""Per Rønne"" <per@RQNNE.invalid> wrote in message
> På;
> <
> kan man se at det katolske magasin /Studi Cattolicis/ i martsudgaven
> viser to digtere, den romerske Virgil og den florentinske Dante, mens de
> betragter Muhamed i helvede. Magasinet er tilknyttet den velkendte
> katolske lægmandsorden Agnus Dei.
> Og så er der lige det med at Muhamed rent faktisk afbilledes som værende
> i helvede af Dante, i hans Guddommelige Komedie.
> Lad os se hvad gadens parlament i den islamiske verden siger til det ...
> På:
> <
> kan man i hvert fald se nye sammenstød mellem kristne og muslimer som
> følge af de jyske tegninger. Muslimer har i hvret fald angrebet
> begravelsen af en ældre koptisk kristen, efter at han var blevet myrdet
> af en 25-årig muslim som hævn over tegningerne ...
I Spanien har man i århundreder brændt store statuer af Muhammed hvert år
under festivaler, - men nu tør man ikke gøre det mere. (med det er slet ikke
selvcensur, iflg Tøger Seidenfaden, det er regeringen Foghs skyld
Der er en masse gode links på
og her er snesevis af tegninger af Muhammed:
By David Rennie in Valencia
An annual festival of satire in Valencia has fallen foul of censorship after
more than four centuries following the furore over Danish cartoons of the
Prophet Mohammed.
In the Fallas festival, giant sculptures of the high and mighty are placed
in the streets for the public to mock before being destroyed in an orgy of
gunpowder and flames. It has survived attacks by the Roman Catholic church,
various puritanical rulers and the Franco dictatorship.
Clergy and nuns are caricatured at the festival
This year's figures will include President George W Bush, several of the
Spanish prime minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and the Prince of
Wales dancing, in Highland dress, with the Duchess of Cornwall. But
self-censorship has seen Muslim and Arab figures modified to avoid offence.
The Fallas season is now underway until March 19 but as it approached,
Valencians watched global protests against newspaper cartoons of Mohammed
with growing alarm. Last month, the mayor, Rita Barberá, urged artists to
"temper freedom with a sense of responsibility" when referring to religious
At least one well known local Fallas artist admitted to removing elements
from his display of comic sculptures.
He had sculpted three life-size figures of illegal Arab immigrants storming
the Spanish border, in a reference to last year's crisis in Ceuta and
Melilla, Spain's enclaves in North Africa, involving thousands of migrants.
The artist has now removed details that identified them as Arabs.
The artist asked not to be named, partly for fear of reprisals, partly
because he did not feel proud of such "self-censorship". But this year was
"different", he said. Radical Muslim leaders appeared to be looking for
excuses to cause trouble.
"We saw what happened in Denmark," he said. "Those artists may have had the
freedom to draw Mohammed, but now they're living as virtual prisoners. They
have much less freedom than before. I felt responsible not just as an
artist, but as a citizen of this city."
Félix Crespo, the senior official in charge of the Central Fallas Council
that runs the festival, urged the neighbourhood committees that raise funds
to build the sculptures to avoid mixing humour with religion, "because that
can be misunderstood".
Everyone assumed these warnings referred to Islam because sculptures of
Roman Catholic priests, nuns, even of God, are a central part of the Fallas.
"The ordinary people do not know all the intricacies of Islam, they just saw
that there was a very extreme reaction to these [Danish] cartoons, they
heard that embassies were attacked, and so people felt cautious," said Mr
In the countryside near Valencia, many villages have their own festivals,
involving mock battles between "Moors and Christians", in an ancient
recreation of the Catholic reconquest of Spain from Arab rule.
However, according to this site, I read today that some villages are
cancelling the effigy part after they saw some Muslim nations' reactions
over the cartoons as they do not trust the sensibility of the reaction if
the tradition is made international. A village of Bocairent near Valencia
has decided this year to discontinue the century old tradition of burning
the effigy.
This news must be a great disappointment to some of Muslims because some
believe that they will bring Spain under Islam again. The dream exploded in
their brains that they believe that the entire continent of Europe will have
Islam as a religion. The problem that religions are not forced especially
when you see people on TV blown up in trains and metro stations or innocent
people beheaded in the name of allah and prophet Muhammed.However, according
to this site, I read today that some villages are cancelling the effigy part
after they saw some Muslim nations' reactions over the cartoons as they do
not trust the sensibility of the reaction if the tradition is made
international. A village of Bocairent near Valencia has decided this year to
discontinue the century old tradition of burning the effigy.
This news must be a great disappointment to some of Muslims because some
believe that they will bring Spain under Islam again. The dream exploded in
their brains that they believe that the entire continent of Europe will have
Islam as a religion. The problem that religions are not forced especially
when you see people on TV blown up in trains and metro stations or innocent
people beheaded in the name of allah and prophet Muhammed.
The point is simple. There are so many ways applied in different parts of
the world that are considered insulting to Islam or prophet Muhammed.
However, no one knew about the Danish cartoons except when evil extremist
radical Muslims living in Europe went to the Middle East and Asia to play
the people there through other radical Muslim leaders. In a world where
illiteracy rates are so high, it is easy to manipulate the truth.
The tradition of Spain has been running for decades and no one used it to
play the people. There are so many Muslim Spaniards living in Spain who are
aware of the tradition, however they do not kill each other over it as the
case with the cartoons.
The final point which I believe, most important, is that when someone
depicts anyone in an insulting way, the answer should not be torching
buildings and terrorising civilians or diplomats. There are so many channels
where humans can talk to each other than killings and burnings. The reaction
should have been different, especially that there are so malicious people in
our world that use Islam and the name of Prophet Muhammed to apply terrorist
ideologies. I wonder why Muslims are not doing anything seriously to curb
the evil of those people. Why Muslims were not so outraged by the bombing of
the Golden Dome Mosque in Iraq? And it is a holy Muslim Shiite Shrine.