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Arabisk hjemmeside om danske fornærmelser.~
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 09-10-06 18:09

Here We go.
Der pustes til ilden, nu.

Følgende er idag lagt ud på :

soc. culture.iranian, soc.culture.

Formentlig også andre steder.




Mo's (PBUM) message to naughty Muslims
So what's going on guys? I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you're all
strapping on bombs and blowing up anything that moves! Didn't you
listen to a word i said? Islam's supposed to be a peaceful way of
life...it's no wonder the Civilised World thinks we're all savages.
You're even blowing up other Muslims!...what next, suicide bombers on
school buses?...oh right, you're already there...looks like i got a lot
of work to do to put things right!
Now pay attention all you wannabe suicide bombers...THERE AREN'T ANY
VIRGINS WAITING (it's true), you just get reincarnated as something you
hated in the last world...like a Jew or a pig! Kind of ironic don't you
think (and they say me and the other guys up here don't have a sense of
humour!)? - SO STOP DOING IT, otherwise the next time your Mum has a
bacon sandwich she could be munching on her beloved martyred son!
On reflection don't you think you all went a little overboard on the
Danish cartoon thing? OK, so some of them weren't very funny but that's
no reason to start going all Westernphobic - click on the cartoon link,
you'll see they're nowhere near as bad as the stuff in Arab newspapers.
You're all really gonna have to have a beer and chill out! Try taking a
holiday, go somewhere different like Denmark or Israel, you'll find the
people are a lot nicer than you've been led to believe! The Jews really
don't have horns and the Danes just want to take advantage of this
thing called 'Freedom of Speech'. It's something they have in the
Civilised World, sort of the opposite to everything Muslims believe in
today but i'm sure we'll get there in the end...evolution takes time!
And what's with the doughnut wearing the suicide bomber outfit at the
London rally? You know, Omar 'drug dealer' Khayam (I'll be having words
with you 'later' Omar baby). Someone should tell him that having a
small willy is no excuse for being such a silly boy.
Now listen carefully guys, this is very important...if you want the
Civilised World to treat you like adults then you really gotta start
acting like adults. Electing terrorists to lead Palestine really wasn't
sensible...and voting in a total fruit-cake on the basis that he'll
build a nuclear bomb and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth was
never going to make Iran seem like a progressive Muslim nation.
Now, Palestine...'Palestine this, Palestine that, blah, blah, blah' ...
CHANGE THE RECORD. Ranting on about Palestinians being persecuted and
Muslims standing together won't get you anywhere, especially when
Palestine gets more money from Israel and the West than they do from
all the Muslim countries put together! It's a bit embarassing don't you
Unfortunately for Muslims, actions speak louder than words! So here's
what you're going to have to do...Stop blowing up innocent men, women
and children, start treating women with respect, stop persecuting
homosexuals, start tolerating other religions, stop expecting civilised
societies to adopt draconian Islamic laws, Stop issuing' fatwahs' every
time someone blows their nose, stop taking from societies and start
giving something back!
Being part of a civilised society isn't always easy, but i know that
with a bit of hard work Islam will eventually get there.
Love and kisses,
Mo (Peace Be Upon Me

Best Regards Bruun

Patruljen (09-10-2006)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 09-10-06 18:27

Patruljen wrote:
Here We go.
Der pustes til ilden, nu.

Følgende er idag lagt ud på :


Formentlig også andre steder.




Mo's (PBUM) message to naughty Muslims
So what's going on guys? I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you're all
strapping on bombs and blowing up anything that moves! Didn't you
listen to a word i said? Islam's supposed to be a peaceful way of
life...it's no wonder the Civilised World thinks we're all savages.
You're even blowing up other Muslims!...what next, suicide bombers on
school buses?...oh right, you're already there...looks like i got a lot
of work to do to put things right!
Now pay attention all you wannabe suicide bombers...THERE AREN'T ANY
VIRGINS WAITING (it's true), you just get reincarnated as something you
hated in the last world...like a Jew or a pig! Kind of ironic don't you
think (and they say me and the other guys up here don't have a sense of
humour!)? - SO STOP DOING IT, otherwise the next time your Mum has a
bacon sandwich she could be munching on her beloved martyred son!
On reflection don't you think you all went a little overboard on the
Danish cartoon thing? OK, so some of them weren't very funny but that's
no reason to start going all Westernphobic - click on the cartoon link,
you'll see they're nowhere near as bad as the stuff in Arab newspapers.
You're all really gonna have to have a beer and chill out! Try taking a
holiday, go somewhere different like Denmark or Israel, you'll find the
people are a lot nicer than you've been led to believe! The Jews really
don't have horns and the Danes just want to take advantage of this
thing called 'Freedom of Speech'. It's something they have in the
Civilised World, sort of the opposite to everything Muslims believe in
today but i'm sure we'll get there in the end...evolution takes time!
And what's with the doughnut wearing the suicide bomber outfit at the
London rally? You know, Omar 'drug dealer' Khayam (I'll be having words
with you 'later' Omar baby). Someone should tell him that having a
small willy is no excuse for being such a silly boy.
Now listen carefully guys, this is very important...if you want the
Civilised World to treat you like adults then you really gotta start
acting like adults. Electing terrorists to lead Palestine really wasn't
sensible...and voting in a total fruit-cake on the basis that he'll
build a nuclear bomb and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth was
never going to make Iran seem like a progressive Muslim nation.
Now, Palestine...'Palestine this, Palestine that, blah, blah, blah' ...
CHANGE THE RECORD. Ranting on about Palestinians being persecuted and
Muslims standing together won't get you anywhere, especially when
Palestine gets more money from Israel and the West than they do from
all the Muslim countries put together! It's a bit embarassing don't you
Unfortunately for Muslims, actions speak louder than words! So here's
what you're going to have to do...Stop blowing up innocent men, women
and children, start treating women with respect, stop persecuting
homosexuals, start tolerating other religions, stop expecting civilised
societies to adopt draconian Islamic laws, Stop issuing' fatwahs' every
time someone blows their nose, stop taking from societies and start
giving something back!
Being part of a civilised society isn't always easy, but i know that
with a bit of hard work Islam will eventually get there.
Love and kisses,
Mo (Peace Be Upon Me

Best Regards Bruun

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