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(rev 3.1) Destroying "science," Christ 'no~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 05-03-07 08:51

Destroying "science," Christ 'not allowed' to do miracles -
Pre-introduction to Fine Particle Physics

26 February 2007
{HRI 20070226-V3.1}

(Version 3.1
on 5 March 2007)


"Because these are 'scientifically' not possible," Jesus Christ is
'not allowed,' by film maker Paul Verhoeven, to perform miracles...


Which "science" is lying "scientifically" nested, in his

Nested - according to a common, colloquial Dutch
expression *(a) - just behind the hairs in his neck,
from which he, Paul Verhoeven is talking? *(1)


Obviously (he has) NOT (studied) Fine Particle Physics, *(2) by which
"miracles," and any other "anomalies,"

that are well published nowadays in television documentaries,
and demonstrated and reported with undeniable evidence, *(3)

BUT THAT ARE distinctly LOATHED by Criminal Minds, and
definitely constitute a HATED truth for such individuals,

HATING any truth they can not actually deny, or
"prove wrong," that they pretend and loudly claim
"does not exist" or if they are forced to be less
rude and "scientific," then that what happened,
"exists only inside the brain of their victims,"

as any Criminal Mind would want crimes "seen,"

any undeniable, "dangerous" truth - that Criminal Minds
OF COURSE regard with disgust and with contempt (that they
express secretly or openly, and make their life's work and
their morbid but intense joy "to prove wrong") - the facts
of life as it is and always has been,

the simplest of demonstrable, everyday truth of perception
and knowledge "proven not to exist"

by any 'Richard Wiseman' and by any other
"scientist" of his ilk and of equally Criminal
mind set,

and by any - actually, by ALL - "science" magazine
editors or owners and - actually, by ALL - "science"
reporters or "science" journalists or (associated)
press "science" writers, and public-TV "science"
staff and "science" program makers,

"science" having been 'defined' - since
some centuries now, as 'collecting and
using and predicting that data,' that is
however selected out for

"not being involved with (but instead DENYING) the simple
nature of life itself, and not occupying itself with (but
instead) DENYING the even simpler mechanisms of what is
perception and memory, itself"

- "science" defined so by Criminal Minds

who OF COURSE do not want to be
perceived as they actually are,
much less, understood, by you

notorious as these are -

with their very understandable purpose

keeping you (via the "scientists" that these report
from) as stupid as they, the reporters and "science"
magazines and "science" programs can get away with

your stupidity brought about and maintained
- very simply -

by keeping away from you any Rationality
and Logic and Sanity, thus:

by keeping AWAY from you any useful, vital
data that OPPOSE THEIR "scientific" LIES,

or simply by having their "science"
claim, that all "perception" is done
inside the brain of your body,

so that "a dead person can not
perceive, nor remember"

- the Criminal Mind's greatest and
deepest wish, of course -

and, "that anything you DO see or
that another DOES perceive, 'by
definition' is a hallucination
taking place inside the brain,"

- so, that the Criminal Mind can
claim "rationally," that you

and indeed they will claim,
about anyone perceiving
their past Crimes and their
intentions, which are OF
COURSE to claim, and so
they will predictably claim,
that you

and that any person who saw and
who knows and who does remember,
"must be 'understood' to be
hallucinating," as "not able to
perceive what happened," or else
as "insane" -

and the only person "who is sane" of
course, "is the Criminal Mind himself or
herself," *(6)

like Einstein, or Freud, or "TV-
scientist" Carl Sagan, etc. etc.,

not to mention the lesser
known "scientist," the
sociopath Richard Wiseman,

are claiming of themselves, to be,
that is, contrary to any and all
rationality and logic and sanity



- a massive "science" 'in-breeding,' you might say, which
is accomplished by REVERSING the very definition of
'science' itself,

in order to please and submit to, and to elevate
and adore Criminal Minds, who indeed are fiercely,
if not deadly, motivated (they are Criminal Minds,
you know)

to keep any Rationality and Logic and Sanity
AWAY from you, AWAY from your children, AWAY
from public servants,

(they already succeeded with the
American Food and Drug Enforcement
Agency - the best ally al-Qaeda
can have in severely undermining
any free and healthy society, much
like a severe virus, which the FDA
- sociologically speaking - is)

who then feel compelled to refuse to
understand anything at all about life

doing what Criminal Minds compel
them to think and do: to refuse to
gain any actual understanding

about the nature of life, about their own life
and that of all others,

that of course shows up as being unable
to understand, to explain, to work with
"anomalies" that one has to deal with

that are "anomalies" to anyone
who DENIES the nature of life, of
perception, of memory, of feeling,
the nature of being alive,

who denies the nature of the very
process of thinking itself, the
nature of personal interaction,
and of joy of life,

DENYING what THEY must then - not
wanting to understand it - call



"miracles and anomalies," that however have always been

no matter how much Einstein-cultists, and television
"scientists" like Carl Sagan, and the film makers
mentioned here, do demand,

that "your perception 'is done with photons',"

that recognizing your children and your
friends - or also recognizing a hostile
individual - is done "by means of photons,"

and that, by consequence, "because you
perceive only with photons, YOU CAN NOT
RECOGNIZE Criminal Minds,"

and other "scientists" are claiming, that "your, and
your children's thinking 'is done with electrons',"

so that when they put a magnet on top of your
head, or around your head and body, as with an
MRI-scan in hospital, "you should suddenly
stop thinking,"

according to that "science," of course,
which is utter nonsense as any five-year
old child can tell you, but they are

DENYING - as Criminal Minds indeed would desire you
to do - they are denying the nature of yourself, of
others, AND they are denying, and want you to deny,
of course, the nature of Criminal Minds, of THEM

- 'making Criminal Minds unrecognized, and
instead admired and believed,' is the name
of the whole game on Earth -

while "science" can not understand, and does not
know, how most people still CAN recognize Criminal
Minds anyway, and how some people even can see,
sense and feel - much better, than you can -

those Energies (Life Energy Particles, Fine
Particles) that contain the indestructible
recording of Crimes, horrendous Crimes,

what Criminal Minds exactly did in the past - simple
perception, of which "science can not understand"
how the perception of life occurs - things

that are not only demonstrated, but nowadays are reported
to everyone also, with evidence shown to every viewer as
well, with evidence that can not be denied and will not be
denied by a SANE, RATIONAL and LOGICAL person,

(Criminal Minds and their followers are highly
insane, irrational and illogical) *(6)


any "miracles" and "anomalies" are perfectly understandable, even
predictable, and are very simply and easily explained (with Fine
Particle Physics). *(1)




The actual question is, of course

- for any person gifted with only a minor portion of intellect,

a condition that is nevertheless very far ABOVE the basic
instincts of film maker Paul Verhoeven's "logic" and

while all Criminal Minds like to consider themselves
very "logical" and "rational," yes, above all others

- which is very easy for them to do, because
they discard (or else they reverse) any
actual facts

that are "not fitting their 'logic' and
their 'rationality,' their 'science',"

that are not fitting their PURPOSE,
actually - and

the question of course, that any RATIONAL and LOGICAL,
and SANE person wants to know the answer to: -

'Why did he - Christ, that is - NOT perform ENOUGH miracles?' Two
thousand years ago not, and also not at other times?





If you can - which is to anyone of good intent of greatest relevance -
consider now THAT question,

and that means NOT "answering" with 'justifications'
for a lack of miracles performed,

to make something right that obviously is not

NOR does it mean the "explanations" of the Hindu and
Buddhist and New Age philosophies, of immorality and
spiritual death,

of their PRETENDED "morality" and of
their PRETENDED "understanding of life,"
of their PRETENSES about "eternal life,"

by which they "explain"

(but can NOT REMEDY, and have NEVER
remedied, let alone ever wanted to
understand, not to mention ever

the most horrific crimes committed on people,

also NOT WANTING to have others see these, or
understand these, *(3)

"explaining" the most repulsive and the
most unimaginable crimes,

"explaining" these, IN ORDER NOT TO HAVE
TO FACE the nature of actual, existing
Criminal Minds past and present - yes,

being (followers of) Criminal Minds themselves
they have the utmost drive and motivation, to
deny the existence of such (Crimes, and of
Criminal Minds) altogether, *(3) but

the question of course, that any RATIONAL and LOGICAL, any
SANE *(4) person wants to know the answer to, is 'Why did
he, Christ, NOT perform ENOUGH miracles?' and

if you can consider THAT question, which I am sure you have not
even dared to consider - if you thought of it at all -

THEN you might begin to apply some logic and rationality to the



Which (logic and rationality) you can not at all expect from
film maker Paul Verhoeven, or from film maker Steven Spielberg
for that matter, as mentioned elsewhere, because they are
mainly - if not wholly - interested in using the emotions of
life in order to DENY the nature, to DENY the physics of life

to indeed "rivet" (fixate) your attention so you won't
look further or deeper,

let alone in the direction where you SHOULD look
and SHOULD feel and SHOULD sense, *(b)

if you would want to get an understanding of life
and of people.



So, if THEY - Criminal Minds - suddenly feel compelled PUBLICLY
to claim, that "they know about life,"

then it would do well for us, to be able to understand also

to be able to understand Criminal Minds ...THEM. *(7)





The physics of life, which physics, logically of course, is called

(should you be even vaguely educated about the nature of life
itself, then you will see, that its physics is logically called)

Fine Particle Physics, *(2)

and is providing (giving you and others) Logic and Rationality

- which (Logic and Rationality) is only possible with, and is
therefore -

based on the Trinity of Science, *(5)

that consists of Love, Beauty, Truth.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) A common, Dutch colloquial expression suggests, that,

in particular, when they ("scientists" in other words) do
think, that their soul has taken the form of a human body
part called the brain, then (the colloquial expression
indeed says, that)

their source of reasoning lies just behind the hairs of the neck

- from which, by consequence, they talk (and do) all kind
of nonsense, due to their

(in many cases intentional, often even maliciously

LACK of connection to generally accessible data and
experience and feeling and memory,

a CONNECTION to life, by which some people even
concluded, that the earth is not flat, actually,
but a ball floating freely in space

- which of course you would not believe,
would you, as "you have never actually
seen it."


Another common, Dutch colloquial expression, now that we are at
it, does assign the lack of Logic and the absence of Rationality

- in film maker Paul Verhoeven, in this case, but
equally in his mentioned colleague -

to be (similar to) what a rational and logical, sane person *(4)
would expect to be emanating in the form of thought, from that
end of a pig, to which its curly tail is attached.

(b) THEIR underlying motive being always, to PRETEND to inform and
appeal to life, PRETENDING to expose or show crimes or hidden
data, or appeal to "relevant" emotions,

because - "these having been addressed now" (ONLY THEN) - people
will think and believe, that "they have been understood, and
are well-informed or 'enlightened,' and have their emotions
appealed to, now," and by consequence,

"they 'do not have to' look further, nor to feel, sense or recall
deeper," not beyond what is offered and not beyond the emotions
shown and being exited (kindled, stimulated),

a mechanism of "successful" deceit, elaborately described
elsewhere by me, in various contexts and to various depths

- of which the attentive and faithful reader is well


(1) Newspaper interview quote:

"Summarizing the contents of his monograph, Mr. Verhoeven said:

'Thesis No. 1 is, that Jesus was a man. That's already a big
thing, as opposed to what Christianity says, that he was the
son of God.'

The book will be based on a close reading of ancient texts,
he said, 'eliminating everything that's not possible, in my

He added: 'It's impossible that Jesus would have multiplied
all this bread, isn't it? And the resurrection.
All these things, that are not possible, are not possible'."

From the interview by Dennis Lim - published 7 January 2007,
in the New York Times

(I won't now quote the lies, the pretense, that Paul Verhoeven
later gave to the journalist, to pacify his audience, into
thinking, that he, Paul Verhoeven, "is a big fan of Jesus Christ
and of Mozart."
We do believe everything Paul Verhoeven says, of course, even
if he passionately acts (does) the very opposite.)

(2) Introduction to Fine Particle Physics, for instance at

or as listed in various Human Rights Issues.

(3) 'Facing Having Been Made Spiritually Blind'
{HRI 20070105-V3.3}
(5 January 2007 - Version 3.3 on 4 Feb 2007)

(4) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.2.1}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2.1 on 9 Aug 2006)

'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)

'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004 - Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006)

(5) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(6) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006)

(7) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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