Hanne skrev:
> Rick Madsen <hvm@mail.uni2.dk> skrev i en
> news:3B2E5334.150B@mail.uni2.dk...
> > Kan du komme i tanke om hvad Chicago-nummeret hedder?
> Ja det er 30 år gammelt (gys hvor er jeg gammel

))))) og er fra V og
> hedder:
> Saturday in the Park
OK, lørdag den fjerde juli; glimrende...det må vel være 1970 der er tale
om i den sang(?). Det fik mig til at huske på det eneste Chicago-album
jeg ejer, nemlig deres første, CTA.
De to første nr. på side 4 hedder: 'Prologue, August 29, 1968' og
'Someday (August 29, 1968)'. Om tumulten udenfor det Demokratiske
konvent i Chicago.
> Saturday in the park
> I think it was the Fourth of July
> Saturday in the park
> I think it was the Fourth of July
> People dancing, people laughing
> A man selling ice cream
> Singing Italian songs
> ?
> Can you dig it (yes, I can)
> And I've been waiting such a long time
> For Saturday
> Saturday in the park
> You'd think it was the Fourth of July
> Saturday in the park
> You'd think it was the Fourth of July
> People talking, really smiling
> A man playing guitar
> Singing for us all
> Will you help him change the world
> Can you dig it (yes, I can)
> And I've been waiting such a long time
> For today
> Slow motion riders fly the colours of the day
> A bronze man still can tell stories his own way
> listen children all is not lost
> all is not lost
> Funny days in the park
> Every day's the Fourth of July
> Funny days in the park
> Every day's the Fourth of July
> People reaching, people touching
> A real celebration
> Waiting for us all
> If we want it, really want it
> Can you dig it (yes, I can)
> And I've been waiting such a long time
> For the day
> Original release year: 1972
> Hanne