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Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia to Sign People's ~
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 30-04-06 14:03

Presidents Hugo Chavez (l) of Venezuela ,
Fidel Castro (c) of Cuba and
Evo Morales of Bolivia speak with the press at Havana's
Jose Marti airport on Friday. (AFP Photo)

April 29--The leaders of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia were poised to
sign Saturday what they call "a people's" trade accord designed to counter
US efforts to forge a free trade area of the Americas spreading from Alaska to Cape Horn.

According to AFP, presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia
arrived in the Cuban capital Friday to prepare for the signing of the People's Trade Treaty
that will streamline commercial relations between the three populist governments opposed
to trade policies of the United States.
Nicaraguan Sandinistra leader Daniel Ortega was also on hand.

"It will be a great meeting of three generations of revolutionaries, of people representing
the three revolutions that we still have to broaden," declared Morales after his arrival at
Havana airport.

The Bolivian leader expressed confidence the People's Trade Treaty will help promote
"just trade, trade that generates jobs, ensures living standards and defends human dignity."
Morales, who swept to the Bolivian presidency on a wave of popular discontent last
December, will also formally join the so-called "Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas,"
an initiative promoted by Chavez and Castro in an attempt to thwart US plans to build
a free trade zone in the Western Hemisphere.

Chavez praised what he described as economic achievements of socialist Cuba under
the leadership of Castro, his key regional ally.

The socialist summit is viewed with some concern in the region as members of the
Andean Community that includes Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru fear their
grouping could be dealt another blow, if Bolivia decides to follow Venezuela's
lead and withdraw from it.

Venezuela officially pulled out of the Andean Community this past week in protest
to its members signing bilateral free trade agreements with the United States
that Caracas insists threatens the commercial interests of Latin American countries.
Talks about forming a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) began at a Pan-American
summit in Miami on December 1994, with the parties committing themselves to wrap up
their work by 2005.

Jan Rasmussen

Knud Larsen (30-04-2006)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 30-04-06 16:35

"Jan Rasmussen" <7@7.7> wrote in message
> http://www.iran-daily.com/1385/2549/html/ieconomy.htm#s141132
> Presidents Hugo Chavez (l) of Venezuela ,
> Fidel Castro (c) of Cuba and
> Evo Morales of Bolivia speak with the press at Havana's
> Jose Marti airport on Friday. (AFP Photo)
> HAVANA, Cuba,
> April 29--The leaders of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia were poised to
> sign Saturday what they call "a people's" trade accord designed to counter
> US efforts to forge a free trade area of the Americas spreading from
> Alaska to Cape Horn.

> Chavez praised what he described as economic achievements of socialist
> Cuba under
> the leadership of Castro, his key regional ally.

Ja, det er imponerende at Castro nu har lovet at cubanerne skal have
elektrisk lys når de trykker på kontakten, - lige som alle andre
sydamerikanere, flere tusinde generatorer er bestilt.
Og "revolutionære" pionerer er sendt ud til alle hjem og tvangsopsætte
lysstofrør af sparetypen, det bliver et smukt syn. Det er vidunderligt at se
fremskridtene uafvendligt vælte ned over de lykkelige socialistiske
kammerater og borgere.

Martin Larsen (30-04-2006)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 30-04-06 17:16

Knud Larsen fortalte:

> Ja, det er imponerende at Castro nu har lovet at cubanerne skal have
> elektrisk lys når de trykker på kontakten, - lige som alle andre
> sydamerikanere, flere tusinde generatorer er bestilt.
> Og "revolutionære" pionerer er sendt ud til alle hjem og tvangsopsætte
> lysstofrør af sparetypen, det bliver et smukt syn. Det er
> vidunderligt at se fremskridtene uafvendligt vælte ned over de
> lykkelige socialistiske kammerater og borgere.

Mon det er petro-$ julemanden fra Venezuela, kammerat Chavez der har
foræret kammerat Fidel en sæk med lysstofrør for en kasse havanesere


Peter Bjørn Perlsø (30-04-2006)
Fra : Peter Bjørn Perlsø

Dato : 30-04-06 17:06

Jan Rasmussen <7@7.7> wrote:

> http://www.iran-daily.com/1385/2549/html/ieconomy.htm#s141132 Presidents
> Hugo Chavez (l) of Venezuela , Fidel Castro (c) of Cuba and Evo Morales of
> Bolivia speak with the press at Havana's Jose Marti airport on Friday.
> (AFP Photo)
> HAVANA, Cuba, April 29--The leaders of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia were
> poised to sign Saturday what they call "a people's" trade accord designed
> to counter US efforts to forge a free trade area of the Americas spreading
> from Alaska to Cape Horn.
> According to AFP, presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of
> Bolivia arrived in the Cuban capital Friday to prepare for the signing of
> the People's Trade Treaty that will streamline commercial relations
> between the three populist governments opposed to trade policies of the
> United States. Nicaraguan Sandinistra leader Daniel Ortega was also on
> hand.
> "It will be a great meeting of three generations of revolutionaries, of
> people representing the three revolutions that we still have to broaden,"
> declared Morales after his arrival at Havana airport.
> The Bolivian leader expressed confidence the People's Trade Treaty will
> help promote "just trade, trade that generates jobs, ensures living
> standards and defends human dignity." Morales, who swept to the Bolivian
> presidency on a wave of popular discontent last December, will also
> formally join the so-called "Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas," an
> initiative promoted by Chavez and Castro in an attempt to thwart US plans
> to build a free trade zone in the Western Hemisphere.
> Chavez praised what he described as economic achievements of socialist
> Cuba under the leadership of Castro, his key regional ally.
> The socialist summit is viewed with some concern in the region as members
> of the Andean Community that includes Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
> fear their grouping could be dealt another blow, if Bolivia decides to
> follow Venezuela's lead and withdraw from it.
> Venezuela officially pulled out of the Andean Community this past week in
> protest to its members signing bilateral free trade agreements with the
> United States that Caracas insists threatens the commercial interests of
> Latin American countries. Talks about forming a Free Trade Area of the
> Americas (FTAA) began at a Pan-American summit in Miami on December 1994,
> with the parties committing themselves to wrap up their work by 2005.
> Jan Rasmussen

And what exactly does this "PTT" consist in?

-- regards, Peter Bjørn Perlsø http://haxor.dk - http://liberterran.org
- http://haxor.dk/fanaticism/ - http://planetarybillofrights.org/ -

Trans (01-05-2006)
Fra : Trans

Dato : 01-05-06 15:53

Knud Larsen skrev:

> Ja, det er imponerende at Castro nu har lovet at cubanerne skal have
> elektrisk lys når de trykker på kontakten, - lige som alle andre
> sydamerikanere, flere tusinde generatorer er bestilt.

Jeg tror endda, at B&W i Danmark har fået kontrakt på levering af
nogle dieselmotorer.

Men et elværkssystem, som bruger små generatorer i stedet for et
stort kratværk distribution via højspænding, det er da ikke det
bedste, omend det altid er noget. Jeg synes, det går noget langsomt
på Cuba. Castro har nu været ved magten i et halvt hundrede år. I
U.S.S.R. var elektrificering noget af det første, man gik i gang med.


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