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(rev 2.4) We Could Have Had Peace On Earth~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 14-02-07 07:15

We Could Have Had Peace On Earth By Now - Were It Not For The
Sociopaths Putin and Hu Jintao

7 February 2007
{HRI 20070207-V2.4}

(Version 2.4
on 14 Feb 2007)

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Putin is at present the most destructive politician on Earth,
in actively preventing and actively destroying Global Peace,
with Hu Jintao a close second.

They achieve this primarily by supporting, and trading with, and by
(thus) keeping very severe Criminals in positions of power

- preferably by keeping very severe Sociopaths in positions as
heads of state.


They deceive the global community by PRETENDING, that that is
"understandable," because of "their economic reasons."

Of course, destroying global peace - which they do very actively
destroy - is not economical at all,

except maybe seemingly so for a short moment and to a few people
who are shown only the short term "benefits."



The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be without being

This is why they oppose any actual democracy and, with it, any
legal security and security of expression and security of
possession for others,

and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
law and freedom being established globally by

the democratic and free states of Earth.


The current (10 February 2007) public Sociopathic
"rant" of Putin, is entirely and only aimed at
driving people insane and at thus helping other
Sociopaths to stay in power.

This is also the only aim of his intended
"diplomatic" visits in the Middle East:

To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.


When they can not achieve that, they demand
a 'balance of power' - the next best
"defense position" of a Criminal Mind,

"people have to have the right to be
evil, and need places to freely be
evil, unchecked," or "sovereign" and
"protected by international law," as
THEY would like others to "see" it,

so that he can choose the side of evil and
flee there:

"There has to be a balance between good and
evil" - is what they mean very literally but
can, of course, not say exactly as they mean

But that's what they mean:

"If we do not, at this time, manage to
dominate global organizations, then:"

"The United Nations Organization must be
a balanced representation of all
countries" - MEANING, "it must represent
a balance between good and evil, and be
composed of and controlled by good and
evil people,"

"as long as we can not manage to
have it fully dominated by evil
people (by dictators)."

And a Criminal Mind wrote in the
United States Constitution, that
"all people are equal" - so, you have
of course to agree, to that "balance of
power," because 'Sociopaths, Criminal
Minds, "do not exist" according to the
Constitution of the United States, but
contrary to all evidence time and again
presented to everyone,

and it means also, this "Criminal
Minds do not exist," that you
can never resolve war, as I
described in 'The Nature of War.'
(see References)




YOU HAVE TO COUNTER THAT - and any evil - by 'Zero Tolerance
for Criminal Impulses.'

That is so because of the nature of the Criminal Mind, of the
Sociopath - of Putin and of Hu Jintao in this case:

You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses.'

This you have seen from history - the more you
give in to Sociopaths, for whatever very good
"reason" - the more evil and destructive they
IN THEIR EVIL by any slumbering Sociopaths within
your own group or country as well.


Of course you CAN allow that, if you wish, and continue to
ruin my life and that of all others,

but it is not appreciated, certainly not by me,

because I love PEOPLE.

You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'

and you will find, that Sociopaths, like Putin and Hu

(and Malaysia's national Sociopath and ex-Premier,
Mahathir Mohamad, etc., etc., all violently insane

do ONLY radiate Criminal Impulses - constantly, day and
night, and to everyone. This was already known to King


Maintaining peace and defense, is then for a very
large part the education of people into exerting
'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'

for which a few billion dollars are extremely well spent.





In their quest to prove to journalists (and via them to you, and to
other global politicians) that "they themselves"

and other Sociopaths,
Severely-Criminal-Minds (SCM's),
Individuals-Without-Conscience (IWC's),
Contempt-For-Mankind (CFM) personalities

"are normal," and "are in charge of people," "are 'senior' to you"

- how you accept, that a Sociopath is spiritually
"senior" to you, is, because of their forceful

(and, the forceful Energy of their lying, is
of course a major part of their hypnotizing
you, resulting in

you GIVING them the Energy of Admiration, and
it results in you not opposing their hypnotic
Energy, that is coming at you,

as famous politician-hypnotist Joseph
Goebbels remarked, after giving a long
speech to a crowd of Germans:

"I could have told that crowd, at that
time, that they all must jump in the
sea and drown, and THEY ACTUALLY WOULD


but the intelligent reader knows, that the
opposite of their lies, that truth

(seeing or feeling what actually did happen,
caused by whom and with what intentions

- which is a MAJOR part of any warfare
if you desire to win and care for
people, allowing them to feel truth,
to know who really did what, simple

but which is VIOLENTLY opposed by
"anti-war" activists, and by those
immersed in their 'New Age' lies
about life and people, in Buddhism
and in Hinduism and the doctrines
of "peace" - always in the form of
denying or hiding evil,

which THEY will not tell you
so clearly - they slightly
camouflage, what they do
practice and want - but it

BECAUSE their whole "salvation"
lies in DESTROYING their feeling
(and in DESTROYING others feeling)
the truth of what actually did
happen, their practices are for
blanking out their feeling of who
caused what with what intentions,

but in actual life, far AWAY from their
Drugging Euphoria where "all Sociopaths
are loving people, loving also you, and
meaning nothing bad,"

far AWAY from any Buddhism, any
Hinduism and any 'New Age,'

NOT immersed in lies, but

in ACTUAL LIFE, it is so, that

what with what ACTUAL intentions - )

is very much 'un-hypnotizing' or 'de-hypnotizing'
you - and therefore


indeed THEY, being Sociopaths, do nothing but intelligently lying,

creating lies in a form 'that journalists will feel
compelled to relay to you,' and that 'the more cowardly
of you, will emotionally and "rationally" respond to
favorably, and act upon,'

and they indeed HAVE their lies dutifully relayed, with great
accuracy and speed, by the various FREE news agencies,

such as by the Associated Parrots (abbreviated currently
as 'AP,' 'AFP,' 'REUTERS,' 'ABC,' 'CNN,' 'BBC' and the
like) very "precisely" reporting the lies of Sociopaths,

as Moscow's Associated Parrot or AP writer, Steve Gutter-
man, ENJOYS maliciously to "very accurately" report the
lies from any Russian government Sociopath or ideologist,
to protect and hide the Severely Criminal Minds,

as currently also Hu Jintao's very repulsive lies
about "wanting harmony" in Africa, are so reported,

WHILE he is, Hu Jintao and his Chinese advisers are,
very active in maintaining exactly the opposite in
Africa and elsewhere,

which is not reported at the same time, by the
Associated Parrots,

because the general intelligence of journalists is far, far
inferior to that of Sociopaths.



The journalists have now some agreement amongst each other
to call Sociopaths 'hardliners' or 'being reclusive,' or
'being a former paratrooper'

(as also Hitler was jokingly referred to by
those of some understanding, as him being
"the corporal of Bohemia," or "the greatest
general of all times,"

a few of the journalists of the Associated Parrots,
are actually faintly aware, THAT Sociopaths do
exist, and

some have been as intelligent as to detect that
condition in North Korea's Kim Jong Il, and they
have detected the condition in Iran's Ahmadinejad,
some even found it in Venezuela's Chavez.

To my great surprise (when I still suffered
from the illusion, that journalists have at
least SOME small portion of the intellect
they do claim so arduously to have)

they still - after thirty years or so - they
still have NOT found that out about Castro,
about Cuba's Castro, that he is - and his
heros are also - most severe Sociopaths.

This will always remain a great mystery
to me, that is, of course, until I look,

and find out WHO (individuals who)
refused to label Castro for what
he is, and why they refuse(d) to,

WHO exported and maintained
"adore the most severe Criminals
and vicious murderers like 'Che'
Ernesto Guevara," in this case,
such intentions, ideas - the
Energy of that - and why they did
and do so,

or, until I look at someone else's
findings on the matter - some of which
I have already acknowledged.





As regards Putin, the Sociopath (who, in his current lifetime, is
called) Vladimir Putin,

that is, for those readers who have still some slight
measure of their intellect intact (undamaged) and
somewhat under their own volition and will,

you might be interested to read up on (to study) the character of
Cardinal Mazarin, a dictator of France in the 1600's.


Not only that character, but also the portrait of that "statesman,"
the French pervert and dictator, Mr. Cardinal Mazarin, you will find
strikingly does resemble that of currently Vladimir Putin,

(Mazarin's face indeed has a great likeness to
Vladimir Putin, for those who might like to
understand these matters:

- See http://www.answers.com/topic/cardinal-mazarin

While his mentor of political evil, the French
dictator Cardinal Richelieu, was fought by the
famous characters 'The Three Musketeers' in the
novels of classic writer Alexandre Dumas,

Mazarin is a major character in the Alexandre Dumas
novels 'Twenty Years After' and 'Le Vicomte de

In these, Mazarin is portrayed (quite correctly) as
'power-hungry, paranoid, and greedy,' and

who of course now never would be able to be a
dictator to the French people,

if only already because of his present
name, which does not inspire confidence
amongst those who speak French,

even though the French are 'represented'
now (and still for some months) by a
Sociopath, Chirac,

who did not mind at all having the Iraqi
people destroyed by Saddam Hussein, but
supported him in it, and

who does not mind having a few million
Iranian people, the city of Teheran, he
mentioned recently, blasted into
radio-active vapor "the moment Iran's
Ahmadinejad and Khamenei fire off an
atom bomb at another country,"

rather than removing, even assassinating
Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, and if still
necessary, destroying also their atom-
bomb factories)

the French people are not that stupid or that blindly folding up, as
currently the Russian people under Putin still ARE,

Russian people - which includes the originally very kind and
caring, non-criminal, but now spiritually severely blinded
Mr. 'glasnost' Gorbachev,

with his pathetic website that shows his total lack of
understanding anything at all about peace,

a LACK of understanding of peace, which is commonly
and duly detected, acknowledged AND rewarded by the
Scandinavian caretakers of Alfred Nobel.





Putin, and his current Russian "government" of severe Criminals
(Minister Lavrov, and Minister Ivanov, and the ruthless killer and
Federal Security Service (FSB) Chief Nikolai Patrushev*) with him,

has NO RIGHTS whatsoever on any 'Security Council,' or in any United
Nations body for that matter

- those bodies of the United Nations have goals and functions
totally opposed to theirs -

no matter what any spineless and immoral, past or current "Secretary
General" may falsely "define" as 'Security' for people.

* (Putin, showing himself as the blackmailed slave of (FSB) Chief
Nikolai Patrushev:
http://news.yahoo.com/photo/070131/481/mosb10501311526 )
[temporary news link - I suggest you save that page and picture for
future study or academic or journalistic use]



Putin "loves" only one thing

(besides labeling as "state secrets" his serial killings and his
sexual perversions, his vicious libel and his subversion of
Russia and his heinous crimes against Russians)

and that is, to dominate others, and to be regarded and to be treated
as "not a severe criminal." This he has in common with Hu Jintao, and
with most other Sociopaths or Criminal Minds.





The journalists are ALL nicely reporting the lies:

When Hu Jintao says "Harmony" and "Peace," HE means oppression
and torture and domination, that's HIS idea of "Harmony."



When Putin says "prosperity," HE means getting people to fight
each other (and to guard as "state secrets," the murderous and
subversive operations organized and ordered and covered up by

- which is always done and CAN ONLY BE DONE by supporting
Criminal Minds -

as I DID explain to you in 'The Nature of War,'
(see references)

but you prefer, rather to be hypnotized by Criminal
Minds, who make you "understand war,"


so that he can "profit" by PRETENDING himself "to be a friend
to all others," and pretending to be a "friend" to his own group
of course, the group that "benefits" from "him opposing 'the
enemies' of life:"

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse: HE is the
enemy of life, and he destroys, kills and imprisons
FRIENDS of life.

Do you get it now, finally?

Life is about life, not about "countries" or
"heads of state," but ABOUT life:

Sociopaths are AGAINST LIFE - this make them -
this makes Putin and Hu Jintao and Saddam
Hussein and Chavez etc. etc. VERY PREDICTABLE,


Never give in to a Criminal Mind, he
or she will only use it to be MORE
Criminal against you and AGAINST LIFE.

That is why you have to exert 'Zero Tolerance
for Criminal Impulses.'

That has nothing at all to do with laws,
but you will find, that most laws are
INTENDED and made, in order to do just
that, and they should be so used.

Again, Criminal Minds will make
"laws" that are just the opposite.



When Putin bursts out "against Unilateral politics" and "global
domination, by America,"

HE, Vladimir Putin, being a Sociopath, means precisely
the OPPOSITE of what he says:

HE, Putin, IS 'Unilateral' - HE tries to be the
dictator of Russia and of countries surrounding it,

HE, Putin, actively supports OTHER 'Unilateral'
heads of state and their countries, dictatorships,
Severely Criminal Minds, and

Northern America is about as MULTI-LATERAL a society as you can
get, and that includes all other democracies that are allied in
or with the NATO, the organization that protects exactly THAT

by means of - again - very MULTI-LATERAL defense

Putin - being a Sociopath - DOES want a 'Unilateral'
government, in which he and other Sociopaths are the
revered, admired and obeyed dictators:

Putin HATES people, he has a thorough CONTEMPT
for people,

and he, Putin, wants TO GET RID of and he DOES





They, Putin and Hu Jintao, are very severe Sociopaths.

And - contrary to the 'doctrines of the New Age "Peace Activists" or
of the "Anti-War" protesters - it (the condition of someone being a
Sociopath) does NOT change,

also not by journalists passing on all their lies to you, and

the condition of Kim Jong Il does also not change, no
matter how many lies he forces onto his "own (the North
Korean) people,"

nor does the condition of any other Sociopath change, by
any practice or doctrine of Buddhism, Hinduism or 'New
Age,' with their lies about life aimed solely at NOT
facing and NOT understanding and NOT stopping evil, but
by PRETENDING "it is nit there," or "evil is necessary,"
or "just a matter of viwpoint;" nor does the condition of
Sociopaths change, by

journalists passing on and making others believe what those
Sociopaths do lie about:

While Hu Jintao publicly does NOT label the very severe
Chinese Criminals in China's past - of course not, he
would have to label himself and Jiang Zemin as well - as
severely criminal, and as being Sociopaths,

so does also Putin NOT declare severe Criminal Minds of
Russia's past, like Lenin, or Stalin, and other major
Russian Criminals, to be what these are, BUT

Putin - as all Criminal Minds do, he does THE OPPOSITE,

like Hu Jintao towards Chinese - Putin DOES falsely arrest, and
"convict," and imprison

- or if he can't do that, THEN he acts as a serial killer,

the very caring, the very capable, the very decent and the very
loving Russians, who DO love Russia and who ARE capable of loving
the people of Russia, and of loving people globally.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

For enclosures, see, for instance:

'Putin - At Present The Most Destructive Politician On Earth,
In Actively Preventing And Actively Destroying Global Peace,
With Hu Jintao A Close Second'
{HRI 20070207-V1.1}
(7 February 2007 - Version 1.1)


'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6.1 on 19 Oct 2006)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.2.1}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2.1 on 9 Aug 2006)

'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)

See also the other HRI's that obviously are on the subject.



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
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