Peter Bjørn Perlsø <> wrote:
> Zimbabwe : Mugabe in 'come home' plea to exiles
> ectLink$1&sp=l30441
> ZIMBABWEAN President Robert Mugabe has issued an impassioned plea to the
> country's exiled professionals not to turn their backs on the country.
Og hvor mange af disse »professionals« er mon hvide, der er jaget ud af
deres hjem?
> In a rambling and incoherent speech during a rally to mark Zimbabwe's 26
> years of independence from Britain, the 82-year-old leader urged
> Zimbabweans to stay and "make the country better".
> It was Mugabe's first public admission of the negative effects the brain
> drain was having on the country's economy.
> Mugabe said: "You might go to England, but you will be discriminated
> against there. You will be given menial jobs like looking after old people
> in their homes.
Mon det også gælder de hvide?
> "If you flee then who will make the country better? Is it Mugabe alone?
> Did I fight for the county alone? The answer is no. It was a collective
> exercise."
> The country's health sector is suffering crippling staff shortages as
> nurses and doctors are leaving in droves heading mainly for the United
> Kingdom and Australia.
Mon ikke de fleste af dem er hvide?
> Inflation now runs at 913 percent, and is expected to rise further.
> Unemployment is estimated at 85 percent and the country is grappling
> with serious food shortages which Mugabe blames on a "spate of devastating
> droughts and an evil program of unjustified sanctions" by Western
> nations.
> The United States and European Union have imposed travel bans and other
> targeted sanctions against Mugabe and members of his regime.
> Mugabe pleaded: "We should remain united, love each other and help each
> other and know that we are all Zimbabweans especially in the face of the
> current challenges.
Ikke desto mindre er Mugabes styre et racistisk styre, der ser på race
når det konfiskerer effektive bønders jord.
Derudover sørger det jo for at modstandere af styret ikke kan få mad.
Per Erik Rønne