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Saddam Hussein "felt better" after demandi~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 29-12-06 21:31

This is to un-block your moral mind, your soul, thus to return to you
some of your feeling: *(0)

Feeling, that after all, IS the ability (is returning to you the
ability) to enjoy life. - KNT


'The Shadow Of A Monster' - Report on Saddam Hussein's criminal
insanity - Attachment 2 to {HRI 20060702}

Issued separately,
and further edited,
28 December 2006
{HRI 20060702-A2}

The attachment, that is enclosed (enclosed here, below the excerpt of
the HRI it belongs to) speaks for itself.

2. 'THE SHADOW OF A MONSTER: "I was Uday Hussein's body double"' -

A telling report about Latif Yahia, who escaped to a life
in Dublin with an Irish wife, after years of horror with
Saddam's sadistic son Uday Hussein.
12 April 2003, by Lance Laytner © http://www.unison.ie

(Attachment 1. - issued separately now as {HRI 20060702-A1} - is
'Iraq: A Population Silenced' - Dec 2002, public document from
the US House Armed Services Committee.)




REFUSING to Invade Iraq, Constitutes Severe Crimes against Humanity
by Putin, Schroeder, Chirac, Jiang Zemin, etc.

2 July 2006
{HRI 20060702-V3.3.2-excerpt}

(Version 3.3.2
on 10 Sept 2006)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


What I did read below, TO ME sounds like a very clear and massive
indictment against (it is an official accusation of) those who could

and who were asked to - but who REFUSED TO -

END THE EVIL. (See Attachments 1. and 2.)


It is an official and formal accusation of those who were, instead,
ridiculing and calling those "evil," who were and are handling evil,

and calling those - calling you and me that is -

"evil" FOR handling the evil;

yes, they are so calling those,

who are willing to, and who at times did, give their life
in order to stop the evil for us.

(...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)

You also did not need laws and bilateral agreements in
order to help others at Earthquakes or Tsunamis, did you.

You naturally help. You help, because it is your
FEELING, it is your nature, and so it is with all
normal people.

But also there, Criminal Minds will try to
divert or block your help from reaching those
people who need it.

And they will try to make you accept their
lies, their reversals of truth and their
'Buddhistic' goals to eradicate you forever,
"so you never have to suffer again:" *(0)

Telling the world, that freeing you
from a torture cell in Hussein's Iraq,
"is illegal," that "everybody is against
freeing you," and that "it is evil to
free you."

Criminal Minds, also those of Buddhism, have
everything in reverse. *(0)


What was happening in Iraq, and what is happening now
in China, and in some other dictatorial countries,

is a million times worse than any natural disaster,

as a natural disaster lacks the intention and
practice of malice.

(See Attachments 1. and 2.)



This is about helping people,

and thus it is about your facing THE CRIMINALITY of those who
obstruct and who refuse to cooperate *(5)

in handling very, very severe Crimes against very many people.


The claim of the licensed medical profession of being
"the ones that ARE helping people," is a carefully built
fallacy (a facade, a building of lies) *(1) and you will

after you have shed the appropriate amount of tears
and have gone though various stages and outbursts of
amazement and utter incredulity when you look at and
are about to understand what you see,

that the licensed medical profession is NOT about facing
Criminality, at all. *(2)

You remove such obstructive people from any position of
authority, and you oppose and deny their claims of being
authoritative, as they clearly are only pretending to be so.

(See Attachments 1. and 2.)


It is your natural desire to help people, so, do so! Maybe you will
even get the idea - who knows - to help me,


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

For the full version of this {HRI 20060702-V3.3.2}
the following link is provided:



(0) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(1) 'The Dan Brown Code - The Trillion Dollar Question'
{HRI 20060610-V3.4}
(10 June 2006 - Version 3.4 on 10 July 2006)

(2) 'A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind'
(13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

(5) 'Kofi Annan, the typical "sane Criminal" - one who, to "maintain"
a position (in the UN) protects and hides severe Criminals'
(8 June 2006 - Version 1.1 on 9 June 2006)

References (some few):

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.1}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.1 on 29 Jan 2006)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' {HRI 20030205}
(5 Feb 2003 - slightly edited and links updated 26 May 2006)

'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

'About 'Intense Joy of Beautiful Hate' Living in Criminal Minds'
(29 June 2006 - Version 3.0 on 1 July 2006)

'Sports, The Game of Not Facing Evil Individuals
- The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Boycott'
{HRI 20060618-V1.4}
(18 June 2006 - Version 1.4 on 23 June 2006)

'Kofi Annan, the typical "sane Criminal" - one who, to "maintain"
a position (in the UN) protects and hides severe Criminals'
(8 June 2006 - Version 1.1 on 9 June 2006)

'North-Korea is managed by the Chinese Criminal government as a
front group for China, TO CREATE very costly trouble for you'
(21 June 2006) (version for China's Great Wall)

'U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour is
Destructively Insane by Definition of {HRI 20030205}'
(23 June 2006)
'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
{HRI 20060429-V2.1.2} - quotes {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
(29 April 2006 - Version 2.1.2 on 1 May 2006)
{HRI 20060429-V2.1.2-c} (in 'mainland' English)
(29 April 2006 - Version 2.1.2-c)



Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
(address unreadable for Internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)



(1. issued separately now: 'Iraq: A Population Silenced'
- Dec 2002, public document from the US House Armed
Services Committee.)

2. 'THE SHADOW OF A MONSTER: "I was Uday Hussein's body double"' -

A telling report about Latif Yahia, who escaped to a life
in Dublin with an Irish wife, after years of horror with
Saddam's sadistic son Uday Hussein.
12 April 2003, by Lance Laytner © http://www.unison.ie



2. THE SHADOW OF A MONSTER: "I was Uday Hussein's body double"

A telling report by Lance Laytner, of 12 April 2003.
© http://www.unison.ie/


Iraqi citizen Latif Yahia, escaped to a life in Dublin with an Irish
wife - after years of horror with Saddam's sadistic son Uday.


Iraq has been saved from a cruel dictator far worse than Saddam
Hussein, says the former body double of Uday Hussein, Saddam's eldest
son and heir.

Latif Yahia had been a school classmate of the dictator's son and
looked like a twin brother. He thought he'd been forgotten, but a few
years later Mr. Yahia, as an Iraqi officer serving in the Iran-Iraq
war, was suddenly summoned home to Uday's palace in Baghdad.

In strode Uday Saddam Hussein. "I want you to be me," the
president's son declared, "everywhere, always. You will be my
'fidai,' my double.
You will be the son of the president under my direction. You'll
have the most beautiful life on earth. Everything that's mine
will also be yours. You will be my brother."

Latif politely declined. He could not accept the task. It would
be too much for him. "What? You don't want to be the son of
Saddam Hussein?" Uday screamed.

Two bodyguards seized Latif and dragged him from the room. He was
blindfolded and thrown into a car. Latif was locked inside a psycho-
torture cell. The walls, floors and lights were bright red.
The cell was too small to lie down in or stand up, leaving him to
squat; and there was no toilet. After seven days, Uday came by.

"Latif, how are you? You've changed your mind haven't you? I'll
set my dogs on you and have your sisters raped, if you refuse

Latif gave in and became Uday's double in November of 1987.

For years he lived an extraordinary life of untold luxury and
unimaginable horror - before eventually fleeing Iraq. He lived in
Dublin and married an Irish woman before going on the run again.

Saddam and his sons had a small army of doubles. Whenever the Iraqi
despot felt danger, he had a double stand in for him. ONE HAD ALREADY
BEEN ASSASSINATED IN 1984, but he had several left.
Doubles were chosen from the Hussein family, usually a cousin closely
resembling the dictator. But none looked like Uday. Then Uday
remembered his old classmate, who did.

Latif Yahia was cleaned up and taken directly to Uday's palace on the
Tigris River and placed in Uday's own room. Latif's first lesson was to

Saddam's son learned the same way:

"Uday told me, whenever he seemed weak or squeamish as a child,
his father, Saddam, would beat him with an iron bar and then
force him to watch videos of prisoners being tortured.

It worked."

"'Just wait until I become president', Uday promised, 'I will be
more cruel than my father ever was. You mark my words. You'll
yearn for the days of Saddam Hussein'."

"I studied from nine in the morning to Muslim evening prayers,
practicing how Uday Hussein sat, held his cigar, everything."

"In time I could predict how he would act and move. Uday never
looked anyone in the eye, never shook anyone's hand, and greeted
everyone arrogantly."

One day a pair of foreign doctors *(2) with Slavic accents, arrived at
the palace.

"They tested every inch of my body to see if it matched Uday, and
were pleased. My skin coloring was 99 percent similar to Uday's.
Shape of face, hair, ears, nose, build - all were almost

"... Our voices were also almost exactly alike, but the doctors
said I would need surgery to get Uday's lisp."

The next day Latif Yahia's teeth were ground down, and implants were
screwed in, instead.

"They asked me to say something and it was utterly bizarre: I was

Ismail al-Azami, Uday's private hairdresser, spent hours sculpting
Latif's hair to match Uday Hussein's.
Yassem al-Helou, Uday's fashion advisor, helped Latif choose from
amongst Uday's thousands of Italian suits, Swiss watches and Italian
shoes. Uday changed suits four times a day.

He even had a paint shop behind his palace garage where each day
he would have one of his many cars painted to match the color of his
suit. Latif said:

"Not one of his cars cost less than $100,000. He had more than 100
Maseratis, Ferraris, Porsches, Jaguars, Mercedes in all models
and colors."

Uday even enacted a state law, prohibiting Ferrari imports, so he would
be the only person in Iraq to own one.

When the training for being a double was finished, there was one final
test. Latif was summoned to meet Saddam Hussein himself.

"My walk to the president would decide my fate. If he rejected me,
I was a dead man."

The Iraqi dictator circled Latif Yahia, observing every feature and

"Saddam smiled, spread his arms and exclaimed: 'Yes, it's you.
Allah gave me two sons and you're the third!'"

Says Latif:


"Now I was a member of his clan. I would learn secrets, hidden
from millions.
I was Saddam Hussein's third son, just as he said."


But during six months, Latif hadn't been allowed to see his parents.
Every day he had to be Uday Hussein, and Uday was a monster.

"I witnessed horrific crimes and began to hate the man whose
double I had become. Uday was a brutal rapist with an obsession
for beautiful women."

Every day Uday Hussein and his bodyguards drove around the university
and the girls' schools - until the president's son saw a girl he
fancied. He would stop her, and ask her to spend the night with him.

If she refused, his bodyguards would grab her and bring her back to the
palace. There Uday would rape the girl. If she resisted, after he was
done, he would give her to the whole team of bodyguards [to be raped].

Uday learned rape and murder from his father.

Reveals Latif:

"Saddam's family, the Tikriti clan, were a bunch of criminals.



But Iraq wasn't enough. Saddam Hussein next turned to Kuwait.

For the occasion, that the country of Kuwait would be taken by Saddam,
his son Uday divided his men for functions in three teams:

- the 'Car Team' would take every Mercedes and BMW left in Kuwait;

- the 'Property Team' would [plunder] empty houses abandoned by

- and the 'Electronics Team' would gather all valuable electronics.


Latif Yahia was put in charge of directing the 'Car Team,' and
auctioned the stolen cars off in Iraq, raising USD 125 million
in cash for Uday.

But the plunder of Kuwait created an international outcry. [!!<===]
Uday Hussein was mentioned by name, and his reputation suffered.

One of Uday's intelligence officers suggested:

"Why not blame Latif, instead?"

Latif Yahia was forced to make a televised "confession." The Iraqi TV
newscaster said, Latif Yahia had been sentenced to death and would be
executed in the next few days.

But he was kept alive, to continue to function as a double.

"Now my family and friends thought, that I had disappeared.
With my confession, I became both disgraced and officially dead.
I could never have a life in Iraq. I would have to escape."


Then the first Gulf War began. The real Uday Hussein fled TO
SWITZERLAND [!!<===] while Latif Yahia risked assassination in place
of Uday.

For much of the Gulf War, Latif Yahia, the double, hid from Allied
bombing, in the famous bunkers of Saddam Hussein.


One day, Uday brought Latif and others to a meeting with Saddam Hussein
at his bombed personal palace. That was after the Kurdish uprising.

Seeing the damage up close so enraged Saddam, that he ordered his men
to bring him prisoners. Troops quickly returned with 30 captured
Kurdish rebels:

says Latif Yahia.



During the rebellion, Latif Yahia, posing as Uday, visited Saddam's
troops fighting rebels in Basra (Southern Iraq) when his convoy came
under attack.

"The armored windshield of my car burst into a thousand pieces,"
he remembers, "then I was hit by grenade fragments."

Doctors told him, they could save his legs and arms - but his right
pinky finger would have to be amputated.

Uday Hussein burst into the hospital the next day - after returning
from Switzerland.

He lined up the hospital staff, "If you don't save his finger I will
kill you all." Uday knew, that if his double lost a finger, HE would
have to have a finger cut off, too.

The finger was saved, and Latif returned to a shattered Baghdad.


"Hundreds of thousands had no way to feed their families. But
Uday didn't care. He continued to party openly, without shame."

Uday threw a multi-million dollar extravaganza on his birthday. A
thousand people dined on lobster and delicacies. Hundreds of beautiful
girls were invited.

At one point, Uday shouted, "Rip the whores' clothes off!"
His "friends" shredded the women's clothing and the party turned
into a massive orgy.

But the next day, Uday summoned Latif and screamed, "Why are you
sneaking around after my girlfriend?"

Latif was stunned. He never approached Uday's women.

"I can tell, that you despise me, and that you want to get away.
I am going to have to 'educate' you again."


Thus Latif Yahia was imprisoned at the al-Radvania secret police
barracks, and kept in a tiny cell which was open to the sun and 120 F
degree heat, and given no water for days.

Torturers worked over Latif for hours every day; needles were driven
under his nails and he was whipped with electrical cable.

Latif's back became badly infected, he was starved and delirious.


After 27 days, Uday appeared. "How did you like your education? Would
you like a few more weeks?" Latif Yahia was completely broken at this
point, and begged for mercy.

Next, Uday ordered all hair removed from Latif's body - a treatment
worse than death, for religious Muslims.

Then they dumped Latif ...in front of the home of his parents who were
in the belief, that he had been executed years before.


At a private clinic, doctors managed to heal Latif's infection, and
many broken bones.



He then sent a secret appeal to the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Kurds
smuggled him out of Baghdad to Northern Iraq, and then up into Turkey.

There Latif requested asylum at a US military base after showing
pictures of himself with Uday Hussein.
US Army Colonel John Nab realized Latif Yahia's intelligence potential.
Latif was interrogated by the CIA, and they were confiscating [all the
proof] he had smuggled out of Iraq.


He was offered American citizenship, but instead, he chose to join
family that lived in Austria.

On March 9, 1992 Latif landed at Vienna's Airport (Schwechat
International) in Austria, a free man.
An international rescue agency smuggled Latif's wife, Bushra, and
their daughter, Tamara, out of Iraq, too, to join him in Austria.



With part of his family's large fortune in foreign bank accounts,
Latif could and did set up successful businesses.

But his wife, Bushra, couldn't take the strain of life on the run
[running from Iraqi assassins abroad], and so she 'fled back' to Iraq,
with their daughter.

Latif Yahia moved to Dublin in late 1999, after escaping Iraqi
assassination attempts:

In Austria, he was shot at by Iraqi agents, and in London he was
rammed by a car in a public phone booth, and in Norway he was

Latif Yahia then married an Irish woman, but said he left Ireland in
disgust after being "hassled" by immigration authorities and by others
whom he believed belonged to [Iraqi-paid] intelligence services.


Now Latif runs his European operations - including businesses in
Ireland - on the move, never staying in one country for long.

He hopes, that with the fall of the Hussein regime, life will finally
become normal for him, and that the nightmare - that began when he was
forced to be a body-double for Uday Hussein - will finally be over.

Lance Laytner © http://www.unison.ie/

[Somewhat edited by me, for ease of reading and understanding.]

(End of attachment 2)




(A3) (Robert D. Hare)

'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
(New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
(New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)

From the back cover of the book:

'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
report - and a call to action.'

'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
guard against these baffling predators [or parasite- or
virus-personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'

(A4) (Hervey Cleckley)

'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'
By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

From the back cover of the book:

'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:

'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]

'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].

'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their

'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].

'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.

'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

[So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
have been published.]

'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds - any people who
try to help them]

'are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'

[End Foot-footnotes]

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