De kristne som har levet i Iraq i ca 2000 år er ved at blive udryddet!
"Western sources seem uninterested in writing about their number or
situation," says William Warda, an Assyrian researcher and webmaster of
Christians of Iraq, a website that monitors news and information on the
"Christians of the Middle East have practised a pacifist form of
Christianity and have always strived to live in peace with their
neighbours regardless of their religion," he said, adding that the Iraqi
Christians are afraid to complain fearing retaliation.
Christians pre-date Islam by some 700 years and have lived in the area
known as Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) since St Thomas the Apostle
preached in 30 CE and founded the East Syriac Church.
"I can't imagine an Iraq without Iraqi Christians, says Hancock.
"Iraqi Christians contributed to Iraq with their skills and loyalty to
the country. It is sad to watch what happened to them for the last three
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