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Øjenvidne beretter om eksplosioner i World~
Fra : BigBother

Dato : 08-02-07 12:32


There were explosions. There were flashes. There was molten metal running
down the I-beams of the basement levels like lava flows. I've never seen
anything like it. Yes, planes hit the buildings- anybody who says otherwise
is a moron. But the explosions- the rapid, symmetrical, sequential
explosions- they happened. We were in the basement, helping a man who had
been struck by pieces of flying concrete and rebar, and there was one of the
huge steel and concrete support pillars with an 8 foot section blown out of
the center of it. We looked around and there were other support columns that
were the same. We spoke about it right then and there... we were discussing
as we were carrying this man, saying "how could someone have rigged all
these explosives?". That sort of thing does not happen from an airplane
hitting the building 70, 80 stories up. We stood outside listening to the
explosions. One after the other, every minute or so. At one point, about 10
minutes before the first collapse, a 30 foot or so section of the courtyard
exlploded straight up into the air. Just before the collapses, a series of
deep, below ground explosions, then numerous explosions in the buildings
upper floors. Then we ran. We felt the same deep explosions before the
second collapse. This was not just the planes. THE BUILDINGS WERE RIGGED.
There is no question about it. Hundreds of people know this, Mark. People
were told, the crowds of people were TOLD over bullhorns, that building 7
was going to be pulled (and YES that is the term they used). There was a 20
second countdown over the radios, there were bright flashes up and down the
sides of building 7, you could see them through the windows...and it
collapsed. We all knew it was intentionally pulled... they told us! There
was no question about it until a day or so later when the news was reporting
that it had collapsed due to fire.

Jesper (08-02-2007)
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 08-02-07 19:34

BigBother <uyuyffyg7yg@d8hf7e.com> wrote:

> http://www.911blogger.com/node/6042
> Citat:
> There were explosions. There were flashes. There was molten metal running
> down the I-beams of the basement levels like lava flows. I've never seen
> anything like it. Yes, planes hit the buildings- anybody who says otherwise
> is a moron. But the explosions- the rapid, symmetrical, sequential

§ 9 Ved aftalens ophør skal bygningen afleveres i ren- og
ryddeliggjort stand.
- Midlertidig aftale om benyttelse af
Jagtvej 69 fra 1982

BigBother (09-02-2007)
Fra : BigBother

Dato : 09-02-07 13:14

"Jesper" <spambuster@users.toughguy.net> wrote in message

> http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html

Så alle de vidner, der så, hørte og følte eksplosioner går med
aluminiumshat? Også ham her? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Rodriguez

Rodriguez looked forward to his appearance at a closed-door hearing of the
9/11 Commission. "Up to that moment, I was thinking that they were going to
do the right thing." He states that he started changing his mind as he saw
how the commission did its work, and also when the American media edited out
his testimonies about hearing bombs in the buildings, whilst the Spanish
media did report it un-edited.

Jesper (09-02-2007)
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 09-02-07 15:53

BigBother <uyuyffyg7yg@d8hf7e.com> wrote:

> "Jesper" <spambuster@users.toughguy.net> wrote in message
> news:1ht86dc.eh201s1g799fkN%spambuster@users.toughguy.net...
> > http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html
> Så alle de vidner, der så, hørte og følte eksplosioner går med
> aluminiumshat? Også ham her? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Rodriguez
> Citat:
> Rodriguez looked forward to his appearance at a closed-door hearing of the
> 9/11 Commission. "Up to that moment, I was thinking that they were going to
> do the right thing." He states that he started changing his mind as he saw
> how the commission did its work, and also when the American media edited out
> his testimonies about hearing bombs in the buildings, whilst the Spanish
> media did report it un-edited.

Rodriguez er varmemester og har ikke en pind forstand på bomber og hans
beskyldninger må bero på PTSD.

Enhver der ved bare lidt om hvad det kræver at rive en bygning ned med
sprængstof må tage sig til hovedet over de påstande.

Vidnerne har hørt/følt de voldsomme kræfter som bygingskollapsen førte
med sig.
§ 9 Ved aftalens ophør skal bygningen afleveres i ren- og
ryddeliggjort stand.
- Midlertidig aftale om benyttelse af
Jagtvej 69 fra 1982

Alucard (09-02-2007)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 09-02-07 17:23

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 15:53:02 +0100, spambuster@users.toughguy.net
(Jesper) wrote:

>BigBother <uyuyffyg7yg@d8hf7e.com> wrote:
>> "Jesper" <spambuster@users.toughguy.net> wrote in message
>> news:1ht86dc.eh201s1g799fkN%spambuster@users.toughguy.net...
>> > http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html
>> Så alle de vidner, der så, hørte og følte eksplosioner går med
>> aluminiumshat? Også ham her? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Rodriguez
>> Citat:
>> Rodriguez looked forward to his appearance at a closed-door hearing of the
>> 9/11 Commission. "Up to that moment, I was thinking that they were going to
>> do the right thing." He states that he started changing his mind as he saw
>> how the commission did its work, and also when the American media edited out
>> his testimonies about hearing bombs in the buildings, whilst the Spanish
>> media did report it un-edited.
>Rodriguez er varmemester og har ikke en pind forstand på bomber og hans
>beskyldninger må bero på PTSD.
>Enhver der ved bare lidt om hvad det kræver at rive en bygning ned med
>sprængstof må tage sig til hovedet over de påstande.
>Vidnerne har hørt/følt de voldsomme kræfter som bygingskollapsen førte
>med sig.


Mon ikke en beton etageadskillelse der rammer etagen nedenunder lyder
nogenlunde som en eksplosion og dertil hørende rystelser....?

Jeg har selv set (og hørt) et beton-vægs-element (til et hus) vælte
ned på en flisebelagt terrasse... Det gav et gevaldigt brag...

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