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10  ans 2208
Sweden: Paradise or Pakistan?
Fra : 5,999,999

Dato : 08-02-07 00:06


Today, we as a race are in the middle of the crossroads of our
destiny. Today we must either do or die as a race. This problem is not
just for those poor, desperate Whites in South Africa or Detroit, but
for all White people everywhere. Areas of Europe that were originally
settled by Whites and have always been exclusively White, always, are
now being flooded with non-Whites. Most of the Middle East, some 2,000
years ago, was still White or nominally White, but that area is now
long lost. Anatolia, with such a long, rich history of our race, from
the days of the earliest agriculture, to the city of Troy, to the
greatest city the world had ever seen up to that time, Constantinople,
some 550 years ago, is now 100% totally overrun with non-Whites. Only
in the ground, in those graves of our ancestors, does anything White

This same problem that drove out our White race from North Africa and
the Middle East, from Central Asia and Anatolia, is now taking place
all across Europe.

Some bubble-headed liberals have said that the British Empire
conquered so many non-White nations, that it is now their turn to be
ruled by non-Whites. There is literally an aspect of liberal ideology
that has the White Man's Burden twisted around to where all the former
British colonies should now be able to overrun Great Britain. The same
goes for the colonies of the French empire. These same liberals think
that Whites in America owe something to Negroes because of slavery 140
years ago.

So, how does this same anti-White liberal ideology explain their goal
of turning Sweden into a race-mixed ghetto? Sweden hasn't even fought
a war for about 200 years and their only real overseas colony was
taken away by America over 200 years ago. Sweden was a neutral nation
in World War One and World War Two. Sweden was greatly antagonized by
Britain during World War Two. Winston Churchill even ordered two
Swedish warships to be captured or destroyed during the war. When
these two ships were captured by the British Royal Navy, Sweden almost
declared war against Britain. Churchill really made lots of mistakes
like that. Sweden had a lot of supporters for Germany during that

When France and Britain launched an unprovoked attack against Norway
in 1940, this was because France and Britain wanted to do two things.
The moron from Texas would call this a preemptive strike. First the
Allies wanted to geographically isolate Germany. Secondly they wanted
to cut off the Swedish steel shipments going to Germany. Swedish
steel, at that time, was the best steel on the planet and it was
shipped through a port in northern Norway. The Germans had known about
the French-British invasion, so they also launched their own invasion
to take Norway, before the British and French troops had gained
control in that nation. Norway fought against all three of these
invading armies at once.

Sweden however, remained neutral. The Swedish government wanted to
stay out of the war, so they even passed a law that forbid Swedes from
joining the German Army. Sweden did keep normal diplomatic relations
with Germany, right up to the very end. They were one of the few
countries that never severed ties with Nazi Germany, but at the same
time, they allowed Jews to flee German-occupied Europe and live in
Sweden. Sweden had then, as they do now, a population which is about
1% Jewish. The powerful Jew family, the Rothschilds, who reside in
Sweden, have really caused Sweden a great deal of harm.

Sweden didn't side with Germany, but the nation of Sweden had many
similar beliefs to Nazi Germany. For example, Sweden had eugenic laws
and the population was racially conscious. The Swedes knew the vast
importance of racial differences and had laws preventing non-Whites
from settling in Sweden.

The Swedish Crown Prince at the time was Gustav Adolf, the Duke of
Westrobothnia, who was a descendent of the English Queen Victoria and
a descendent of Princess Margarette of Prussia. Price Gustav Adolf was
married to a German from the Saxe-Colburg-Gotha aristocratic family.
That was how Europe was back then. Europe was the most advanced region
of the world in technology, culture and standard of living, and they
had a firm understanding of race. They would marry outside of their
nationality, but never race-mix. Prince Gustav Adolf was even very
openly supportive of the ideology of National Socialism, but Sweden
stayed neutral.

When the war ended, Sweden, like the rest of the world that wasn't
under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, became under the
American-Jewish sphere of influence. It didn't matter that Sweden
stayed neutral and that Sweden had allowed full enfranchisement of
citizenship to Jews and even protected several thousand Jews during
the war. Jews as a race are really incapable of gratitude. If you give
a Jew a million dollars, he'll hate you because why didn't you give
him two million dollars. The Jew will feel cheated, no matter what.
Sweden is a perfect example of this. Never has a country been
friendlier towards Jews than Sweden, and now the Jews are turning
Sweden into a race-mixed sewer. The powerful Jews who propagate this
current demographic catastrophe, who run Sweden's media are the Jewish
Bonnier family. This Jew family also controls the majority of the
media in Finland as well. The Jew Rothschild family controls the
Swedish economy. The Jews are openly hostile towards anything pro-
White. This situation is quite simply an aggressive act of genocide
against the Swedish nation.

The pro-National Socialist Prince Gustav Adolf died mysteriously in a
plane crash on January 26th in 1947. No one really knows how it
happened, but when his plane was on the runway in Denmark, the planes
rudder had a lock put on it. Shortly after take off, the plane crashed
and the crew of six people and all sixteen passengers, included the
Crown Prince, died. Currently his son, Carl Gustav, is the King of
Sweden, but his three children are all big-time supporters of the
United Nation and two of them work for the UN.

It is really amazing when you think about all the pro-White leaders
that have died mysteriously in plane wrecks. Our enemies don't play
fair and neither should we.

Our enemies are really quite open about their goals and, in Sweden
they take great measures to racially mix that country. Unlike most
other European nations that are being overrun by non-Whites, the
Zionist power structure of Sweden has recognized the fact that too
many non-Whites in an area becomes an ethnic enclave and hostilities
and resentment are unavoidable. So, the liberals in Sweden put on
their thinking caps and decided to do something to prevent the obvious
White backlash. These Jews and Liberals came to the conclusion that if
you racially poison a nation, the quick poisonous effects on the
nation will kill certain areas of Sweden right away. So, they decided
to dilute the racial poison and spread the non-Whites around, all over
the nation, from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. Throughout
the beautiful Swedish countryside, which looks a lot like the western
half of Washington State, you will find Middle Easterners or Negroes
or both, running Pizza restaurants. You will find Asian-owned
businesses in even the smallest, most beautiful places. There is a
little town called Granna, which is famous in Sweden for the candy
that they make.

This quaint little town is far from the big cities, but appears to be
10% non-White. The candy that they make in these little shops is made
right in front of the customers. This place is a favorite for Swedish
children for the obvious reason. Now, when you think about a better
world for our race, we really don't need to look any further than
Sweden in 1970. They had many outstanding features to this nation back
then. The idea of a little vacation town beside a large lake, with
many campgrounds, where children are totally safe to run around and go
into these marvelous candy shops, and look through the glass at the
people making all this tasty candy in the back room, is something out
of a Norman Rockwell painting. It is a good society. It is a society
worth fighting to keep.

Then along came the Jews, their false god called Liberalism, and the
racial disaster unfolded. In the four candy shops that I went into,
three of them were mixed with Whites and non-Whites, while the last
had only two mulattos making the candy. So after losing my appetite
for the Swedish-African candy, I noticed how many half-breed children
they had running around. This is really the most obvious sign of the
global forced-genocide against the White race.

In Sweden, in 1970, a non-White was a very rare sight. They were a
White nation. Other nations in Europe still had "Whites Only" laws.
The US military base near Keflavik, Iceland, where 2,000 US personnel
are stationed, was not allowed to bring Negroes onto Iceland at the
time. Even when US warships docked in the harbor near Keflavik the
Negroes, who were sailors in the US Navy, were not allowed to go
ashore on liberty call.

These laws were wise laws, to prevent genocide, via racial
miscegenation, against the White race. They are absolutely necessary,
or we Whites, as a race, will soon become extinct. Like the Dodo bird,
that lived in its own paradise and lost its ability to defend itself,
the White race is also being systematically destroyed. Race mixing
must again be a criminal offense, or we, as a race will go extinct.
This is now a national crisis in Sweden.

In 1970, Sweden's population was White and, when a few non-Whites
starting coming into the nation, the wise people that knew what would
happen were demonized by the Jewish media. The bubble-headed liberals
proclaimed that Sweden didn't have a history of racism, so there would
be no conflict. They did not understand that racial-conflict is a
nature defensive measure to safeguard the national living space and
the gene pool itself. Racism is not an abstract social construct, but
rather a healthy behavioral trait that warns us about the danger of
being driven out or destroyed.

Sweden didn't have any institutions for racial defense and, by the
1980s, the flood of non-Whites was massive and the biological crimes
were rampant. Today, we see the ugly effects of those biological
crimes, with all the nappy-headed mulattos. Sweden also has a huge
population of Asians today and they are also polluting the genetic
bloodline of once fair Sweden.

Sweden is really being inundated with every race on the planet. They
have Pakistanis, Indians from Peru, Negroes from the blackest pits of
Africa and enough Chinamen to wash all of Europe's laundry.

In the 1980s there was a pro-White reaction to the racial destruction.
It was small, but by the early 1990s, it really took off. The racial
climate in Sweden was growing so quickly in the mid-1990s, that
National Geographic magazine even briefly covered the growing skinhead
phenomena in Stockholm in one of their issues. There were racial
warnings listed at American universities for non-White students that
wished to study in the Swedish city of Malmo. The Swedish White Power
music scene took off, like never before in any country. There were
concerts held all over Sweden on a regular basis. The Swedish magazine
Nordland was launched, which was a full-color magazine with
professional layout that was openly pro-White. The music sails went
through the roof. Smaller radio stations in Sweden would occasionally
play some less controversial White Power music. In Stockholm, the pro-
White youth had their area in the Old Town where they would meet up
daily. There were pro-White nightclubs and bars all around Sweden.
Just walking down the street you would see young Whites wearing t-
shirts of pro-White bands, such as Ultima Thule or Division S. The pro-
White youth culture in Sweden had grown so big it was actually
influencing Swedish society. The Jews were screaming their heads off
to stop the White people from creating a pro-White climate in Sweden.

The morally void Swedish politicians finally acted against Sweden in
1999. They passed anti-White laws and banned freedom of speech in
Sweden, all because of these growing pro-White feelings.

There were a few violent incidents that the Jew-controlled Swedish
media grossly distorted. For example, there was a Swede who seemed to
be the fictional character Oscar Yeager, from Dr. William Pierce's
book, Hunter. This person was shooting non-Whites in Stockholm. He
killed quite a few and wounded even more. He was using telescopic-
laser sightings on his rifle, so the Swedish media called him "Laser-
Man." Laser-Man made the non-Whites fear to be out in public. Suddenly
in downtown Stockholm, it looked like downtown Stockholm of the 1970s
-- White. The Swedish nationalists even made a humorous t-shirt slogan
about Laser-Man. The t-shirt was black, with a white spot, with scope
sights in the white spot and read: Laser-Man, the light in the
darkness. After Laser-Man was caught, it was confirmed that he had no
ties with the Swedish nationalists. In fact, when the Swedish
nationalists contacted him to see if he would allow them an interview,
Laser-Man, a mass-murderer, said he had to worry about his reputation
now and didn't want to be associated with nationalists.

There was another incident with a group called the Military-gang. They
were a bunch of ex-soldiers from the Yugoslavian war and they were
hell-raisers of the first order. These guys were literally a merry
band of bank-robbers who had no regard for laws. They didn't just rob
banks for the money, but they were thrill-seekers. When they robbed
banks in downtown Stockholm, they liked to shoot their fully automatic
rifles. They even brought belt-fed, crew-served machine guns along for
their heists. They might shot off 700 rounds inside one single bank.
They weren't exactly shy. They even had a characteristic trademark.
When they robbed a bank, they would fire their belt-fed machine gun
into a bank wall and make a smiley-face with bullet-holes. Their sense
of humor didn't end there. They knew how crazy the media was about pro-
White people so, to divert the authorities, they contacted the media
with the bogus claim that they were a secret, underground neo-Nazi
group fighting to liberate Sweden from Jews and non-Whites.

The Jew media used these two cases to prod the Swedish government to
ban freedom of speech and expression. Symbols, such as the swastika,
which still currently decorate many Swedish buildings, became illegal.
Even the ancient Germanic salute that was used in Nazi Germany became
illegal. Keep in mind, Sweden was neutral during the war and this
suppression of freedom came about in 1999. Even after it was
completely proven, beyond a shadow of any doubt that the Military-gang
had no racial feelings and no political goals, the Jew media still
used that as an excuse while pushing to take away Sweden's freedom.
Even the bleeding-heart liberals, who ordinarily would have claimed
that the people who made up the Military-gang were victims of a bad
childhood and just needed a higher dose of Ritalin, stayed totally
silent. It was a national fraud. But, that is totally inline with what
Jews are and what they do to our White world.

Sweden currently has nine million residents. About 84% are native
Swedes and about 12% are non-Whites. Sweden is literally one of the
fastest racially declining nations on earth, yet they are one of the
most advanced societies ever to exist. The non-Whites are certainly
hurting the Swedish budget. In Sweden, like in every other White
nation, the non-Whites are social parasites that only take from the
system. Starting in 1992, Sweden was forced to cut some social
programs and the trend now continues in that direction: higher taxes,
less benefits and more non-Whites. Welcome to the Jew World Order.

The Swedish people are one of the best racial stocks of White people
ever. They have millions of good people, but they are being destroyed
from within. Sweden, like America, is suffering from racial discord.
This nation can once again be a fantastic White nation, or it will end
up another cesspool such as Pakistan.

Listen to 'Sweden: Paradise or Pakistan?'


Astronomer (19-02-2007)
Fra : Astronomer

Dato : 19-02-07 16:04

Those who truly oppose race mixing and unnatural miscegenation
should cease using the warped, twisted, distorted, misaligned, and
misrepresented calendars of the world's devil cults who are the
primary promoters of forced race mixing. To use their phony calendars
and celebrate their phony holidays is to support this and all their
other evils.
Instead all true patriots and religious folk should use the true
solar dates of the one true solar calendar on all their bank checks,
correspondence, publications, legal papers, websites, business
contracts, advertisements, and posted Usenet articles. They should
also promote its use among family, friends, neighbors, customers,
suppliers, and colleagues.
Copies of God's true solar calendar, plus further instructions on
how to create an advanced, wholesome, trouble-free civilization, can
be obtained free from http://groups.msn.com/WorldStandardCalendar.

The World Standard Calendar Team
Late Winter, Pisces 1, 2007
(That's February 19 on the phony Vatican calendar)


On Feb 7, 4:05 pm, "5,999,999" <nighthawk6...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> http://www.natall.com/internet-radio/ts/052706.mp3
> Today, we as a race are in the middle of the crossroads of our
> destiny. Today we must either do or die as a race. This problem is not
> just for those poor, desperate Whites in South Africa or Detroit, but
> for all White people everywhere. Areas of Europe that were originally
> settled by Whites and have always been exclusively White, always, are
> now being flooded with non-Whites. Most of the Middle East, some 2,000
> years ago, was still White or nominally White, but that area is now
> long lost. Anatolia, with such a long, rich history of our race, from
> the days of the earliest agriculture, to the city of Troy, to the
> greatest city the world had ever seen up to that time, Constantinople,
> some 550 years ago, is now 100% totally overrun with non-Whites. Only
> in the ground, in those graves of our ancestors, does anything White
> remain.
> This same problem that drove out our White race from North Africa and
> the Middle East, from Central Asia and Anatolia, is now taking place
> all across Europe.
> Some bubble-headed liberals have said that the British Empire
> conquered so many non-White nations, that it is now their turn to be
> ruled by non-Whites. There is literally an aspect of liberal ideology
> that has the White Man's Burden twisted around to where all the former
> British colonies should now be able to overrun Great Britain. The same
> goes for the colonies of the French empire. These same liberals think
> that Whites in America owe something to Negroes because of slavery 140
> years ago.
> So, how does this same anti-White liberal ideology explain their goal
> of turning Sweden into a race-mixed ghetto? Sweden hasn't even fought
> a war for about 200 years and their only real overseas colony was
> taken away by America over 200 years ago. Sweden was a neutral nation
> in World War One and World War Two. Sweden was greatly antagonized by
> Britain during World War Two. Winston Churchill even ordered two
> Swedish warships to be captured or destroyed during the war. When
> these two ships were captured by the British Royal Navy, Sweden almost
> declared war against Britain. Churchill really made lots of mistakes
> like that. Sweden had a lot of supporters for Germany during that
> time.
> When France and Britain launched an unprovoked attack against Norway
> in 1940, this was because France and Britain wanted to do two things.
> The moron from Texas would call this a preemptive strike. First the
> Allies wanted to geographically isolate Germany. Secondly they wanted
> to cut off the Swedish steel shipments going to Germany. Swedish
> steel, at that time, was the best steel on the planet and it was
> shipped through a port in northern Norway. The Germans had known about
> the French-British invasion, so they also launched their own invasion
> to take Norway, before the British and French troops had gained
> control in that nation. Norway fought against all three of these
> invading armies at once.
> Sweden however, remained neutral. The Swedish government wanted to
> stay out of the war, so they even passed a law that forbid Swedes from
> joining the German Army. Sweden did keep normal diplomatic relations
> with Germany, right up to the very end. They were one of the few
> countries that never severed ties with Nazi Germany, but at the same
> time, they allowed Jews to flee German-occupied Europe and live in
> Sweden. Sweden had then, as they do now, a population which is about
> 1% Jewish. The powerful Jew family, the Rothschilds, who reside in
> Sweden, have really caused Sweden a great deal of harm.
> Sweden didn't side with Germany, but the nation of Sweden had many
> similar beliefs to Nazi Germany. For example, Sweden had eugenic laws
> and the population was racially conscious. The Swedes knew the vast
> importance of racial differences and had laws preventing non-Whites
> from settling in Sweden.
> The Swedish Crown Prince at the time was Gustav Adolf, the Duke of
> Westrobothnia, who was a descendent of the English Queen Victoria and
> a descendent of Princess Margarette of Prussia. Price Gustav Adolf was
> married to a German from the Saxe-Colburg-Gotha aristocratic family.
> That was how Europe was back then. Europe was the most advanced region
> of the world in technology, culture and standard of living, and they
> had a firm understanding of race. They would marry outside of their
> nationality, but never race-mix. Prince Gustav Adolf was even very
> openly supportive of the ideology of National Socialism, but Sweden
> stayed neutral.
> When the war ended, Sweden, like the rest of the world that wasn't
> under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, became under the
> American-Jewish sphere of influence. It didn't matter that Sweden
> stayed neutral and that Sweden had allowed full enfranchisement of
> citizenship to Jews and even protected several thousand Jews during
> the war. Jews as a race are really incapable of gratitude. If you give
> a Jew a million dollars, he'll hate you because why didn't you give
> him two million dollars. The Jew will feel cheated, no matter what.
> Sweden is a perfect example of this. Never has a country been
> friendlier towards Jews than Sweden, and now the Jews are turning
> Sweden into a race-mixed sewer. The powerful Jews who propagate this
> current demographic catastrophe, who run Sweden's media are the Jewish
> Bonnier family. This Jew family also controls the majority of the
> media in Finland as well. The Jew Rothschild family controls the
> Swedish economy. The Jews are openly hostile towards anything pro-
> White. This situation is quite simply an aggressive act of genocide
> against the Swedish nation.
> The pro-National Socialist Prince Gustav Adolf died mysteriously in a
> plane crash on January 26th in 1947. No one really knows how it
> happened, but when his plane was on the runway in Denmark, the planes
> rudder had a lock put on it. Shortly after take off, the plane crashed
> and the crew of six people and all sixteen passengers, included the
> Crown Prince, died. Currently his son, Carl Gustav, is the King of
> Sweden, but his three children are all big-time supporters of the
> United Nation and two of them work for the UN.
> It is really amazing when you think about all the pro-White leaders
> that have died mysteriously in plane wrecks. Our enemies don't play
> fair and neither should we.
> Our enemies are really quite open about their goals and, in Sweden
> they take great measures to racially mix that country. Unlike most
> other European nations that are being overrun by non-Whites, the
> Zionist power structure of Sweden has recognized the fact that too
> many non-Whites in an area becomes an ethnic enclave and hostilities
> and resentment are unavoidable. So, the liberals in Sweden put on
> their thinking caps and decided to do something to prevent the obvious
> White backlash. These Jews and Liberals came to the conclusion that if
> you racially poison a nation, the quick poisonous effects on the
> nation will kill certain areas of Sweden right away. So, they decided
> to dilute the racial poison and spread the non-Whites around, all over
> the nation, from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. Throughout
> the beautiful Swedish countryside, which looks a lot like the western
> half of Washington State, you will find Middle Easterners or Negroes
> or both, running Pizza restaurants. You will find Asian-owned
> businesses in even the smallest, most beautiful places. There is a
> little town called Granna, which is famous in Sweden for the candy
> that they make.
> This quaint little town is far from the big cities, but appears to be
> 10% non-White. The candy that they make in these little shops is made
> right in front of the customers. This place is a favorite for Swedish
> children for the obvious reason. Now, when you think about a better
> world for our race, we really don't need to look any further than
> Sweden in 1970. They had many outstanding features to this nation back
> then. The idea of a little vacation town beside a large lake, with
> many campgrounds, where children are totally safe to run around and go
> into these marvelous candy shops, and look through the glass at the
> people making all this tasty candy in the back room, is something out
> of a Norman Rockwell painting. It is a good society. It is a society
> worth fighting to keep.
> Then along came the Jews, their false god called Liberalism, and the
> racial disaster unfolded. In the four candy shops that I went into,
> three of them were mixed with Whites and non-Whites, while the last
> had only two mulattos making the candy. So after losing my appetite
> for the Swedish-African candy, I noticed how many half-breed children
> they had running around. This is really the most obvious sign of the
> global forced-genocide against the White race.
> In Sweden, in 1970, a non-White was a very rare sight. They were a
> White nation. Other nations in Europe still had "Whites Only" laws.
> The US military base near Keflavik, Iceland, where 2,000 US personnel
> are stationed, was not allowed to bring Negroes onto Iceland at the
> time. Even when US warships docked in the harbor near Keflavik the
> Negroes, who were sailors in the US Navy, were not allowed to go
> ashore on liberty call.
> These laws were wise laws, to prevent genocide, via racial
> miscegenation, against the White race. They are absolutely necessary,
> or we Whites, as a race, will soon become extinct. Like the Dodo bird,
> that lived in its own paradise and lost its ability to defend itself,
> the White race is also being systematically destroyed.Race mixing
> must again be a criminal offense, or we, as a race will go extinct.
> This is now a national crisis in Sweden.
> In 1970, Sweden's population was White and, when a few non-Whites
> starting coming into the nation, the wise people that knew what would
> happen were demonized by the Jewish media. The bubble-headed liberals
> proclaimed that Sweden didn't have a history of racism, so there would
> be no conflict. They did not understand that racial-conflict is a
> nature defensive measure to safeguard the national living space and
> the gene pool itself. Racism is not an abstract social construct, but
> rather a healthy behavioral trait that warns us about the danger of
> being driven out or destroyed.
> Sweden didn't have any institutions for racial defense and, by the
> 1980s, the flood of non-Whites was massive and the biological crimes
> were rampant. Today, we see the ugly effects of those biological
> crimes, with all the nappy-headed mulattos. Sweden also has a huge
> population of Asians today and they are also polluting the genetic
> bloodline of once fair Sweden.
> Sweden is really being inundated with every race on the planet. They
> have Pakistanis, Indians from Peru, Negroes from the blackest pits of
> Africa and enough Chinamen to wash all of Europe's laundry.
> In the 1980s there was a pro-White reaction to the racial destruction.
> It was small, but by the early 1990s, it really took off. The racial
> climate in Sweden was growing so quickly in the mid-1990s, that
> National Geographic magazine even briefly covered the growing skinhead
> phenomena in Stockholm in one of their issues. There were racial
> warnings listed at American universities for non-White students that
> wished to study in the Swedish city of Malmo. The Swedish White Power
> music scene took off, like never before in any country. There were
> concerts held all over Sweden on a regular basis. The Swedish magazine
> Nordland was launched, which was a full-color magazine with
> professional layout that was openly pro-White. The music sails went
> through the roof. Smaller radio stations in Sweden would occasionally
> play some less controversial White Power music. In Stockholm, the pro-
> White youth had their area in the Old Town where they would meet up
> daily. There were pro-White nightclubs and bars all around Sweden.
> Just walking down the street you would see young Whites wearing t-
> shirts of pro-White bands, such as Ultima Thule or Division S. The pro-
> White youth culture in Sweden had grown so big it was actually
> influencing Swedish society. The Jews were screaming their heads off
> to stop the White people from creating a pro-White climate in Sweden.
> The morally void Swedish politicians finally acted against Sweden in
> 1999. They passed anti-White laws and banned freedom of speech in
> Sweden, all because of these growing pro-White feelings.
> There were a few violent incidents that the Jew-controlled Swedish
> media grossly distorted. For example, there was a Swede who seemed to
> be the fictional character Oscar Yeager, from Dr. William Pierce's
> book, Hunter. This person was shooting non-Whites in Stockholm. He
> killed quite a few and wounded even more. He was using telescopic-
> laser sightings on his rifle, so the Swedish media called him "Laser-
> Man." Laser-Man made the non-Whites fear to be out in public. Suddenly
> in downtown Stockholm, it looked like downtown Stockholm of the 1970s
> -- White. The Swedish nationalists even made a humorous t-shirt slogan
> about Laser-Man. The t-shirt was black, with a white spot, with scope
> sights in the white spot and read: Laser-Man, the light in the
> darkness. After Laser-Man was caught, it was confirmed that he had no
> ties with the Swedish nationalists. In fact, when the Swedish
> nationalists contacted him to see if he would allow them an interview,
> Laser-Man, a mass-murderer, said he had to worry about his reputation
> now and didn't want to be associated with nationalists.
> There was another incident with a group called the Military-gang. They
> were a bunch of ex-soldiers from the Yugoslavian war and they were
> hell-raisers of the first order. These guys were literally a merry
> band of bank-robbers who had no regard for laws. They didn't just rob
> banks for the money, but they were thrill-seekers. When they robbed
> banks in downtown Stockholm, they liked to shoot their fully automatic
> rifles. They even brought belt-fed, crew-served machine guns along for
> their heists. They might shot off 700 rounds inside one single bank.
> They weren't exactly shy. They even had a characteristic trademark.
> When they robbed a bank, they would fire their belt-fed machine gun
> into a bank wall and make a smiley-face with bullet-holes. Their sense
> of humor didn't end there. They knew how crazy the media was about pro-
> White people so, to divert the authorities, they contacted the media
> with the bogus claim that they were a secret, underground neo-Nazi
> group fighting to liberate Sweden from Jews and non-Whites.
> The Jew media used these two cases to prod the Swedish government to
> ban freedom of speech and expression. Symbols, such as the swastika,
> which still currently decorate many Swedish buildings, became illegal.
> Even the ancient Germanic salute that was used in Nazi Germany became
> illegal. Keep in mind, Sweden was neutral during the war and this
> suppression of freedom came about in 1999. Even after it was
> completely proven, beyond a shadow of any doubt that the Military-gang
> had no racial feelings and no political goals, the Jew media still
> used that as an excuse while pushing to take away Sweden's freedom.
> Even the bleeding-heart liberals, who ordinarily would have claimed
> that the people who made up the Military-gang were victims of a bad
> childhood and just needed a higher dose of Ritalin, stayed totally
> silent. It was a national fraud. But, that is totally inline with what
> Jews are and what they do to our White world.
> Sweden currently has nine million residents. About 84% are native
> Swedes and about 12% are non-Whites. Sweden is literally one of the
> fastest racially declining nations on earth, yet they are one of the
> most advanced societies ever to exist. The non-Whites are certainly
> hurting the Swedish budget. In Sweden, like in every other White
> nation, the non-Whites are social parasites that only take from the
> system. Starting in 1992, Sweden was forced to cut some social
> programs and the trend now continues in that direction: higher taxes,
> less benefits and more non-Whites. Welcome to the Jew World Order.
> The Swedish people are one of the best racial stocks of White people
> ever. They have millions of good people, but they are being destroyed
> from within. Sweden, like America, is suffering from racial discord.
> This nation can once again be a fantastic White nation, or it will end
> up another cesspool such as Pakistan.
> Listen to 'Sweden: Paradise or Pakistan?'http://www.natall.com/internet-radio/ts/052706.mp3
> Link:http://www.natall.com/adv/2006/05-27-06.html

Agnes (19-02-2007)
Fra : Agnes

Dato : 19-02-07 17:09

> These laws were wise laws, to prevent genocide, via racial
> miscegenation, against the White race. They are absolutely necessary,
> or we Whites, as a race, will soon become extinct. Like the Dodo bird,
> that lived in its own paradise and lost its ability to defend itself,
> the White race is also being systematically destroyed. Race mixing
> must again be a criminal offense, or we, as a race will go extinct.
> This is now a national crisis in Sweden.
> In 1970, Sweden's population was White and, when a few non-Whites
> starting coming into the nation, the wise people that knew what would
> happen were demonized by the Jewish media. The bubble-headed liberals
> proclaimed that Sweden didn't have a history of racism, so there would
> be no conflict. They did not understand that racial-conflict is a
> nature defensive measure to safeguard the national living space and
> the gene pool itself. Racism is ...

People in Sweden are more pale and blond than those of southern
european nations. In the first place, they should stop cross-race
marriage by banning marriage with non-scandinavian races, especially
the Italian, the Spaniard, the Greek and the portugese with darker

Since part of Germany, France and Brit belonged to Roman Empire in
history, their races are not pure enough to keep the blond line. The
slavic folks were mixed with huns from middle asia, they do not come
in question either.

The swedish species must in-breed; if they do not die out of the
possible disadvantage of this unique multiplication, they will be very
very blond and pale.

Markku Grönroos (19-02-2007)
Fra : Markku Grönroos

Dato : 19-02-07 17:11

"Agnes" <bin@tiede-web.de> kirjoitti
> People in Sweden are more pale and blond than those of southern
> european nations. In the first place, they should stop cross-race
> marriage by banning marriage with non-scandinavian races, especially
> the Italian, the Spaniard, the Greek and the portugese with darker
> complexion.
What about homos and crossposters?

Marcus Strömberg (19-02-2007)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 19-02-07 20:37

Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:09:05 -0800 skrev Agnes:

> The swedish species must in-breed; if they do not die out of the
> possible disadvantage of this unique multiplication, they will be very
> very blond and pale.

You'd better stop telling us which kind of people we want to share our
lives with. If you despite this insist on doing so, you might experience
what an angry swede is capable of doing.




Angry Swede (19-02-2007)
Fra : Angry Swede

Dato : 19-02-07 21:33

"Marcus Strömberg" <m9370@abc.se> wrote in message
> Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:09:05 -0800 skrev Agnes:
>> The swedish species must in-breed; if they do not die out of the
>> possible disadvantage of this unique multiplication, they will be very
>> very blond and pale.
> You'd better stop telling us which kind of people we want to share our
> lives with. If you despite this insist on doing so, you might experience
> what an angry swede is capable of doing.

Hit you with his dishcloth?

Moshe Dajan (19-02-2007)
Fra : Moshe Dajan

Dato : 19-02-07 21:38

Angry Swede wrote:
Der Reichtum der Güte Gottes
1Von David, dem Knecht des HERRN, vorzusingen. 2Es sinnen die Übertreter auf
gottloses Treiben im Grund ihres Herzens. aEs ist keine Gottesfurcht bei
ihnen. 3Und doch hat Gott den Weg vor ihnen geebnet, um ihre Schuld
aufzufinden und zu hassen. 4Alle ihre Worte sind falsch und erlogen,
verständig und gut handeln sie nicht mehr. 5Sie btrachten auf ihrem Lager
nach Schaden und stehen fest auf dem bösen Weg und scheuen kein Arges.

Marcus Strömberg (19-02-2007)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 19-02-07 21:45

Mon, 19 Feb 2007 22:33:22 +0200 skrev Angry Swede:

> Hit you with his dishcloth?

To begin with. Don't try to exercise some kind of authority you don't have
towards us.




Moshe Dajan (19-02-2007)
Fra : Moshe Dajan

Dato : 19-02-07 21:47

Marcus Strömberg wrote:

Gebet in Krankheit
1Ein Psalm Davids, vorzusingen. 2Wohl dem, der asich des Schwachen annimmt!
Den wird der HERR erretten zur bösen Zeit. 3Der HERR wird ihn bewahren und
beim Leben erhalten und es ihm lassen wohlgehen auf Erden und ihn nicht
preisgeben dem Willen seiner Feinde. 4Der HERR wird ihn erquicken auf
seinem Lager; du hilfst ihm auf von aller seiner Krankheit. 5Ich sprach:
HERR, sei mir gnädig! Heile mich; denn ich habe an dir gesündigt. 6Meine
Feinde reden Arges wider mich: «Wann wird er sterben und sein Name
vergehen?» 7Sie kommen, nach mir zu schauen, und meinen's doch nicht von
Herzen; sondern sie suchen etwas, daß sie lästern können, gehen hin und
tragen's hinaus auf die Gasse. 8Alle, die mich hassen, flüstern miteinander
über mich und denken Böses über mich: 9«Unheil ist über ihn ausgegossen;
wer so daliegt, wird nicht wieder aufstehen.» 10Auch mein Freund, dem ich
vertraute, der mein Brot aß, tritt mich mit Füßen. b 11Du aber, HERR, sei
mir gnädig und hilf mir auf, so will ich ihnen vergelten.

Agnes (19-02-2007)
Fra : Agnes

Dato : 19-02-07 22:02

On 19 Feb., 20:36, Marcus Strömberg <m...@abc.se> wrote:
> Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:09:05 -0800 skrev Agnes:
> > The swedish species must in-breed; if they do not die out of the
> > possible disadvantage of this unique multiplication, they will be very
> > very blond and pale.
> You'd better stop telling us which kind of people we want to share our
> lives with. If you despite this insist on doing so, you might experience
> what an angry swede is capable of doing.
> --
> Marcus
> m...@abc.se

If you despite this insist on doing so, you might experience
what an angry swede is capable of doing.

Like your ancestors in the 30-years war.

Marcus Strömberg (19-02-2007)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 19-02-07 22:11

Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:02:18 -0800 skrev Agnes:

> Like your ancestors in the 30-years war.

So, it wasen't my intention to show off some kind of threat. Just a
request to stop telling us swedes how we should live.




Agnes (19-02-2007)
Fra : Agnes

Dato : 19-02-07 22:20

On 19 Feb., 22:10, Marcus Strömberg <m...@abc.se> wrote:
> Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:02:18 -0800 skrev Agnes:
> > Like your ancestors in the 30-years war.
> So, it wasen't my intention to show off some kind of threat. Just a
> request to stop telling us swedes how we should live.
> --
> Marcus
> m...@abc.se

And enslaved a German woman to be your queen. She isn't even blond.
You see, the Germans from Bavaria can well be offsprings of the Hun
people from middle Asia or mixed product of the Romans and their
slaves from north Africa or so...

Marcus Strömberg (19-02-2007)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 19-02-07 22:23

Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:20:21 -0800 skrev Agnes:

> You see, the Germans from Bavaria can well be offsprings of the Hun
> people from middle Asia or mixed product of the Romans and their
> slaves from north Africa or so...

What's the problem with that?




Mark K. (19-02-2007)
Fra : Mark K.

Dato : 19-02-07 22:25

Marcus Strömberg wrote:
1Gott, schaffe mir Recht und führe meine Sache wider das unheilige Volk und
errette mich von den falschen und bösen Leuten! 2Denn du bist der Gott
meiner Stärke: Warum hast du mich verstoßen? Warum muß ich so traurig
gehen, wenn mein Feind mich dränget? 3Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit,
daß sie mich leiten und bringen zu deinem heiligen Berg und zu deiner
Wohnung, 4daß ich hineingehe zum Altar Gottes, zu dem Gott, der meine
Freude und Wonne ist, und dir, Gott, auf der Harfe danke, mein Gott. 5Was
betrübst du dich, meine Seele, und bist so unruhig in mir? Harre auf Gott;
denn ich werde ihm noch danken, daß er meines Angesichts Hilfe und mein
Gott ist.

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