spørger du ikke, hvad denne kreatur 'Ördög' - som ikke kan
et eneste ord skandinavisk - egentlig vil her i disse NGer?

Eller kender du til svaret og er bange for at høre det igen: nemlig at
han er jøde? Ja, en af disse ubehagelige orientalere, der altid stikker
deres næse i andres menneskers anliggender og vil lave dem

At han sidder i Australien (!) har du bemærket?

Jeg foreslår at du aktualiserer dine filter-indstillinger.

No third-world immigration to the western world! Many danes think the
same, see e g

http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .

Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

Henry (14-06-2007)
Fra : Henry

Dato : 14-06-07 19:03

Michael Laudahn eOpposition wrote:
> Poul Nielsen schrieb:
>> What took you so long?
> Er sproget her ikke et af de skandinaviske? Hvorfor bruger du så engelsk?

Du menar att du är en mikrocefal idiot, som inte begriper engelska?

Alucard (14-06-2007)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 14-06-07 12:33

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:06:19 +0200, "Kim Larsen" <kl2607@gmail.com>

>Jeg forstår ikke tysk men jeg forstår at sætte Michael Laudahn på filter og
>det synes jeg også at du skulle gøre,

Det må han da vel selv om....

>så du slipper for at se alle hans
>skriverier og så vi slipper for at se dine besvarelser af Michael Laudahn

Hvad kommer det ham ved, hvad du vil slippe for...???

>for du er efterhånden den eneste i dk.politik som gider at tage dig af
>Michael Laudahns tåbeligheder.

Det er til gengæld nok rigtigt....

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