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Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 03-01-07 06:56


29 December 2006
{HRI 20061229-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 3 Jan 2007)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


Anti Iraq War "activists" want Criminal Minds in charge of life.

'Activists' "against the Iraq war" scream very loudly, in order to HIDE
from you, that THEY - understandably - want countries to be governed
by Criminals. (*)


They keep reversing and reversing the truth in their "accusations,"
and with those "accusations," they keep hiding the truth ABOUT

they are hiding ABOUT THEMSELVES.

As you see Venezuela's Chavez doing it
as well, very loudly, as Castro before
him, also very loudly,

(accusing OTHERS of "imperialism,"
while that is exactly and precisely
what Chavez has been doing, and is
doing, and is planning for the future:

HIS dictatorship - Imperialism BY
HIM, WHILE he, under your very own
nose, is accusing others who are
not at all imperialistic, but who
are rather the opposite)

and you see those reversals also in Putin
and in Hu Jintao - like ALL Criminal Minds,
also THEY do that type of "accusation," they
are accusing decent and caring people, of

the crimes, that THEY, Putin and Hu Jintao,
DO commit:

THEY are the ones who ARE undermining
their own state, and THEY ARE the ones
who are the traitors to their own country

- and they murder and imprison and lie,
in their futile effort,

to try and keep their own population
not only from finding out, but also
from voicing that what they find out,

voicing that, what everyone else
ALREADY knows about Hu Jintao and
about Putin.



Again - they keep reversing and reversing the truth, in their

With such - always intensely FALSE - "accusations" about
decent and caring people, they REVERSE truth.

Thus they keep hiding the truth ABOUT THEMSELVES without ever
mentioning themselves, and they do that

by the method of ACCUSING YOU OF THE VERY THINGS, that they are
hiding about themselves.

They, like ALL Criminal Minds, are actually talking
only about themselves, which they however project
onto others,

and at the same time they try to suck in and around
them, the ENERGY or the qualities of those they

Typical examples are evil judges who
'convict' very decent people of "crimes."

A Crime is that, what your conscience,
your soul deep down or also very vivdly
knows, what a Crime is - it is NOT
dictated by customs or by someone or
something, but it is in the soul of
everyone who has a free conscience.



Thus they use a very specific method, which is based on the

You, being a spirit, not only CAN, but also DO sense

- even if without direct awareness of it -

you DO react to being told very atrocious, very mean
and vicious lies about decent people, REGARDLESS of
whether you have any data about such people, or even
know them, because TRUTH IS ABSOLUTE

- and such lies, by consequence do imply
also or go together with very false
praise about malicious people - and

the atrocious DENIAL of truth hits into your soul,
and very literally JAMS, BLOCKS, and DAMAGES part of
your spiritual perception.

The mechanism is also the whole BASIS of
personality cults:

As you can see in any country where it is
or was done, personality cults are set up
to INTENTIONALLY keep you or people there
spiritually blind, for people

to hypnotically keep on "believing"
the lies of and thus hypnotically
to follow 'the leader,' 'El Fuhrer'
or 'Our Dear Leader,' or whatever
else they may think up as the name
for the cult of a personality.

However, 'Nobody is perfect ...not even
you or I.'



You are a spirit, so, ALL perception is spiritual,
and as most people do, of course ALSO the perception
that you take or obtain from your eyes and from your
ears and from your skin, IS spiritual, of course.

(That explains all your or other
people's troubles with perception

- any disturbances in, or any
lessening of or any addition to -

your spiritual connection to things
and people

- with, of course, the transmission
of feeling and sight and sound,
that takes place with it -

which IS the action of PERCEPTION

and which is ENTIRELY done with
(ideally of course with your own)
connecting Energy, with Life Energy
Particles ONLY. *(2)


Thus you can be hypnotized, and ARE
being hypnotized by those of ill
intent towards you

- with hypnosis, the control

by spiritual force or
deception or persuasion,
and usually a combination
of all those three types of

of the ENERGY of your
perceptions and of feeling
(and) thinking, that any
tyrant does manipulate and
HAS to manipulate,

to get you to be that stupid
and that blind as they are
actually managing to make

I mean 'as they manage
to make others,' of
course - not you and
me - because we are
always and have always

free of the influence,
that tyrants and any
dictators hold over
OTHERS, and that they
do inflict upon or
around the spirit of
OTHERS, isn't it.


And if those believing in the destructive
cult of medical "science," do contest or
disagree with that simple truth and the
description of perception as it actually
is, then you can tell him (or her):

'Your neuro-transmitters work only
at a speed of thirty meters per
second - as you know from your
biology classes and experiments -

so "you can not and will not ever
be able to understand this".' *(3)

(I suggest you keep a very
straight face at the occasion
of such a conversation, and
thus you can fruitfully use
the opportunity

to observe how deeply that
believer is sunk into the
morass of the stupidifying
arrogance of PRETENDING to
to know,

which may help you in your
research about the medical
trade, to the benefit of the
many patients who patiently
are waiting to have their
suffering disappear because
of your work.)



The more unimaginably-evil their lies are, the better these
serve to - very literally - jam, block, and damage part of
your (of course spiritual) perception.

As you saw it continuously done by Putin about the
murder he, Putin, ordered, and that was apparently
executed by his agent Luganov, committing

the vicious, very despicable and very widely HARMFUL
murder of an exceedingly patriotic, highly caring and
loving Russian person, of Mr. Litvinenko, that is,

a Russian who was that responsible for his
people, that he managed to escape his capture
and avoided his captivity,

in order to continue to be able to
serve the Russian people, even in his
death. *(4)


Putin does however NOT publicly denounce a terribly EVIL
Russian - the mass murderer of Russians, and destroyer of
Russia - the vicious traitor of Russia and Russians, the
tyrant, the malicious liar,

who can not be said to be better than Hitler, and who
certainly is not less infamous, and

who probably is the person of all times the most evil
to Russians as long as Russia has existed:

Joseph Stalin.




What they, indeed intentionally, do - spreading very FALSE,
REVERSED accusations - is supposed to (is intended to, and
often with great or overall success, is to) make you blind

so you will not see THEIR OWN, actual motives.

('As I have explained to you elsewhere in great detail' -

for instance in {HRI 20040422-V2.7} ' "Insane" "Defined"
By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive Them' ' *(5)

and in {HRI 20050527-V3.5.2} 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING,
And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie' *(6).)




The "opponents against the Iraq War" ARE making their idiotic
"accusations" against you,

because it was not only the crimes of Saddam Hussein,
that they refused to stop - but, their idiotic accusations
are primarily made by them,



That's the Criminal's idea of "freedom:"

Crimes not stopped; that gives them
their "freedom;"


and that is THEIR idea of "freedom of

Crimes not talked about, not labeled
as Crimes, or better still, Crimes
specifically denied to exist

- labeling as "freedom of
expression," the DENIAL of the
Holocaust mass murder -

Crimes labeled as "beneficial acts,"

showing the Criminal Mind to have
a complete lack of conscience.


Which is the very OPPOSITE of freedom,

AND the very opposite of freedom of expression:

Criminal Minds have everything in



Criminals Minds, such as the activists "against the Iraq war," with
their very intentional lies - lying also by omission of vital context,
lying by distortion of basic concepts such as the PURPOSE OF LAW -

they have no conscience at all:

They, the Criminals, 'shout at the top of their lungs,' for
anyone who wishes to hear it and understand their plea, that

"The world should be governed by Criminals."






Criminal Minds, and "Peace Activists" want, that

"The world should be governed by Criminals"

- by THEM, that is, you see!


They can however not admit that, what they ACTUALLY want - what they
want most ardently

(though some "Peace Activists" almost say it - they admit it
in only slightly veiled words, but)

they can of course not admit, what they want, because it is very evil,

that "The world should be governed by Criminals,"

governed, that is, by them or by the strongest and biggest,
the most clever Criminal Mind - whom they will support

('as I have explained to you elsewhere in great detail,'
for instance in {HRI 20050610-V3.1}
'Defining Destructive Coward' *(8)).



So they - the "opponents of the Iraq war" - produce an ENDLESS stream
of lies, to cover up and hide the very simple truth about themselves:

Criminal Minds, and "Peace Activists," do want, that
"The world should be governed by Criminals."



Kim 'Long Ill' of North Korea, DOES have

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

So, the "opponents to the Iraq war" (including Putin and
Hu Jintao, and France's Chirac and Germany's Schroeder and
Spain's Zapatero) who according to their own, earlier words

"do not want to remove Saddam Hussein, as long as no
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were actually found
there by some investigators,"

they NOW should want to remove Kim Jong Il, isn't it.

Which IS indeed the only way to restore peace and to
diminish the very severe criminality there,

to demand the lifting of any sanctions against North
Korea, goes with the removal of Kim Jong Il and the
ending of its state dictatorship and destruction of
the country and its population.



But all the complaints of those who protest against the
Iraq war, complaining about "no WMD found" and all their
other "complaints," are just lies,

to cover up what they ACTUALLY want

but can not admit because it is evil:


Note: That is very basic stuff - they
cover up what they DO want, because
it is evil.

You can use this as investigative

Ban Ki-Moon, the "elected"
new UN General Secretary,
is stating to each one,
whatever an ambassador or
dictator wants to hear, "are
Ban Ki-Moon's intentions."

At the same time, previously,
Ban Ki-Moon was and is an
utter failure in helping the
people of North Korea and
returning peace in that
region, though it was his
very responsibility and paid
job to do so for many years.

At the same time, Ban Ki-Moon
speaks ONLY lies about Kim
Jong Il, and about any other
leader and about any other
country as well, should you
have the intelligence to
see the Omission of Vital
Data, as a serious form of
intentional lying. *(9)



Well, do they, or the Peace activists, or the newly
"elected" "United Nations" 'Secretary General' Ban Ki-Moon
scream to remove the Weapons of Mass Destruction producer
and owner, Kim Jong Il,

who represents the Democratic People of Korea,

and whose vast army protects that Democracy's people
in the North,

and not only from obesity and other diseases
linked to the luxuries originating in an
abundantly producing civilization,

but whose army also defends his Democratic subjects
against that immoral, Internet-infested, alien and
barbaric, hostile part of humanity,

that lives in the South; and across the Chinese Sea;
and further away, across the Pacific Ocean;

all things that I would like to point out, when
obviously Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, the honorable
Minister of Foreign and inter-Korean Affairs
of the South, has

refrained from publicly extolling the merits
of his Northern neighbors and of its kind and
benevolent government and leader...



OF COURSE they, the Peace Activists, do NOT scream to
remove the Weapons of Mass Destruction producer and owner
Kim Jong Il,

whose sovereignty is respected by International
law and a multilateral approach to politics, as

the Criminal Mind and great friend of other
Criminal Minds, who is the head of Spain's
current government, Zapatero, would gladly
point out,

"that is also the reason why he wanted
Spain to not be involved in removing
the butcher of Iraq, Saddam Hussein,"

"yes more so, it is why he demanded soon
after he came into office, that ALL
countries should withdraw from Iraq."


This was then hidden by means of
the pretense to "improve relations"
with Islamic countries,

but also his other political
actions - with Cuba, Venezuela
and the like - were barely
concealing (were not hiding)

the INTENTION of Zapatero to have
Criminal Minds in charge of


After all, 'business is business' and
'socialists mean business,' ESPECIALLY
when they falsely accuse others of
"imperialism" and of "colonialism,"

then they mean NOT socialism, but they
mean business, in this context, 'NO CARE
for people.'


I never knew their accusations were lies, you
As a kid, you see, nobody told me.

Certainly the Associated Press did not -
the Associated Parrots are "impartial"

by omitting all data that could get you
some understanding of who is lying and
of what is actually wanted by whom, of
WHO causes the trouble reported:

So, they ONLY print the lies (as
defined above) - but they report
the lies very accurately,

of course, as parrots would. *(10)

And then, the 'Associated Parrots'
and similar News agencies were
relaying the very accurate lies
further down the line of the usual
journalistic relay of news,

now given out by very "respectable"
radio and television news programs,
read by very serious news readers,

had become as solid as if
carved in Egyptian stone, or

in the face of yet another
un-named Criminal Mind, the
American TV journalist Peter
Jennings, about whom I also
did not know, that he is a
Criminal Mind. *(11)


So I am un-doing that now, for the sole
and only reason, that I love you very

which you can feel or not feel, but
which I can feel,

and which you may
remember from other
times, and feel

sometimes more intensely than
at other times, of course, as
is obvious to the caring

and even to those who
have only a vague
understanding of
the conditions
prevailing on Earth.




What THEY want, is

"The world must be governed by Criminals"

- THEN "they are safe"

('as I have explained to you elsewhere in great
detail,' for instance in {HRI 20050610-V3.1}
'Defining 'Destructive Coward' *(8)).



They either are Criminal Minds themselves, or they desire to
serve and be spiritually slaves to Criminal Minds, *(8)

obedient servants who are allowed by their masters
to be as evil as feels pleasant to them, or at least
more comfortable than opposing evil, AND *(8)

they think, by accusing you loudly and falsely, that you
will not stop them, because *(5)


They want Criminal Minds unopposed and IN CHARGE, and Admired in
personality cults - AND THEY DO NOT WANT that TO BE STOPPED:

neither by you, nor by anyone else, nor by me, *(12)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



I wrote previously:

'What I did read below, TO ME sounds like a very clear and massive
indictment against (it is an official accusation of) those who could

and who were asked to - but who REFUSED TO -

END THE EVIL [in Iraq, by Saddam Hussein].
(See Attachments 1. and 2.)


It is an official and formal accusation of those who were, instead,
ridiculing and calling those "evil," who were and are handling evil,

and calling those - calling you and me that is -

"evil" FOR handling the evil;

yes, they are so calling those,

who are willing to, and who at times did, give their life
in order to stop the evil for us.'

Quoted from:

''The Shadow Of A Monster,' being the body-double of Saddam
Hussein's son Uday - Report on Saddam Hussein's criminal
{HRI 20060702-A2}
(2 July 2006 - Issued separately 28 Dec 2006)



(*) Saddam Hussein "felt better" after demanding personally to shoot
and murder ninety captive, brave men (and doing it)
- Report on Saddam Hussein's criminal insanity - {HRI 20060702-A2}

(1) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception And Motion'
{HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 8 Version 1.3.1 on 9 Oct 2006)

(2) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Certainty of Perception'
{HRI 20010829-pi11-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 11 Version 2.0 on 30 Oct 2006)

(3) 'Medical Doctors Can Seriously Damage Your Health'
(15 February 2006) (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

(4) 'A True Russian Hero Defamed by the malice of a Reuters reporter,
Louis Charbonneau in Berlin, "for Dignity and Honor" ' (enclosed:
Has Putin murdered YOU already? Me n'yet {HRI-20061122-V1.2})
(14 December 2006 - Version 1.1)

(5) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006)

(6) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.5.2 on 16 Jul 2006)

(7) See text at the end of the Footnotes, taken from

Book:'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality' - By Hervey Cleckley,
Medical College of Georgia, USA.

(8) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.1}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.1 on 29 Jan 2006)

(9) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(10) 'No-Conscience Journalists Omit The Vital Context, And Commit Acts
Of War Mongering'
{HRI 20061228-2.0.1}
(28 December 2006 - Version 2.0.1)

(11) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V3.6.1}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.6.1 on 24 Dec 2006)

(12) 'A Poem Of Love And Adventure'
{HRI 20020717-V3.0}
(17 July 2002 - Version 3.0 on 9 Mar 2006)


'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'

By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

From the back cover of the book:

'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:

'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]

'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].

'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their

'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].

'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.

'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

[so, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
have been published;]

'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds - any people who
try to help them]

'are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'



Copyright 2006, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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