GB schrieb:
> Muhammedsagen ala South Park: "Kyle, you are not being very sensitive"
> ThrowingApples har en god lang postering om seneste afsnit af South Park
> - der bærer titlen Cartoon Wars Part 1. Plottet er som følger:
> "Family Guy har tænkt sig at vise et billede af Muhammed så hele South
> Park går i panik pga. frygt for konsekvenserne. Dog bliver afsnittet i
> sidste øjeblik censoreret og alle er derfor reddet. I skolen skal
> børnende dog have en lektion i Muslimsk følsomhed. Family Guy vil dog i
> ugen efter vise endnu et afsnit, denne gang også med tegningerne af
> Muhammed som ikke censoreret. Derfor vil hele USA's befolkning af frygt
> for terror fra muslimer vise at de ikke er enige med Family Guy, dette
> gør de ved at begrave deres hoved i sand. Cartman hader Family Guy og vil
> under dække af "forståelse for muslimernes følelser" forsøge at få
> stoppet Family Guy før det bliver vist, da Kyle elsker Family Guy vil han
> derimod stoppe Cartmans mission."
> Her et par smagsprøve.
> In the classroom
> Mrs. Garrison: Welcome to Muslim Sensitivity training. It is important
> for us to understand why the muslims feel the way they do. And why we can
> never show an image of muhammed.
> Kyle: No, muslims cant show an image of muhammed.
> Mrs. Garrison: Kyle, you are not being very sensitive.
> Cartman: Yeah Kyle, maybe you think this is funny but the rest of us
> dont.
> Mrs. Garrison: Lets all look at why muslims are upset. First of all in
> the muslim religion you are not allowed to have what?..... SEX, good. There
> is no sex until marriage in the muslim world. Now this would be fine
> except that in the muslim religion you also cant?... Anybody?.... Jackoff...
> Okay, jacking is strictly forbidden in the muslim religion. And what do
> we know about the places muslim live? They live in?.... Sand! Now put
> yourself in the shoes of a muslim, its friday night but you cant have sex
> and you cant jackoff, there is sand in your eyes and proberly in the
> crack of your ass. And then some cartoon comes along from a country where
> people are getting laid and mocks your prophet. Well do you know what? I
> would be pretty pissed of too!
> At a town meeting
> Professor: Now look everyone, muslim terrorist and extremist are
> threatening us for what family guy is going to do. Because they wrongly
> grouped us together. Our only hope is to make the muslim extremist know
> that we have no part in the muhammed episode. That eventhough the episode
> aired, we didn't watch it, we didn't hear it and we didn't talk about it.
> Kerney: So how do we do that?
> Professor: We bury our heads in sand. We take 20 to 25 dump trucks fill
> them with sand and dump the sand along South Park avenue. By using 18
> shovels we each dig a hole in the sand, stick our heads in our holes, and
> have the person to our left bury our head. If we can manage to have every
> person in South Park burried deep in sand, before the muhammed episode
> airs, we can avoid looking like we are responsible for any part of this
> at all...
> Butters dad: No, no. Wait a minute, that's ridiculous. Look, what we need
> to do is just the opposite, freedom of speech is at stake here, don't you
> all see. If anything, we should all make cartoons of muhammed and show
> the terrorist that we are all united in the belief that every person has
> the right to say what they want. Look people, it's been real easy for us
> to stand up for free speech lately, for the past few decades we havn't
> had to risk anything to defend it. But those times are going to come, and
> one of those times is right now. And if we aren't willing to risk what we
> have, then we just believe in free speech, but we don't defend it.
> Stans Dad: I like the sand idea.
> The other: Yeah that sounds alot better...
> Set på Uriasposten
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