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Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 13-04-07 17:04

WTC 7, or the Solomon Brothers Building, had been owned by Manhattan
real estate mogul Larry Silverstein since the '80s and was the HQ for
his development company, Westfield America, for years. Building 7 was
also the NYC home of the Secret Service, SEC, DoD, IRS, CIA and a
handful of private financial institutions. But WTC 7 also housed Rudy
Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management (OEM), long considered by
theorists as a possible operations center for the attacks. This $13
million doomsday bunker, meant to be used in the event of a
catastrophe like a terrorist attack or natural disaster, was oddly
located in the midst of the number one terrorist target in the western

The ancient Sanhedrin believed that King Solomon was the Messiah
rather than a type of Christ. This error led them to reject Jesus
Christ as the Messiah. Today, the same false belief will lead many
Jews to receive the Antichrist as the reincarnation of Solomon. The
counterfeiting of Solomon has been masterminded by the Prieuré de Sion
and will be carried off by the Merovingian False Christ.

Several Islamic states have a pentagram in their flags: Morocco,
Syria, Turkey, Egypt and others. There are good reasons for this.
Countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam, are direct
heirs to the ancient Babylonian culture. Until the Crusader and Mongol
invasions, Islamic culture, with Baghdad as its center, revived the
sciences of ancient times and passed them on to Europe.

On the other hand, Islam also has a special relationship to Jerusalem.
Its original Qiblah pointed to Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The Koran
speaks of it as El-Aqsa, which means "far away", "at the other end"
from Mecca. The Temple Mount established by King Solomon as a place of
prayer for all nations is, according to Islamic tradition, especially
blessed by Allah. He brought His Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to this
place to show him His signs there, the event being referred to as
Mohammed's Night Journey and Ascencion.

Both these factors - the revival of the ancient sciences and the
relationship to the site of Solomon's Temple - may have influenced
some Islamic nations in the design of their flags.
http://star-of-david.blogspot.com/2006/11/crescent-and- pentagram.html
In the nineteenth century. Eliphas Lévi, an Occultist, was the first
to adapt the inverted pentagram as symbolic of evil.

"Sitting on top of the White House is an inverted 5 pointed star, or
Pentagram. It faces North, with the point down in true occult fashion.
It sits within the intersections of Connecticut and Vermont Avenues
north to Dupont and Logan Circles, with Rhode Island and Massachusetts
going to Washington Circle to the West and Mt. Vernon Square on the

"The Pentagram or five-pointed star is, of course, both a Masonic
symbol and the ancient symbol of witchcraft. With its point facing
down (or south, when placed on the ground) it is especially associated
with Satanism. Satanists can be found wearing the inverted pentagram
frequently; and it appears on the cover of many black magic books,
including THE SATANIC BIBLE. In this form, it is also the emblem of
the Eastern Star, the women's Masonic organization.

On the U.S. dollar bill is displayed the Great Seal of the United
States, which contains important symbols of Judeo-Freemasonry: the
All-Seeing Eye, the Great Pyramid, the Six-Pointed Star, the Eagle,
the phrases Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo Seclorum, and the motto E
Pluribus Unum. Altogether, the Judeo-Masonic symbolism on the dollar
bill reveals in a code the true origins and destiny of the United

Disse religiøse gærningene er sykelig opptatt av noen streker og tror
det kan bety det utroligste bare man peker strekene i riktig retning.

Pentagrammet kunne symbolisere både godhet og ondskap. Her er det bare
å velge det du føler for.

Mye tyder på at Pentagonledelsen valgte "ondskap".

Siden de kan legge så mange rare betydninger inn i et par streker
antar jeg at dette stammer fra en tid før vi hadde utviklet et
avansert skriftspråk, slik som vi har nå.

Disse religiøse gærningene henger noen tusen år bak oss andre og
kommuniserer på en slik barnslig måte at man må gjette seg fram til

Det er på tide at jøder prøver å venne seg til det nye skriftspråket
vi har fått.

Email til Arild Karlsen:

Subject: Streker

Hei du din strekpsykopat. Har postet noen innlegg om Solomon, Pentagon
11. september 1941, Pentagram, Davidstjernen og Israel. jeg er
fascinert over hvor sykelig opptatt jøder er av streker og at de tror
det kan bety det utroligste bare man tegner strekene i riktig retning.
Jeg sitter og flirer og ler så jeg får vondt i magemusklene.

Er du også sykelig opptatt av streker?

Vi skal nok finne en plass til dere på psykiatrien hele bunten, om vi
så må presse dere nedover avløpsrørene.

Dr Halvorsen

Trond Halvorsen

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