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Bernard Lewis; Dn muslimske verden angribe~
Fra : Niels_Bruun@yahoo.dk

Dato : 11-04-07 23:26

Terror og indvandring!
Den såkaldte islamforsker Bernard Lewis høstede for nyligt stort
bifald med et foredrag, hvis pointe var, at den muslimske verden
angriber Vesten med to strategier - terror og indvandring:

The 90-year-old Lewis, seen by some as the intellectual godfather
behind the administration's decision to invade Iraq, warned in his
lecture that the West - particularly Europe - was losing its fervor
and conviction in the face of an epochal challenge from the Islamic
world. The Islamic world, he said, was now attacking the West using
two tactics: terrorism and migration.

Det er måske ikke så overraskende, at Lewis holder foredrag om dette
emne. Mere overraskende er stedet for foredraget: American Enterprise
Institute - som havde inviteret Bernard Lewis for at give ham en
såkaldt Irving Kristol Award - og publikummet, hvoriblandt var
notabiliteter som USAs vicepræsident Dick Cheney, højesteretsdommer
Clarence Thomas, tidligere FN-ambassadør John Bolton samt eks-Richard

At the historical moment when: America is begging for the cooperation
of the Muslim world in the War on Terror...
Americans and American troops not only in Iraq but in dozens of other
Muslim countries are potential targets of angry Muslims with their
"paranoid" suspicions about America leading a Crusade against the
Islamic world...

America is justifying its continued military occupation of a Muslim
nation on the basis of America's well-known desire to see true self-
determination flourish in the Muslim world...

THAT is the moment when the Vice President of the United States joins
an audience applauding a speech which declares the whole Islamic world
to be at war with the West, and praises the Crusades?


Mvh. Niels Bruun.

Konrad (11-04-2007)
Fra : Konrad

Dato : 11-04-07 23:31

Niels_Bruun@yahoo.dk wrote:

> Det er måske ikke så overraskende, at Lewis holder foredrag om dette
> emne. Mere overraskende er stedet for foredraget: American Enterprise
> Institute - som havde inviteret Bernard Lewis for at give ham en
> såkaldt Irving Kristol Award - og publikummet, hvoriblandt var
> notabiliteter som USAs vicepræsident Dick Cheney, højesteretsdommer
> Clarence Thomas, tidligere FN-ambassadør John Bolton samt eks-Richard
> Perle.

Det er bestemt ikke overraskende. Bernard Lewis .- som har skrevet flere
fremragende islambøger - har været i den neokonservative inderkreds svjh
siden 1976.

Niels_Bruun@yahoo.dk (12-04-2007)
Fra : Niels_Bruun@yahoo.dk

Dato : 12-04-07 18:12

On 12 Apr., 00:31, "Konrad" <davidkonradFJ...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Niels_Br...@yahoo.dk wrote:
> (...)
> > Det er måske ikke så overraskende, at Lewis holder foredrag om dette
> > emne. Mere overraskende er stedet for foredraget: American Enterprise
> > Institute - som havde inviteret Bernard Lewis for at give ham en
> > såkaldt Irving Kristol Award - og publikummet, hvoriblandt var
> > notabiliteter som USAs vicepræsident Dick Cheney, højesteretsdommer
> > Clarence Thomas, tidligere FN-ambassadør John Bolton samt eks-Richard
> > Perle.
> Det er bestemt ikke overraskende. Bernard Lewis .- som har skrevet flere
> fremragende islambøger - har været i den neokonservative inderkreds svjh
> siden 1976.

Så det er bestemt ikke overraskende.
Nu er American Enterprise institute afgjort ikke en neokonservativ
organisation, syntes du ?

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research is a
private, nonpartisan, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research
and education on issues of government, politics, economics, and social
welfare. Founded in 1943, AEI is home to some of America's most
accomplished public policy experts--from economics, law, political
science, defense and foreign policy studies, ethics, theology,
medicine, and other fields. The Institute sponsors research and
conferences and publishes books, monographs, and periodicals. Its
website, www.aei.org, posts its publications, videos and transcripts
of its conferences, biographies of its scholars and fellows, and
schedules of upcoming events.

Kan du lide Bernard Lewis konklusion ?

Mvh. Niels Bruun.

Konrad (16-04-2007)
Fra : Konrad

Dato : 16-04-07 11:12

Niels_Bruun@yahoo.dk wrote:

> The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research is a
> private, nonpartisan, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research
> and education on issues of government, politics, economics, and social
> welfare. Founded in 1943, AEI is home to some of America's most
> accomplished public policy experts--from economics, law, political
> science, defense and foreign policy studies, ethics, theology,
> medicine, and other fields. The Institute sponsors research and
> conferences and publishes books, monographs, and periodicals. Its
> website, www.aei.org, posts its publications, videos and transcripts
> of its conferences, biographies of its scholars and fellows, and
> schedules of upcoming events.

Det er vist det, der kaldes en afsporing. Cepos har f.eks en bestemt
diskurs - alligevel er adskillige af dem medlemmer af andre - og ældre -
fora også. Det er absolut ikke overraskende, at lewis får en pris, flankeret
af sine trosfæller. Jeres yndlingsmuslim Hirsi får Venstres "frihedspris",
men det gør næppe Vesntre til antireligiøst, eller Hirsi til at være

> Kan du lide Bernard Lewis konklusion ?

Den er paranoid. Den betinger en bevidst pan-muslimsk idé, som jo tydeligvis
ikke eksisterer. Lewis seneste "analyse" kan henføres til samme kategori som
Zions vises protokoller - en konspirationsteori som omfatter alle indenfor
et bestemt religiøst/etnisk tilhørsforhold.

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