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Bush hypnotized by Putin poisoning his (ou~
Fra : Leonardo Been

Dato : 04-06-07 07:30

Bush hypnotized by Putin poisoning his (our) wells

4 June 2007

{HRI note 20070604}


I have given you all the necessary understanding, through very hard
work of mine for you, with great care and intense love for you.

others can live in peace, on Earth, and so that I can get some
actual work done!

I have defined all the necessary concepts for you as these are
stemming directly from your soul,

which you need to bring about and maintain peace.



But Mr. Bush can not even define 'enemy,' and so he can be made to be
"friends" with someone who is an enemy of all if us.

Bush is being hypnotized by Putin, who is poisoning his (our) wells.

Mr. too arrogant George W. Bush, is (compelled by Putin into) finding
Putin more important than me - how very insane indeed:

You do not get your desert irrigated, by being "friends" with
those who do (and who desire nothing more than to) poison your

I will even translate that for you:

It is not possible to be friends with Criminal
Minds who are heads of state -

you have to accept that they ARE enemies, and always
will remain enemies,



Every five year old knows this, every policeman knows



I think I made it very clear to you, that

1. It is not possible to have 'good relations' with a Criminal Mind,
let alone 'friendship.'

2. That Vladimir Putin IS a (very severely) Criminal Mind.


But President George W. Bush now, still: "I've got a good relationship
with Vladimir Putin and I intend to keep it that way."

"The Cold War is over. I don't view Russia as an enemy and
I've got a good relationship with Vladimir Putin and I
intend to keep it that way."

President George W. Bush on Bulgarian National Television
on Friday, 1 June 2007.


live in peace, on Earth, and so that I can get some actual work done!


I wrote many times on those subjects, in very clearly understandable

One of these times:

Russian Snake Putin pouncing on Blind American Eagle Bush,
today in Moscow

15 November 2006

{HRI note 20061115 V-1.0.1}

I happen to have examined that Energy of Putin very well:

The Extremely Ugly "You DO want, that I am your friend" and
"you WOULD like to treat me as if I were a friend, isn't it"
AND "It would be very much to your and everyone's advantage,
if I WERE your friend, isn't that so?"

- "THEN 'overlook all my past and present and
future evil deeds and betrayal on you and others,'
and 'just create and feel the Energy of Love' towards me:"

"YOU can create friendship, right? - and I want very much
to be your friend, now, don't you see?"

"So all is to your advantage now, TAKE the opportunity, that
I offer!"


So far the snake Putin.

To recognize that, to really understand Criminal Minds who are head of
state, is PART of politics - simple.

Britain's Chamberlain did NOT recognize such very intensely evil
Energies, or only AFTER he had been successfully manipulated into
not being able anymore to prevent nor to help others prevent the
last world war.


Snakes ARE snakes - Putin IS a "snake," which I have already
informed you of earlier. They never change their nature, only
their mask is highly adaptable to

'whatever the circumstances demand.'



But Bush now thinks "he has to follow the will of the American people"
by NOT pointing out evil and NOT naming evil, that cowards

(peace activists, and journalists from the Associated Press,
like George Gedda recently, who HATES anything bad to be said
about North Korea's Kim Jong Il)

and fully evil people would - of course, indeed the mention of actual
sources of evil, they would - most violently oppose...



And so, the Russian snake Putin bites again, especially now that Bush
has lost at the elections in America, and "must be friendly."

THAT is the politics of Criminal Minds, also of Putin.


So I wrote yesterday "Will you ever learn?" ..from World War Two - how
it started and how it was not prevented.
And I wanted to point you to a very, very excellent history book by
Philip Gavin, which the author made freely available on the web, at

http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2 (World War Two in Europe)

in particular, The Triumph of Hitler:


It is the shortest yet most informative piece I have ever read about
it - and as some of you know, I DO know what I am talking about.



I wrote earlier:

(Introduction to)
Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of State

20 November 2005
{HRI 20051120-V5.2-intro-v1.2}

(Version 5.2
on 23 Aug 2006)


Do not envy wicked men,
do not desire their company;
for their hearts
plot violence,
and their lips talk
about making trouble.

King Solomon


(Suitable for foreign
language students)


What every sane and caring person is wanting to hear

- and what, on the other hand, all Criminals and Cowards are
fearing but waiting to read, hoping that no one will write
it -

no one does write on the subject, so I again have to do that writing,
as usual.



What you do know, but did not read:

Hu Jintao of China is a monster, that George W. Bush of America does
not face.

That has put us that much closer to a possible World War III.


Well, George W. Bush did face Criminal Minds before, when he started
out in office.

And then he got "softened up," "told how to behave 'in order not to
antagonize Criminal Minds'," and "told that 'he must get approval'
(support, applause) from Destructive Cowards." *(8)


I will not describe, here, the underlying events and mechanisms
used to subdue him.

But amongst the advocates of "Do not oppose Criminal
who was received by George W. Bush, was Tenzin Gyatso,

pretending to oppose China's dictators,
a pretense of "opposition" performed by

the current 'Dalai Lama,' the one who is not, but who
pretends quite successfully to be, the reincarnation of
the soul, the person who long ago founded the Tibetan

who is NOT the current "Dalai" Lama, but who is the
ACTUAL 'Great Lama,' the one

who practiced, what was later called Lamaism
(locally called the - very valuable - 'Bon Po'
religion) and

who definitely would NOT ever advocate Buddhist
doctrines, and would judge these to be opposed to
the very nature of life itself:


The current 'leader of Tibet,' the '"Dalai" Lama' recently
phoned all his friends, and organizations friendly to him,
in America, and demanded of them, that

HU JINTAO' - in the free country of America - when
this Chinese dictator, Hu Jintao, is visiting.

Really... that's 'the Buddhist "Dalai" Lama.'
('Dalai' means 'Great' in Tibetan).

And you, being wholly dazed into "how 'vital' it is,
NOT to face Criminal Minds," say "well, there must
be a reason for it, 'if he says so'."

That is how insane you have been made, by
Criminal Minds, and by Buddhism or by 'The
Buddha' and his doctrine of "Life is

Nauseating (very Ugly, very repulsive) lies
with only one purpose:

to hand all Life over to Criminal Minds

...in the name of 'Divine Love,' as their
gurus call it in Hinduism: *(38)

"Give your Love Energy to all
Criminal Minds, and make their
problems yours to 'solve',"

as someone - a Criminal Mind himself,
by the name of Anandamurti (Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti) - demands you to ruin your
life and that of all others as well.


Back to China:




It seems however, that Japan's Koizumi DOES face some more of the
current dictator of China, Hu Jintao's very intensely evil nature

- though Koizumi still does not point out, that Hu Jintao 'does
not care one bit' what shrine Koizumi visits, but, that
Hu Jintao just needs a pretense

that journalists will publish (AND STILL ARE publishing)
as if the pretense of "being offended," now "justifies"
hate, and as if that would be "a reason"

for Hu Jintao to hate (also the Japanese) people, and to be
mean to them, etc. *(2)


As I write Version 2.4 of this Human Rights Issue, Koizumi
has now publicly stated, that he recognizes it as merely a
diplomatic trick that is used by those of China and South
Korea (in order to foment trouble).

He did not explain their trick, though - which is
much like stage-magic, but then on a spiritual
level - *(16)

the trick of Hu Jintao, by which he covers and hides
the current, and past fifty years, of CHINESE
atrocities against the Chinese (and against the
North-Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Laotians, etc.)

they - Hu Jintao that is, a Criminal Mind -
accuse(s) the current Japanese, of "not facing
history and past evil against the Chinese etc.."


            Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

            Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious
            evil, that Jiang Zemin, and that Mao Zedong
            (Mao Tze Tung) committed against the Chinese?

            Not at all - and, as expected, also not his own
            mass murder, torture and degradation of the
            Tibetan population. Which is only the tip of
            the iceberg of his evil character.


               You do really want to have one billion
               people on Earth "governed" by a malicious

               and that in a dictatorial, heavily
               armed country

               with open access to YOUR channels and
               media of communication, for them,

               but with THEIR communication channels
               and systems almost completely blocked to
               you, and their people forced to do
               nothing but lying to you, or otherwise
               to hide any and all evil?

               You really want that, do you?


               You still have very much to learn about
               detecting and treating Criminals - for
               which you will study the Human Rights

                  These are not edited to total
                  perfection yet - that's your, and
                  your children's tough luck - but
                  the basic understanding is all
                  there for you to use.

                  I will even write 'The First Law
                  of Human Rights' now for you, as
                  a separate Issue of what I actually
                  already told you, 'shouted' at you,
                  so many times in the past few
                  years. *(17)

                  But I found out now, that it is
                  the First Law of Human Rights

                  - thanks to my facing some of the
                   individuals (in particular the
                   most intensely evil character of
                   Hu Jintao) pretending to act as
                   'the "government" of dictatorial

                   There, where all decent and
                   caring and responsible people
                   are "enemies of the state,"
                   and there,

                   where the greatest Criminals
                   are "governing" most of the
                   public institutions, and

                   where the greatest Criminals
                   on Earth form, since half a
                   century now, its central,
                   dictatorial "government,"
                   of over one billion people.



               YOU (that means you, not the person who
               is standing in front of you, or the
               person who is standing behind you, but

                  So you will realize, that China,
                  and all the dictatorships it
                  supports and nurtures and tries
                  to keep alive, globally,

                  is A REVERSE SOCIETY: The Criminals
                  are putting and keeping the decent
                  people in prison.

                     Thus the comments of Yahoo
                     and of Google and of course
                     of Microsoft,

                        not to mention the
                        illegal and immoral
                        'Firewall' (immoral,
                        anti-social, the vast
                        Internet filters in
                        China) built by the
                        American Cisco Company,

                     their comments are just
                     painfully ridiculous,

                     because in a REVERSE SOCIETY,
                     you have to apply completely
                     different rules

                        in order not to slide
                        down and destroy life.

                     But Criminal Minds, if it
                     suits their deception, and
                     it usually does, (they) tell

                        by using words like
                        'law,' 'sovereignty,'
                        'security,' 'police,'

                        words that, there, are
                        - and thus mean there -
                        THE OPPOSITE of what
                        YOU are used to,

                        words that serve to
                        force on you the
                        illusion, that

                     "it is there the same as
                      everywhere else too."


                        It is a very, very
                        basic trick, if not
                        THE trick, that
                        Criminal Minds use
                        all over the society
                        in any activity big or
                        small, also in personal

                        PRETENDING TO BE THE
                        SAME, yes, better even,
                        while they are the


                  Do you understand that now? Then
                  you are certainly the only one, who
                  does, because

                  otherwise I would not have to tell
                  you this, then others would tell
                  you this already.

                     If others would be explaining
                     this to you, then I would not
                     have to do so, and I could go
                     sailing and devoting myself
                     to music and art...

                     and do some Fine Particle
                     Physics research for you,
                     rather than having to keep
                     my attention on getting you
                     to stop Psychopaths, those
                     who INTEND, and who ENJOY, to
                     destroy all people - as they
                     have proven they do to you,
                     only fifty years ago;

                     yet still you don't believe
                     it, and you rather have
                     Germany's Angela Merkel
                     being given parties in China,
                     for selling a High Tech
                     (MagLev) passenger train:

                     JUST what we need, in China
                     "...that's what the Chinese
                     people need, and what they
                     want from us, a billion
                     dollar MagLev train," right?

                     Right? RIGHT? RIGHTS?

                     Do the Chinese need RIGHTS?

                     WHO said they do? Why would
                     they need RIGHTS? They HAVE
                     the right to remain silent,
                     isn't it,

                        well, not totally,

                     not when they do have to
                     sign a confession, that's
                     not done by being silent,

                     not when they are forced to
                     betray their friends and
                     family, of course - there,
                     'being silent' would also not
                     do, and also

                     not when they have to stay
                     in Concentration Camps for
                     re-education; but maybe,
                     when they provide their body
                     as live material to the
                     medical research and organ
                     transplant trade - they are
                     allowed to remain silent.


                     Or when they are force-fed
                     so that they can not even
                     end by themselves their being
                     tortured day after day, week
                     after week, in captivity - so
                     that they cannot, by stopping
                     to eat and by thus dying, end
                     the torture and degradation,

                        not end it for others,
                        but at least end it for


                        I am sure "the great
                        Peace Activist," the
                        late Mohandas (the
                        very un-wise 'Mahatma')
                        Gandhi (that he) has
                        not told you anything
                        about such a situation,
                        of ACTUAL evil:

                           Hinduism is the
                           religion - or the
                           science as they,
                           themselves, see
                           it - of hiding
                           evil. *(38)



               You told me, you prayed, after World War
               Two, that you wanted this never to happen
               again, to you or to anybody, remember?

                  Then you better get the Human
                  Rights Issues studied by people -
                  by caring people, of course,

                  not by Criminal Minds because THOSE
                  already know everything, that YOU
                  however DO NOT KNOW, and that

                  THEY WANT YOU NOT TO KNOW, NOT TO
                  UNDERSTAND, NOT TO SEE, NOT TO
                  REMEMBER, NOT TO FEEL

                  ...they want it "forgotten" by you
                  when you sleep, "forgotten" as soon
                  as the new day starts,

                     and they make VERY sure, that
                     you do not have the faintest

                        but are given only
                        completely wrong,
                        wholly false ideas

                     about how memory works (that
                     is how insane they have made

                     because THEY know how to
                     manipulate and blot out your
                     own thoughts and your own
                     feelings; and in similar
                     ways, they knock out

                     your native decency and your
                     very, very deeply felt and
                     very great desire to care
                     for people - also for me -

                     if only you could recognize
                     and face Criminal Minds and
                     the Harmful Life Energies
                     that these emanate and
                     project and that they do
                     very much manipulate you
                     with - well, "not you, of
                     course, but others." *(18)


                     And you 'do not know anything
                     about this' - though you feel
                     their Energies hitting
                     constantly on and in many
                     places of your body, and at
                     very many occasions hitting
                     into your soul as well:

                     But you 'do not know about
                     this,' because the medical
                     profession does not gain by
                     your knowing it.

                        That is so intensely
                        evil to you, that you
                        might have difficulties
                        facing ...what is
                        however right in front
                        of your very own eyes.


                     The medical trade does not
                     gain its influence, and money
                     by having you all healthy
                     now, is it:

                        A good and obedient
                        patient is one who is
                        (a good and obedient
                        patient) and remains
                        so, by

                        the obvious threat of
                        pain and disabilities,
                        and by the constant
                        fear of dying - so as

                        to make the patient do
                        and believe and swallow
                        and have operations on
                        whatever the doctor
                        tells him "is most
                        vital for him." *(19)


                     The medical trade poses no
                     threat to the Chinese

                     not to any dictatorship and
                     never has - rather, its
                     whole practice is geared
                     towards hiding Criminal

                        also if they operate
                        'without borders,' or
                        'Sans Frontiers' as
                        they say in French.

                        Thus you see, that many
                        Criminal Minds do give
                        to medical charities,
                        as these pose no
                        threat to evil.

                        Many such charities
                        are indeed founded and
                        run by Criminal Minds
                        (or by their spouses).


                     The medical profession poses
                     no threat to the Chinese

                     and in fact it, the Medical
                     Trade, has recently again
                     covered up the Concentration
                     Camps and medical torture of
                     captives (of people arrested)

                        which is done "just to
                        correct them - the mind
                        of the captives is
                        'corrected' via their
                        body," assisted by the
                        medical trade.


               But you told me, you prayed, after World
               War Two, that you wanted this to never
               again happen, to you or to anybody,

                  I think you have been made very
                  insane indeed, to forget your
                  vows and to hide your purposes.




Even without facing the intensity of evil that is the nature of Hu
Jintao, nevertheless George W. Bush and Koizumi did propose - very
correctly indeed - that

Taiwan should in fact govern the mainland China,

which was of course a very brilliant point publicly to make. (*)


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

Taken from:

(*) 'Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of
{HRI 20051120-V5.2}
(20 November 2005 - Version 5.2 on 23 Aug 2006)
(full text:)


[see also, for updates
'Checklist of Human Rights Issues with newest versions
up to 2 November 2006'
{HRI update list 20061102}
(2 November 2006)

(1) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6 on 7 Nov 2005)

(2) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.5.2 on 16 Jul 2006)

(3) 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
- A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
{HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)

(8) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.1}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.1 on 29 Jan 2006)

(16) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006)

(17) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060529}
(to be issued soon)

(18) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
- As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)

(19) 'A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind'
(13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

(24) 'A Poem Of Love And Adventure'
{HRI 20020717-V3.0}
(17 July 2002 - Version 3.0 on 9 Mar 2006)

(38) 'Purpose For Studying Hinduism And Buddhism'
{HRI 20030608}
(8 June 2003)

(39) 'The Nature of War - in Nanking (China, 1937)
- adds to {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature of War' '
(5 April 2006 - Version 2.1 on 18 April 2006)


'The First International Law' {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)



Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
(address unreadable for Internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

MartinGale (04-06-2007)
Fra : MartinGale

Dato : 04-06-07 07:59

Leonardo Been a écrit :
> Bush hypnotized by Putin poisoning his (our) wells
> 4 June 2007
> {HRI note 20070604}
> '
> I have given you all the necessary understanding, through very hard
> work of mine for you, with great care and intense love for you.
> others can live in peace, on Earth, and so that I can get some
> actual work done!
> '
> I have defined all the necessary concepts for you as these are
> stemming directly from your soul,
> which you need to bring about and maintain peace.
> '
> '
> But Mr. Bush can not even define 'enemy,' and so he can be made to be
> "friends" with someone who is an enemy of all if us.
> Bush is being hypnotized by Putin, who is poisoning his (our) wells.
> Mr. too arrogant George W. Bush, is (compelled by Putin into) finding
> Putin more important than me - how very insane indeed:
> You do not get your desert irrigated, by being "friends" with
> those who do (and who desire nothing more than to) poison your
> wells.
> I will even translate that for you:
> It is not possible to be friends with Criminal
> Minds who are heads of state -
> you have to accept that they ARE enemies, and always
> will remain enemies,
> '
> Every five year old knows this, every policeman knows
> this.
> '
> I think I made it very clear to you, that
> 1. It is not possible to have 'good relations' with a Criminal Mind,
> let alone 'friendship.'
> 2. That Vladimir Putin IS a (very severely) Criminal Mind.
> '
> But President George W. Bush now, still: "I've got a good relationship
> with Vladimir Putin and I intend to keep it that way."
> "The Cold War is over. I don't view Russia as an enemy and
> I've got a good relationship with Vladimir Putin and I
> intend to keep it that way."
> President George W. Bush on Bulgarian National Television
> on Friday, 1 June 2007.
> '
> live in peace, on Earth, and so that I can get some actual work done!
> '
> I wrote many times on those subjects, in very clearly understandable
> language.
> __________________
> One of these times:
> Russian Snake Putin pouncing on Blind American Eagle Bush,
> today in Moscow
> 15 November 2006
> {HRI note 20061115 V-1.0.1}
> I happen to have examined that Energy of Putin very well:
> The Extremely Ugly "You DO want, that I am your friend" and
> "you WOULD like to treat me as if I were a friend, isn't it"
> AND "It would be very much to your and everyone's advantage,
> if I WERE your friend, isn't that so?"
> - "THEN 'overlook all my past and present and
> future evil deeds and betrayal on you and others,'
> and 'just create and feel the Energy of Love' towards me:"
> "YOU can create friendship, right? - and I want very much
> to be your friend, now, don't you see?"
> "So all is to your advantage now, TAKE the opportunity, that
> I offer!"
> '
> So far the snake Putin.
> To recognize that, to really understand Criminal Minds who are head of
> state, is PART of politics - simple.
> Britain's Chamberlain did NOT recognize such very intensely evil
> Energies, or only AFTER he had been successfully manipulated into
> not being able anymore to prevent nor to help others prevent the
> last world war.
> '
> Snakes ARE snakes - Putin IS a "snake," which I have already
> informed you of earlier. They never change their nature, only
> their mask is highly adaptable to
> 'whatever the circumstances demand.'
> '
> '
> But Bush now thinks "he has to follow the will of the American people"
> by NOT pointing out evil and NOT naming evil, that cowards
> (peace activists, and journalists from the Associated Press,
> like George Gedda recently, who HATES anything bad to be said
> about North Korea's Kim Jong Il)
> and fully evil people would - of course, indeed the mention of actual
> sources of evil, they would - most violently oppose...
> '
> '
> And so, the Russian snake Putin bites again, especially now that Bush
> has lost at the elections in America, and "must be friendly."
> THAT is the politics of Criminal Minds, also of Putin.
> '
> So I wrote yesterday "Will you ever learn?" ..from World War Two - how
> it started and how it was not prevented.
> And I wanted to point you to a very, very excellent history book by
> Philip Gavin, which the author made freely available on the web, at
> http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2 (World War Two in Europe)
> in particular, The Triumph of Hitler:
> http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/triumph/index.html
> It is the shortest yet most informative piece I have ever read about
> it - and as some of you know, I DO know what I am talking about.
> '
> '
> I wrote earlier:
> (Introduction to)
> Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of State
> 20 November 2005
> {HRI 20051120-V5.2-intro-v1.2}
> (Version 5.2
> on 23 Aug 2006)
> '
> Do not envy wicked men,
> do not desire their company;
> for their hearts
> plot violence,
> and their lips talk
> about making trouble.
> King Solomon
> '
> (Suitable for foreign
> language students)
> '
> What every sane and caring person is wanting to hear
> - and what, on the other hand, all Criminals and Cowards are
> fearing but waiting to read, hoping that no one will write
> it -
> no one does write on the subject, so I again have to do that writing,
> as usual.
> '
> '
> What you do know, but did not read:
> Hu Jintao of China is a monster, that George W. Bush of America does
> not face.
> That has put us that much closer to a possible World War III.
> *(1)(3)
> '
> Well, George W. Bush did face Criminal Minds before, when he started
> out in office.
> And then he got "softened up," "told how to behave 'in order not to
> antagonize Criminal Minds'," and "told that 'he must get approval'
> (support, applause) from Destructive Cowards." *(8)
> '
> I will not describe, here, the underlying events and mechanisms
> used to subdue him.
> But amongst the advocates of "Do not oppose Criminal
> Minds"
> who was received by George W. Bush, was Tenzin Gyatso,
> pretending to oppose China's dictators,
> a pretense of "opposition" performed by
> the current 'Dalai Lama,' the one who is not, but who
> pretends quite successfully to be, the reincarnation of
> the soul, the person who long ago founded the Tibetan
> nation,
> who is NOT the current "Dalai" Lama, but who is the
> ACTUAL 'Great Lama,' the one
> who practiced, what was later called Lamaism
> (locally called the - very valuable - 'Bon Po'
> religion) and
> who definitely would NOT ever advocate Buddhist
> doctrines, and would judge these to be opposed to
> the very nature of life itself:
> '
> The current 'leader of Tibet,' the '"Dalai" Lama' recently
> phoned all his friends, and organizations friendly to him,
> in America, and demanded of them, that
> HU JINTAO' - in the free country of America - when
> this Chinese dictator, Hu Jintao, is visiting.
> Really... that's 'the Buddhist "Dalai" Lama.'
> ('Dalai' means 'Great' in Tibetan).
> And you, being wholly dazed into "how 'vital' it is,
> NOT to face Criminal Minds," say "well, there must
> be a reason for it, 'if he says so'."
> That is how insane you have been made, by
> Criminal Minds, and by Buddhism or by 'The
> Buddha' and his doctrine of "Life is
> suffering."
> Nauseating (very Ugly, very repulsive) lies
> with only one purpose:
> to hand all Life over to Criminal Minds
> ...in the name of 'Divine Love,' as their
> gurus call it in Hinduism: *(38)
> "Give your Love Energy to all
> Criminal Minds, and make their
> problems yours to 'solve',"
> as someone - a Criminal Mind himself,
> by the name of Anandamurti (Shrii Shrii
> Anandamurti) - demands you to ruin your
> life and that of all others as well.
> Really...
> Back to China:
> '
> '
> '
> It seems however, that Japan's Koizumi DOES face some more of the
> current dictator of China, Hu Jintao's very intensely evil nature
> - though Koizumi still does not point out, that Hu Jintao 'does
> not care one bit' what shrine Koizumi visits, but, that
> Hu Jintao just needs a pretense
> that journalists will publish (AND STILL ARE publishing)
> as if the pretense of "being offended," now "justifies"
> hate, and as if that would be "a reason"
> for Hu Jintao to hate (also the Japanese) people, and to be
> mean to them, etc. *(2)
> '
> As I write Version 2.4 of this Human Rights Issue, Koizumi
> has now publicly stated, that he recognizes it as merely a
> diplomatic trick that is used by those of China and South
> Korea (in order to foment trouble).
> He did not explain their trick, though - which is
> much like stage-magic, but then on a spiritual
> level - *(16)
> the trick of Hu Jintao, by which he covers and hides
> the current, and past fifty years, of CHINESE
> atrocities against the Chinese (and against the
> North-Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Laotians, etc.)
> they - Hu Jintao that is, a Criminal Mind -
> accuse(s) the current Japanese, of "not facing
> history and past evil against the Chinese etc.."
> *(39)
> '
>             Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:
>             Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious
>             evil, that Jiang Zemin, and that Mao Zedong
>             (Mao Tze Tung) committed against the Chinese?
>             Not at all - and, as expected, also not his own
>             mass murder, torture and degradation of the
>             Tibetan population. Which is only the tip of
>             the iceberg of his evil character.
> '
>                You do really want to have one billion
>                people on Earth "governed" by a malicious
>                individual
>                and that in a dictatorial, heavily
>                armed country
>                with open access to YOUR channels and
>                media of communication, for them,
>                but with THEIR communication channels
>                and systems almost completely blocked to
>                you, and their people forced to do
>                nothing but lying to you, or otherwise
>                to hide any and all evil?
>                You really want that, do you?
> '
>                You still have very much to learn about
>                detecting and treating Criminals - for
>                which you will study the Human Rights
>                Issues.
>                   These are not edited to total
>                   perfection yet - that's your, and
>                   your children's tough luck - but
>                   the basic understanding is all
>                   there for you to use.
>                   I will even write 'The First Law
>                   of Human Rights' now for you, as
>                   a separate Issue of what I actually
>                   already told you, 'shouted' at you,
>                   so many times in the past few
>                   years. *(17)
>                   But I found out now, that it is
>                   the First Law of Human Rights
>                   - thanks to my facing some of the
>                    individuals (in particular the
>                    most intensely evil character of
>                    Hu Jintao) pretending to act as
>                    'the "government" of dictatorial
>                    China:'
> '
>                    There, where all decent and
>                    caring and responsible people
>                    are "enemies of the state,"
>                    and there,
>                    where the greatest Criminals
>                    are "governing" most of the
>                    public institutions, and
>                    there
>                    where the greatest Criminals
>                    on Earth form, since half a
>                    century now, its central,
>                    dictatorial "government,"
>                    of over one billion people.
> '
> '
>                YOU (that means you, not the person who
>                is standing in front of you, or the
>                person who is standing behind you, but
>                ARE.
>                   So you will realize, that China,
>                   and all the dictatorships it
>                   supports and nurtures and tries
>                   to keep alive, globally,
>                   is A REVERSE SOCIETY: The Criminals
>                   are putting and keeping the decent
>                   people in prison.
>                      Thus the comments of Yahoo
>                      and of Google and of course
>                      of Microsoft,
>                         not to mention the
>                         illegal and immoral
>                         'Firewall' (immoral,
>                         anti-social, the vast
>                         Internet filters in
>                         China) built by the
>                         American Cisco Company,
>                      their comments are just
>                      painfully ridiculous,
>                      because in a REVERSE SOCIETY,
>                      you have to apply completely
>                      different rules
>                         in order not to slide
>                         down and destroy life.
>                      But Criminal Minds, if it
>                      suits their deception, and
>                      it usually does, (they) tell
>                      you,
>                         by using words like
>                         'law,' 'sovereignty,'
>                         'security,' 'police,'
>                         etc.
>                         words that, there, are
>                         - and thus mean there -
>                         THE OPPOSITE of what
>                         YOU are used to,
>                         words that serve to
>                         force on you the
>                         illusion, that
>                      "it is there the same as
>                       everywhere else too."
> '
>                         It is a very, very
>                         basic trick, if not
>                         THE trick, that
>                         Criminal Minds use
>                         all over the society
>                         in any activity big or
>                         small, also in personal
>                         relationships:
>                         PRETENDING TO BE THE
>                         SAME, yes, better even,
>                         while they are the
>                         opposite.
> '
>                   Do you understand that now? Then
>                   you are certainly the only one, who
>                   does, because
>                   otherwise I would not have to tell
>                   you this, then others would tell
>                   you this already.
>                      If others would be explaining
>                      this to you, then I would not
>                      have to do so, and I could go
>                      sailing and devoting myself
>                      to music and art...
>                      and do some Fine Particle
>                      Physics research for you,
>                      rather than having to keep
>                      my attention on getting you
>                      to stop Psychopaths, those
>                      who INTEND, and who ENJOY, to
>                      destroy all people - as they
>                      have proven they do to you,
>                      only fifty years ago;
>                      yet still you don't believe
>                      it, and you rather have
>                      Germany's Angela Merkel
>                      being given parties in China,
>                      for selling a High Tech
>                      (MagLev) passenger train:
>                      JUST what we need, in China
>                      "...that's what the Chinese
>                      people need, and what they
>                      want from us, a billion
>                      dollar MagLev train," right?
>                      Right? RIGHT? RIGHTS?
>                      Do the Chinese need RIGHTS?
>                      WHO said they do? Why would
>                      they need RIGHTS? They HAVE
>                      the right to remain silent,
>                      isn't it,
>                         well, not totally,
>                         actually,
>                      not when they do have to
>                      sign a confession, that's
>                      not done by being silent,
>                      and
>                      not when they are forced to
>                      betray their friends and
>                      family, of course - there,
>                      'being silent' would also not
>                      do, and also
>                      not when they have to stay
>                      in Concentration Camps for
>                      re-education; but maybe,
>                      when they provide their body
>                      as live material to the
>                      medical research and organ
>                      transplant trade - they are
>                      allowed to remain silent.
>                      *(17)
> '
>                      Or when they are force-fed
>                      so that they can not even
>                      end by themselves their being
>                      tortured day after day, week
>                      after week, in captivity - so
>                      that they cannot, by stopping
>                      to eat and by thus dying, end
>                      the torture and degradation,
>                         not end it for others,
>                         but at least end it for
>                         themselves.
> '
>                         I am sure "the great
>                         Peace Activist," the
>                         late Mohandas (the
>                         very un-wise 'Mahatma')
>                         Gandhi (that he) has
>                         not told you anything
>                         about such a situation,
>                         of ACTUAL evil:
>                            Hinduism is the
>                            religion - or the
>                            science as they,
>                            themselves, see
>                            it - of hiding
>                            evil. *(38)
> '
> '
>                You told me, you prayed, after World War
>                Two, that you wanted this never to happen
>                again, to you or to anybody, remember?
>                   Then you better get the Human
>                   Rights Issues studied by people -
>                   by caring people, of course,
>                   not by Criminal Minds because THOSE
>                   already know everything, that YOU
>                   however DO NOT KNOW, and that
>                   THEY WANT YOU NOT TO KNOW, NOT TO
>                   UNDERSTAND, NOT TO SEE, NOT TO
>                   REMEMBER, NOT TO FEEL
>                   ...they want it "forgotten" by you
>                   when you sleep, "forgotten" as soon
>                   as the new day starts,
>                      and they make VERY sure, that
>                      you do not have the faintest
>                      recollection,
>                         but are given only
>                         completely wrong,
>                         wholly false ideas
>                      about how memory works (that
>                      is how insane they have made
>                      you),
>                      because THEY know how to
>                      manipulate and blot out your
>                      own thoughts and your own
>                      feelings; and in similar
>                      ways, they knock out
>                      your native decency and your
>                      very, very deeply felt and
>                      very great desire to care
>                      for people - also for me -
>                      if only you could recognize
>                      and face Criminal Minds and
>                      the Harmful Life Energies
>                      that these emanate and
>                      project and that they do
>                      very much manipulate you
>                      with - well, "not you, of
>                      course, but others." *(18)
> '
>                      And you 'do not know anything
>                      about this' - though you feel
>                      their Energies hitting
>                      constantly on and in many
>                      places of your body, and at
>                      very many occasions hitting
>                      into your soul as well:
>                      But you 'do not know about
>                      this,' because the medical
>                      profession does not gain by
>                      your knowing it.
>                         That is so intensely
>                         evil to you, that you
>                         might have difficulties
>                         facing ...what is
>                         however right in front
>                         of your very own eyes.
> '
>                      The medical trade does not
>                      gain its influence, and money
>                      by having you all healthy
>                      now, is it:
>                         A good and obedient
>                         patient is one who is
>                         (a good and obedient
>                         patient) and remains
>                         so, by
>                         the obvious threat of
>                         pain and disabilities,
>                         and by the constant
>                         fear of dying - so as
>                         to make the patient do
>                         and believe and swallow
>                         and have operations on
>                         whatever the doctor
>                         tells him "is most
>                         vital for him." *(19)
> '
>                      The medical trade poses no
>                      threat to the Chinese
>                      "government,"
>                      not to any dictatorship and
>                      never has - rather, its
>                      whole practice is geared
>                      towards hiding Criminal
>                      Minds,
>                         also if they operate
>                         'without borders,' or
>                         'Sans Frontiers' as
>                         they say in French.
>                         *(19)
>                         Thus you see, that many
>                         Criminal Minds do give
>                         to medical charities,
>                         as these pose no
>                         threat to evil.
>                         Many such charities
>                         are indeed founded and
>                         run by Criminal Minds
>                         (or by their spouses).
> '
>                      The medical profession poses
>                      no threat to the Chinese
>                      dictatorship,
>                      and in fact it, the Medical
>                      Trade, has recently again
>                      covered up the Concentration
>                      Camps and medical torture of
>                      captives (of people arrested)
>                         which is done "just to
>                         correct them - the mind
>                         of the captives is
>                         'corrected' via their
>                         body," assisted by the
>                         medical trade.
> '
>                But you told me, you prayed, after World
>                War Two, that you wanted this to never
>                again happen, to you or to anybody,
>                remember?
>                   I think you have been made very
>                   insane indeed, to forget your
>                   vows and to hide your purposes.
>                   *(24)
> '
> '
> '
> Even without facing the intensity of evil that is the nature of Hu
> Jintao, nevertheless George W. Bush and Koizumi did propose - very
> correctly indeed - that
> Taiwan should in fact govern the mainland China,
> which was of course a very brilliant point publicly to make. (*)
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'Men of all nations came
> to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
> sent by all the kings of the world,
> who had heard of his wisdom.'
> 1 Kings 4:34
> __________
> Taken from:
> (*) 'Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of
> State'
> {HRI 20051120-V5.2}
> (20 November 2005 - Version 5.2 on 23 Aug 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/9d142ad7af4f93a6?fwc=1
> (full text:)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/9d142ad7af4f93a6?dmode=source
> _________
> Footnotes:
> [see also, for updates
> 'Checklist of Human Rights Issues with newest versions
> up to 2 November 2006'
> {HRI update list 20061102}
> (2 November 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/1b7e502584784c94?fwc=1
> ]
> (1) 'The Nature of War'
> {HRI 20051027-V1.6}
> (27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6 on 7 Nov 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/a99ee7b45f3118a?fwc=1
> (2) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally
> Lie'
> {HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}
> (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5.2 on 16 Jul 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/talk.politics.misc/msg/c8b4f54782dc87e8?fwc=1
> (3) 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
> - A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
> {HRI 20041225-V1.02}
> (25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/34578c4c3a9f0b22?fwc=1
> (8) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
> {HRI 20050610-V3.1}
> (10 June 2005 - Version 3.1 on 29 Jan 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/d5b63e73d61b3c9f?fwc=1
> http://groups.google.com/group/talk.politics.misc/msg/759fcc06a3555bbd?fwc=1
> (16) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
> Them' '
> {HRI 20040422-V2.7}
> (22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/7b99af659dba8392?fwc=1
> (17) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
> {HRI 20060529}
> (to be issued soon)
> (18) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
> - As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
> {HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/782f862bb3548129?fwc=1
> (19) 'A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
> Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
> CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind'
> (13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.anthropology/msg/25fb3378ca8ce9dc?fwc=1
> (24) 'A Poem Of Love And Adventure'
> {HRI 20020717-V3.0}
> (17 July 2002 - Version 3.0 on 9 Mar 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/c54c4226217d25b8?fwc=1
> (38) 'Purpose For Studying Hinduism And Buddhism'
> {HRI 20030608}
> (8 June 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/9265fa770fcd43b6?fwc=1
> (39) 'The Nature of War - in Nanking (China, 1937)
> - adds to {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature of War' '
> (5 April 2006 - Version 2.1 on 18 April 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/c4e0edb970746e7d?fwc=1
> '
> _________
> Reference:
> 'The First International Law' {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
> (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70?fwc=1
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
>       http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
> (address unreadable for Internet robots
> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

too much!!!!!!

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