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Filmpreferencer er ofte om snobberi
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 05-07-07 14:22

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My religion is ANTI-SNOBBERY

Think about the for you most understandable quotes below

'But the Emperor has nothing on at all!' cried a little child.
Hans Christian Andersen

" England is the most class-ridden country
under the sun. It is a land of snobbery and privilege, ruled largely by the
old and silly. Geoge Orwell

" A best-seller was a book which somehow sold well simply because
it was selling well. Daniel Boorstin 1914 -

" All childre are snobs, and the aristocracy of childhood is age.

" Corruption.- The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him
to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think
differently. Nietzsche

"The romantic impulse of our nature to people the world with Gods seems
to us pretty in lovers: in snobs we dislike it. Logan Pearsall Smith

...everybody can see that the people who hunt are the right people and the
people who don't are the wrong ones. George Bernard Shaw


We justify our vices, compromises and snobberies by protesting: 'It's
for the children's sake.' Anton Chekhov

" He that eats cherries with noblemen shall have his eyes spirted out
with the stones. Thomas Fuller

" There are few who would not rather be taken in adultery
than in provincialism. Aldous Huxley

" Tal aldrig uærbødigt om det gode selskab - kun folk, der ikke kan komme
ind i det, gør det. Oscar Wilde

" Piety, like nobility, has its aristocracy.Goethe

"Professioner er en sammensværgelse mod lægmand" GB Shaw

"En profession gør os tankeløse. Det er en stor velsignelse. Nietzsche

" Great learning and great shallowness go together very well under one hat.

"He who can does. He who can't, teaches. G. B. Shaw
(1856-1950)British Dramatist, Born in Ireland

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